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Lysistrata Trying To End The Peloponnesian War

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They play Lysistrata is a women’s activist story that happens in a period before there was a term and definition known as women’s liberation. Women were tired of their men being excluded for a considerable length of time to battle for their nation, the ladies bound together and took care of issues themselves. The initial segment of the arrangement was to get control of the Acropolis qualifying the ladies for control of the accounts of the Polis. The second piece of the arrangement was to use techniques until a bargain can be bound. This arrangement was no simple undertaking because of the restrictions of ladies' rights and common freedoms.By using these techniques of the Acropolis from the men, they could change the result of the war and choose the issues of the polis. …show more content…
Lysistrata can be seen as a women’s activist trying to end the long war. It is a story in which ladies come and stand together for one basic reason and conviction and do what it takes to accomplish peace and security. The women can be seen as using uncommon tactics and techniques to end the Peloponnesian War. Lysistrata persuades the ladies of Greece to withhold sexual benefits from their spouses as a method for compelling the men to withhold fighting and come to peace. Lysistrata wants to request that the ladies to use tactics to end the war not being done in a harmful, damaging way but to persuade their spouses until the point that a bargain for peace has been agreed upon. The women use a couple techniques of withdrawal from men to convince peace such as abstinence, and putting on lots of makeup to impress and stand out

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