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Madox Ford Research Paper

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Barajas 1
Isaiah Odell Barajas
English IV
Mrs. Butterfield
September 18, 2014
Ford Madox Ford Background “I know nothing - nothing in the world - of the hearts of men. I only know that I am alone - horribly alone.” (Ford). On December 17, 1873, Ford Madox Ford was born. He is a modern era author who wrote several novels around the topics of love, intimacy, trust and frustration. Among those topics, most of Fords life can be connected to the topic of love, and how his life has changed his perception of it. Ford Madox Ford’s Portrayal of love was affected by his peer authors, his service in the military, and his martial issues.
One of the main things that changed Ford Madox Ford’s perspective of love was his peer authors. After marrying his high school girlfriend, Elsie Martindale, the two moved to Bungalow, Winchelsea, where Ford meets several famous authors in his immediate area, including Henry James, Stephen Crane, and H. G. Wells (Saunders). All these authors helped shape Ford by giving him advice on his works, and therefore, slowly pushed their ideas onto him. Fords ideas were molded by his neighbor authors, has changed his idea of love and trust, based on what the authors …show more content…
Ford and his wife’s, Elsie, marriage wasn’t very strong at all. Ford was accused of having an affair with his sister-in-law, Mary Martindale, which led him to go ballistic and be sent away from his family to Germany, so he could recollect himself. This “recollection” period helped Ford develop a lot of the setting for The Good Soldier These accusations, true or not, made Ford lose trust in the people he treasured and felt love for. In 1819, soon after the war, Ford met a painter named Esther ‘Stella’ Bowen that was studying in London, they quickly became lovers, and Ford Madox Ford’s marriage was in shambles. His divorce and multiple relationships had the most effect on his view and perception of love and

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