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MICU Rotation Report

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Participating in many different clinical rotations, I thought I was ready to perform well and impress other nurses on my first day of the medical ICU (MICU) rotation for my last semester of nursing school. Having learned numerous concepts in class and passed all of my tests, I sure believed what I have experienced in the past have prepared me sufficiently. However, I did not expect to face a patient whose whisper will be forever remembered throughout my nursing career.
On the first day of MICU rotation, my instructor kindly introduced me to the unit manager and asked her to assign me with a nurse who is taking care of the most difficult/critical patient on the floor. She gave me a tour of the unit and then chose Jamison to be the preceptor for the day. Jamison introduced …show more content…
He was restraint to prevent him from knocking over many equipment around him and also from pulling out the tube. When I walked in to say hello, he made an eye-contact with me; I could clearly read from his eyes that he wanted someone to remove the tube. Jamison walked up to him and explained a plan for the day; doctors have decided to slowly discontinue all the drips except vancomycin and possibly extubate him. Around 10 am, the patient’s sedation drip was completely off as Jamison and I monitored the patient to see how he would react. However, as soon as the patient gained his energy back, the patient turned violent and began to forcefully move himself. Jamison and I tried to calm him down but he would not follow any commands that were given; he looked delirious and I knew two persons could not safely take care of him at the moment. Without hesitation, I grabbed attention of another nurse and requested help. Quickly, three other nurses, including my instructor, came over to help my patient calm down. Other than holding him down, I was not sure what else to do so I began praying for my patient’s safety and wellness. During the chaos,

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