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Harper's Writing Style Analysis

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In the written narrative, it is evident Harper lacks proficiency in spelling, there are many words which appear to be ‘inventive spelling’ (Orton, 2000; Fellowes & Oakley, 2014). Harper is spelling words with incorrect letters and some words appears to be spelled phonetically based on a child of Harper’s age pronunciation of the spelled word. Harper undoubtedly is able to spell out the high frequency words, however, sight words and multi-syllabic words are misspelled. Cox (2013; as cited in Fellowes & Oakley, 2014) states that the ability to spell has a direct effect on the development of one’s reading skill. Harper displays writing skills of a child in the early phase three stage of writing skill (Fellowes & Oakley, 2014 p. 423). A child’s linguistic abilities is the reflective of the common reason why children like Harper has misspelled words in the narrative (Treiman, 1998). The fact that Harper …show more content…
A guided approach can be used in an individual and group level, which makes it beneficial to all classroom sizes and occasions. The areas in which the guided teaching approach is lacking is that the progress is left up to the children, and if their motivation is lacking, they will not feel obliged to keep up with everyone else as it is set to an individual pace (Fellowes & Oakley, 2014). Furthermore, if there are children in a class are discovered to be different levels of writing proficiency, it can be overwhelming on the teacher to segregate the class into groups and to monitor each group to ensure productivity. Whilst each child learns differently, both the modelled teaching approach and the guided teaching approach support children in different ways to develop and enhance their reading

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