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Obesity Persuasive Research Paper

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Parents now have the fear of outliving their children. Obesity is an international epidemic that affects millions and the generation between 13 and 24 is the middle of it all. There are many to blame for this problem and different ideas on how it drastically increased. Obesity could be caused through the different types of foods that have been introduced throughout the years. It can also be due in part to fast food companies advertising and selling unhealthy foods. The government has now gotten involved to prevent this growing epidemic that can ultimately harm a generation. Even though one can blame either the people or companies there is one clear reason why obesity has increasingly grown. Changes in society from the past to the present, have impacted …show more content…
One solution is showing awareness of what people are consuming. The government is already showing how obesity is related to the consumption of obesogenic foods but more can be done. Money should be placed to increase the publicity of obesity, prevention and cure. The counter argument believes that money should not be invested because people would not listen and continue with their ways. This is a valid argument but not a correct one. The fact is if people are constantly exposed to how people can prevent and fix obesity related diseases, the point will get through. One example of the awareness being able to work was presented by Dr. Gortmaker and his assistants. In this they showed that, “four interventions worked together to drive smoking rates down to 20 percent from 40 percent” (Brody). It can be argued that if the awareness of obesity and how can be both prevented and cured will lower it as it has with the issue of smoking. People will be informed on what they are eating and change to a different alternative. Advertising the effects of mal nutrition foods can help to the cause of unhealthy eating

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