Premium Essay

MDBA And Brueghel Icarus's Death

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Words 283
Pages 2
Firstly, both MDBA and Brueghel’s painting reflect the theme of life goes on, despite the suffering. [Peter Brueghel’s painting depicts people working, herding sheep, and hunting fish. The city itself seems congested but it also leads to believe it can be the city they have escaped from.]1 Similarly, the poem is ekphrastic to the painting. The poem juxtaposes ordinary events and extraordinary ones, although extraordinary events seem to deflate to everyday ones with his description. As mentioned in the poem, life goes on while a "miraculous birth occurs", but also as "the disaster" of Icarus's death happens. 2 The focus is in both cases on the landscape. For example, the title of the painting drives the attention directly to the landscape,

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