...Introduction In modern economic society, while the global countries economic become more and more integrated, each member country focuses on the financial developments and economic growth, so that they can occupy one position in the modern competitive economic environment. Financial development involve lots of factors, including producing information about possible investments and allocating capital; monitoring the firm performance and corporate governance; trading, diversification, and management of risk; mobilization and pooling of savings; and easing the exchange of goods and service. Usually the financial development level is primarily determined by the local institutional quality, the extent of government police, geographic elements, native income level and cultural tradition. These factors formed the economic environment in which the banks and other financial firms to make decision for investment project and exogenous financing, furthermore, the customers decide whether consumption or saving, moreover, the financial intermediaries finance the fund in which approach from savers to borrowers. The well financial system can perfect the effect of information, enforcement and transaction cost on the saving rate, investment decision and technological innovation, and steady state growth rate. Financial market channel the fund to investment opportunities to get the profit, so if the financial system cannot work well, the economic growth also more or less affected. The essay mainly...
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...Introduction Stock market is a place for listed companies to raise capital .Companies can use the capital for continuing operating activities and expand business. However, the investors are explained to get a positive return from dividend and capital gain in the stock market. Based on the history, the economic condition will influence stock market. For instances, Malaysia faced deflation during the Asian crisis in years 1997. It caused the KLCI index sharply reduced from 1207.43 to 470.43. It have been shown that the investors need to predict the stock prices based on the macro factors to get an abnormal return from stock market There were a lot of researches to study the relationship between macroeconomics variables and stock returns. It is important to study the interaction of macroeconomics factor and stock return. Based on the study, the public can identify which factors can influence the stock market and use the knowledge to predict movement of stock price. According to Wongbangpo & Sharma (2002), the research can reveal the functions of stock market in identify the change in economic condition and also can predict the future performance of stock market. Besides, the study will be useful for the stock market participators. Clare & Priestley (1998) said that the study of the risk factor relationship of stock market will be useful for corporate manager to undertake cost of capital calculation. Moreover, the fund managers can use the information from the result of study to make...
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...Chapter 12 - Macroeconomic and Industry Analysis CHAPTER TWELVE MACROECONOMIC AND INDUSTRY ANALYSIS CHAPTER OVERVIEW This is the one of three chapters that covers fundamental security valuation. This chapter introduces a topdown approach to fundamental security analysis. It covers the first two components: macroeconomic and industry analysis. The textbook begins with a global analysis, particularly with respect to how the performance of domestic firms is influenced by international economic performance. The chapter’s main focus however is on aspects of the U. S. economy that affect security returns, including fiscal and monetary policy. In addition, a brief presentation of the determinants of interest rates is covered. The chapter concludes with a discussion of industry analysis that includes classifications of industries, information sources, the industrial life cycle and a Porter framework that can be used to analyze industry competition. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Upon reading this chapter, you should have a basic understanding of some of the macroeconomic factors that affect security prices. That is, how fiscal and monetary policy affect interest rates and security prices. And some industry groups are more affected by macroeconomic factors than others and the characteristics of an industry that affect its competitiveness. CHAPTER OUTLINE The top-down approach to fundamental analysis begins with analyzing the economy. Expected economic performance will influence...
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...MACROECONOMICS: A General Overview Finance is based on economics. Therefore, to properly understand financial markets and their behavior one must first understand economics. Economics at its core is concerned with the production, distribution, trade and consumption of goods and services. To put this in human terms we can say that economics is the science that arises out of the interplay between limited resources and unlimited human wants and needs. There are two basic ways to view economics. There is the broad and distant view, which attempts to view things in aggregate for a society at large. We call this view “Macroeconomics”. Macroeconomics is concerned with the status of the economy as a whole. Thus, it looks at overall employment of a general population or overall income of a nation as opposed to a more focused view of a population segment or specific industry. This view is helpful because it is only by this kind of analysis that we can see the general trends which a society or nation is following. Macroeconomic theory and analysis is employed most often by Governments and institutions, which have a responsibility to make policies and decisions which affect the economy as a whole. Some terms you may have heard of which concern themselves with the macroeconomic view of the economy are Gross National Product, Inflation, Consumer Price Index and Fiscal Policy. The meaning of each of these is listed below. Gross National Product – This is the most common measure...
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...economic developments. On that score, the profession failed catastrophically, revealing fundamental theoretical inadequacies. This intellectual failure has prompted us to launch the Review of Keynesian Economics. At a time of journal proliferation, some may wonder about the need for another journal. We would respond there is a proliferation of journals, but that proliferation is essentially within one intellectual paradigm. As such, it obscures the fact that the range of theoretical inquiry is actually very narrow. A journal devoted to Keynesian economics is therefore needed, both to correct this narrowness and because events have once again confirmed the profound relevance of Keynesian theory. Reflection upon the intellectual history of macroeconomics over the past 75 years can help to understand the current predicament and need for this new journal. That...
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...Macroeconomic Terms ECO/372 Version 8 University of Phoenix Material Macroeconomic Terms Define the following terms in your words. Term Definition Definition Source Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Is the total market value of all final goods and services produced in an economy in a oneyear period. Colander, D. (2012). Economics (9th ed.). East Windsor, NJ: McGraw Hill Real GDP Is the total amount of goods and services produced, adjusted for price-level changes. It is the measure of output that would exist if the price level had remained constant. Colander, D. (2012). Economics (9th ed.). East Windsor, NJ: McGraw Hill Nominal GDP The amount of goods and services produced measured at current prices. Colander, D. (2012). Economics (9th ed.). East Windsor, NJ: McGraw Hill Unemployment rate The U.S. unemployment rate is determined by dividing the number of people who are unemployed by the number of people in the labor force—those people in an economy who are willing and able to work—and multiplying by 100. Colander, D. (2012). Economics (9th ed.). East Windsor, NJ: McGraw Hill Inflation rate The percentage increase in the price of goods and services, usually annually http://www.investorwords.com/2456/ inflation_rate.html Fiscal Policy is the means by which a government adjusts its spending levels and tax rates to monitor and influence a nation's economy. It is the sister strategy to monetary policy...
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...Fundamentals of Macroeconomics ECO/372 Macroeconomics studies the aggregate behavior of the economic system as opposed to microeconomics whose concentration is on subcategories or individuals and how they make decisions. The use of macroeconomics can have a direct impact on the choices made for the nation’s economic benefit. When employing macroeconomics an economist can determine why products have decreased or increased in price. It analyzes many factors that play part in the health of the economy. This study, though, complicated can be employed to encourage different government policies that develop a certain affect for instance; increased government spending can create jobs and increase employment this is called expansionary policy. Decreased government spending can have the opposite affect this is contractionary policy. Macroeconomics Terms There are different terms associated with macroeconomics are important to know and understand. One known term is Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GDP is the value of all finished goods and services produced in a certain country during a certain time frame. GDP measures a country’s standard of living. Two words associated with GDP are real GDP and nominal GDP. Real GDP is the measure of the gross domestic product value adjusted for change in prices; this can be owing to inflation. Nominal GDP uses current prices on products and services (Colander, 2010). Unemployment rate is another important part of macroeconomics it indicates...
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...RUNNING HEAD: FUNDAMENTALS OF MACROECONOMICS 1 Fundamentals of Macroeconomics ECO/372 February 5, 2015 Samuel Imarhiagbe FUNDAMENTALS 2 Fundamentals of Macroeconomics Macroeconomics studies an economy at the aggregate level. It is concerned with the workings of the whole economy or large sectors of it. These sectors include government, business, and households. Macroeconomics deals with such issues as national economic output and growth, unemployment, recession, inflation, foreign trade, and monetary and fiscal policy (Koch, 2015). Macroeconomics is utilized when looking at the impact that activities such as purchasing groceries, massive employee layoffs and a decrease in taxes have on the government, households and businesses. Purchasing Groceries Grocery shopping is an activity that almost every household is expected to participate in. Approximately 15% of American income is spent on groceries; the smallest rise in prices can impact a family’s budget (Parker, 2011). Food prices are determined by several factors including, but not limited to, the economy, taxes, regulations and demand. If the demand for certain products is down or the economy is not doing well, the government may increase taxes on items, including groceries. If the price of groceries increases, consumers may be obligated to purchase a lesser amount of groceries or may begin purchasing a FUNDAMENTALS 3 lower quality of groceries from discount...
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...Fundamentals of Macroeconomics Kikisha Holmes ECO/372 Principles of Macroeconomics July 8, 2013 Lyn Bush Macroeconomics describes matters such as development, increase in prices, job loss, exchange rates, interest rates, and budget shortages. Macroeconomics provides a combined outline to report these issues and to examine the effect of different policies, such as fiscal and monetary fiscal policies, on the total behavior of individuals. This paper will define specific terms of macroeconomics and how specific examples of economic activities affect government, households, and businesses. The following terms explains the fundamentals of macroeconomics. Gross domestic product (GDP) is the aggregate of the selling prices, or values, of all finished goods and services made in the economy during a specific time frame and calculates the rate of economic activity inside the country. Real GDP is an evaluation of the value of production the economy creates. Nominal GDP is the current market value of all products and services created in the United States. Unemployment rate is the proportionate rate of the amount of individuals unemployed but are still looking for work. Inflation rate is the percentage of the rise or fall of rates on prices. Interest rate is the yearly amount charged by the lender on a product or service for the borrower to acquire the loan and allow the lender to get a return on the investment. ...
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...1. Critically examine the effectiveness of various approaches that may be used to reduce macroeconomic instability. According to Mc Vaish (Macroeconomics theory, p123) Macroeconomics can be defined as the analysis of the economy wide aggregates such as the analysis of the total output and employment, total consumption, total investment, total saving and national product. Macroeconomic theory employs technique of general equilibrium in order to study the determination of the general price level, money supply, total employment and output levels and fluctuations in these aggregates magnitudes. A macroeconomic stable environment can be defined as one in which inflation is low and predictable, the exchange rate is near its equilibrium level, the government budget is well managed, the budget deficit relative to GDP is at a reasonable level and the use of central bank credit to finance the budget deficit is kept at a minimal level. Macroeconomic stability sends important signals to the private sector about the direction of economic policies and the credibility of authorities’ commitment to manage the economy efficiently. Such stability, by facilitating long term planning and investment decisions, encourages savings and capital accumulation by the private sector. Macroeconomic instability takes place in two forms namely exogenous shocks and inappropriate policies. Exogenous shocks (such as reversal capital flows, terms of trade and natural disasters) require compensatory action...
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...What is a better Monetary System: Bargaining or Money? So far, every monetary system ever implemented has been problematic. For instance, money, in its various forms, has been liable to manipulation. Metal money made from precious metals may be degraded by the issuer or filed, shaved, or chipped by individuals. Paper currency makes it more difficult for individuals to alter money but is more easily manipulated by the issuer, whether central authorities of individual banks. Bargaining and money are the two principal systems that markets utilize in buying or selling of both services and goods. Notwithstanding its weaknesses, money remains a better monetary system compared to bargaining. The imposition of limiting monetary policy in a disjointed wage bargaining context where workers have considerable bargaining rights can have perverse effects. Notwithstanding the tendency of liberal economists to point labor-market rigidities arising from government regulation and active trade unions as the source of unemployment, evidence exist that the nature of macroeconomic policy can also play a role. Macroeconomic policies are essential, especially in ensuring that wage-bargaining systems are able to deliver wage moderation that is favorable to low unemployment levels (OECD, 2011, p. 328). Centralized bargaining systems only work best under an accommodating monetary policy while bargaining systems organized at the industry level works efficiently under a non-accommodating policy. Therefore...
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...University of Phoenix Material Macroeconomic Terms Define the following terms in your words. |Term |Definition |Definition Source | |Gross Domestic |Gross Domestic Product |http://www.investopedia.com/terms/g/gdp.asp | |Product (GDP) |(GDP) is a way to measure| | | |how well a nation’s |Goss Domestic Product - GDP | | |economy is doing. This is| | | |the value of money after | | | |the goods and services | | | |are calculated during a | | | |certain time. | | |Real GDP |Real GDP is the whole |http://www.diffen.com/difference/Nominal_GDP_vs_Real_GDP...
Words: 564 - Pages: 3
...Fundamentals of Macroeconomics Paper Desires and wants help represents a part of what economics stands for and the way people governors themselves in society. In today’s society the way a person lives helps the economy decides on the product of things that are produced for consumer’s way of living. To help understand some of the fundamentals of macroeconomics these definition will give a clearer example of what macroeconomics stands for. Gross domestic product (GDP) let you know the about the total market value of all products of good that have been produced in a year’s time. The real (GDP) will state the price of all the total goods that have been produced in that given year. Nominal (GDP) things that are not adjusted for inflation but a price will be figured. Unemployment rate shows the total work force that is not working at any given time. Inflation rate describes how prices are easily calculated and in changed in a matter of time. Interest rate is experience by all folk it is the given amount calculated on the price for the use of using someone else money. Purchasing of groceries, massive layoff of employees and decrease in taxes are economic activities that go on daily in the world. As stated “The quantity of goods, services, and usable resources depends on technology and human action (Colander, 2010, p. 5).” Without the purchasing of different products or spending, there will be no employees of taxes to increase or decrease. The purchasing of groceries...
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...as a way of acquiring information about outside events that can aid organizations in first identifying potential trends, then interpreting them (Kerin, Hartley, & Rudelius, 2010). These trends normally consist of five sources, social, economic, technological, competitive, and regulatory forces. My intention in this essay is to focus on one; the economic environmental force. I will discuss how the current state of the economy will impact completing an environmental scan. In order to evaluate how the economy will impact the completion of an environmental scan, it is essential to cover the concerns that affect the economic aspect whether people want to believe it or not. The first concern is the macroeconomic level or factors which cannot be controlled. Leo Sun describes macroeconomic factors as national or global events which are out of people’s control (Sun, 2013).They have an unpredictability and dangerous side to them that can cause most companies to fail if not managed by an experienced individual. One very recent example of this is the Boston Marathon attacks that left three people dead and approximately 170 injured. We have not seen the fallout of this attack economically, but there could be one to follow that will affect the consumers, businesses, and organizations alike. When negative macro factors present themselves, a snowball effect then seems to occur economically. It is important for a company to deal with these factors as soon as possible. Recession, inflation...
Words: 617 - Pages: 3
...of Macroeconomics by Smriti Chand Macro Economics The Nature and Scope of Macroeconomics! Introduction: The term ‘macro’ was first used in economics by Ragner Frisch in 1933. But as a methodological approach to economic problems, it originated with the Mercantilists in the 16th and 17th centuries. They were concerned with the economic system as a whole. In the 18th century, the Physiocrats adopted it in their Table Economies to show the ‘circulation of wealth’ (i.e., the net product) among the three classes represented by farmers, landowners and the sterile class. Malthus, Sismondi and Marx in the 19th century dealt with macroeconomic problems. Walras, Wicksell and Fisher were the modern contributors to the development of macroeconomic analysis before Keynes. Certain economists, like Cassel, Marshall, Pigou, Robertson, Hayek and Hawtrey, developed a theory of money and general prices in the decade following the First World War. But credit goes to Keynes who finally developed a general theory of income, output and employment in the wake of the Great Depression. Contents: Nature of Macroeconomics Difference between Microeconomics and Macroeconomics Dependence of Microeconomic Theory on Macroeconomics Dependence of Macroeconomics on Microeconomic Theory Macro Statics, Macro Dynamics and Comparative Statics Transition from Microeconomics to Macroeconomics Stock and Flow Concepts 1. Nature of Macroeconomics:________________________________________ Macroeconomics is the...
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