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MANIC Discussion Essay

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MANIC Discussion Andrew Teasdale

What was the most import thing in the interview?

“Most: Question: To be effective on your job, what is the most important thing? Answer: How to support people in learning in the context of their job.”

During the interview, Dr. Teasdale stated that more instructional design is moving from focusing on formal learning to informal. This is an interesting statement because what it says to me is that we know that learning will take place either inside a classroom or outside of the classroom, but as a designer you have to be able to understand how will you be able to assist the learners, and it is more important as to what is taking place outside of the modules that you develop. This is why I would agree with the statement that consultants are needed because you will need to spend time with the clients/learners to understand what their needs are.

What was something you agree with in the reading?

“Agree: Question: If someone wanted to go into instructional design, what are the 3 most important things they should learn? Answer: 1) Understand learning theories, 2) Grasp of the tools set you are using, 3) Consultant, the better you can do this the more effective you can be.”

I can almost understand why Dr. Curry changed from English to …show more content…
The only thing that you would need to understand is how to provide the content and how does it need to be measured and meaningful for the end users. Development Dimensions International (DDI) was a term, rather a company I was not familiar with. When Dr. Teasdale talked about trying to connect 20 or so computers to do the design of Harrod’s Temple, I went and looked at the temple and so the integral work that was needed and required to pull something like that off, and then for some other students to say that’s what we do. Cut your time and effort

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