...Introduction Bode-Jänisch et al. (2012) states that ‘trauma is the leading cause of death in children, and non-accidental head injury is the leading cause of traumatic death during infancy’. While referral through Social Services is the most common presentation of the child with suspected non accidental injury (Speight, 2006), the emergency department sees children with all manner of injury, both accidental and non-accidental and it is crucially important that emergency department staff maintain a healthy suspicion and are sufficiently knowledgeable to be able to identify signs of physical abuse and to appropriately manage such cases (Conway, 2008). The correct diagnosis of non-accidental injury may be the difference between life and death for a child and can have a major influence on a child’s future quality of life (Speight, 1989). This assignment will discuss the presentation and identification of non-accidental injuries in children, typical non-accidental injuries, risk factors for abuse and the management of suspected non-accidental injuries in the emergency department. Factors that contribute to vulnerability for abuse There are a number of factors that contribute to a child’s vulnerability to abuse as well as risk factors for perpetration of abuse. Individual risk factors that make a child vulnerable to abuse include being the first born child (Greaves and Johnson, 2002), chronic illness, developmental delay, feeding difficulties, preterm delivery (Clutter, 2005), unplanned...
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...BELGIUM LUX. FRA NCE GERMANY POLAND CZECH UKRAINE REPUBLIC SLOVAKIA BELARUS LATVIA LITHUANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION DALYs lost per 1000 population, age-standardized 2002 Disability-adjusted life years combine years of potential life lost due to premature death with years of productive life lost due to disability 20 and above 15–19 REP. MOLDOVA 5–9 below 5 no data Stroke is the brain equivalent of a heart attack. Blood must flow to C A N A D A and through the brain for it to function. If its flow is obstructed, The increased risk of stroke from taking oral the by a blood clot moving to the contraceptive pills is substantially reduced by e is trok single S brain, or by narrowing or bursting using the modern, low-dose pill. est r bigg of majo of blood vessels, the brain loses its U S A e he caus lity in t . energy supply, causing damage to i m disab Kingdo tissues leading to stroke. ed Unit Annually, 15 million people BAHAMAS CUBA MEXICO worldwide suffer a stroke. Of DOMINICAN REP. ANTIGUA & JAMAICA HAITI these, 5 million die and another BARBUDA BELIZE MAURITANIA ST KITTS & NEVIS GUATEMALA HONDURAS CAPE VERDE DOMINICA 5 million are left permanently SENEGAL ST LUCIA EL SALVADOR ST VINCENT & GRENADINES GAMBIA NICARAGUA BARBADOS disabled, placing a burden on GUINEA-BISSAU GRENADA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO COSTA RICA GUINEA VENEZUELA GUYANA family and community. Stroke is PANAMA SIERRA LEONE SURINAME LIBERIA uncommon in people under COLOMBIA 40 years; when it does occur, the ECUADOR...
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...N AVA J O T E C H N I C A L U N I V E R S I T Y Dear Applicant: Thank you for choosing Navajo Technical University as a place to further your education. To be considered for Residential housing, a completed housing application with the following documents must be submitted: • Photo ID (State or Government) Yourself & all household members over the age of 18. Required • Official NTU Letter of Admission(s) Required • Copy of Class Schedule(s) Required (12 credits minimum) • Copy of Certificate of Indian Blood Yourself & all household members. Required • Birth Certificate(s) Yourself & all household members. Required • Security Deposit Efficiency Apartment $150.00 Full amount must be paid before moving into the unit. • Security Deposit Family Housing $250.00 Full amount must be paid before moving into the unit Note: If married, you must provide a copy of the marriage license or certified court order validating a traditional Navajo wedding or common law marriage. Due to limited Efficiency/Family Housing, students may be placed on a waiting list, therefore, please make sure all documents are submitted with the housing application as a complete package. • • • • Residential Living Cost (All housing charge may change on cost amount if prorated by weeks only) Fall/Spring Semester Efficiency Apartments $1,140.00 Fall/Spring Semester Family Housing $2,250.00 Summer...
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...experie nce in pe rfo rming the basic task o f ea rnin g hi s liv elihood . Th e sum total of thi s int e ll ec t a nd ex pe ri e nce c ann o t b e meas ured qu antit a tive ly, but is ce rta inl y impress ive . T o s timul a t e inc reasing utili zation of thi s e xcelle nce fo r th e b enefit of man k ind , I hav e chose n " Pe rso nal In vo lve me nt " as the th eme of my administrati on for 197 1-72. S upp ose ea c h of o u r mem be rs perso n a ll y in vol ves him s e lf in lo ca l civic acti vities fo r th ree hours CVC IY week . Ove r a yea r, thi s wo uld co ns titut e ne arl y fo ur milli o n m a nh o ur s . Moreove r, AS H RA E membe rs have just th e tal ent s needed to ass is t in th e soluti o n of so me of the majo r problems of ollr natio n! T a ke polluti o n, fo r exa mple. We ha ve probl ems o f a ir pollutio n, wate r pollutio n, th ermal polluti o n, an d no ise po llution , a m o n g oth e r s. But air , wat e r , heat and no ise a re ju s t th e things ASH RA E members "cut th eir te eth o n. " ASHRA E, thr o u g h it s me mbe r s a nd prog ra m s , is a prime factor in ad va nci ng th ese a nd o th er a rea s o f techno logy . \Ve s impl y ca nnot s ta nd o n th e s id e -Jin e s o f th e pollutio n prob lem . \Ve have so mu ch tale nt that it is our res ponsibilit y, in de e d o ur dut y a s profes s io n a ls, t o lend our ai d. It is no t easy. Ho rrendous pressure s a re bro ught to bea r by ac tivi st groups that cl amor...
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...1220.0 ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations First Edition, Revision 1 ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations First Edition, Revision 1 Bria n Pink Aus t r a l i a n Sta t i s t i c i a n Aus t r a l i a n Bur e a u of Sta t i s t i c s Geof f Basc a n d Gove r n m e n t Stat i s t i c i a n Sta t i s t i c s New Zea l a n d AUST R A L I A N BURE A U OF STAT I S T I C S / STATI S T I C S NEW ZEALA N D EMBA R G O : 11.30 A M (CANB E R R A TIME) THU RS 25 JUN 2009 ABS Catalogue No. 1220.0 © Commonwealth of Australia 2009 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitte d under the Copyright Act 1968 , no part may be reproduce d by any proce ss without prior written permission from the Comm onwea lth. Requests and inquirie s conce rning reproduction and rights in this publica tion should be addresse d to The Manager, Interme dia ry Manage me nt, Austr a lia n Burea u of Statistic s, Locke d Bag 10, Belconne n ACT 2616, by telephone (02) 6252 6998, fax (02) 6252 7102, or email: . In all cases the ABS must be acknowle dge d as the source when reproducing or quoting any part of an ABS publica tion or other product. © Crown Copyright New Zeala nd 2009 Statistics New Zeala nd gives no warra nty that the inform ation or data supplie d conta ins no errors. Howeve r, all care and dilige nce has been used in processing, analysing and extra tcing the informa tion. Statistics...
Words: 24282 - Pages: 98
...case 11 Ss&sm$ ef ffsrsfsresst The School of Business, one unit in a public university enrolling over 40,000 students, has approximately 2,100 students in its bachelor's, master's, and doctorate programs emphasizing such areas of business as accounting, finance, information and operations management, marketing, management, and others. Because the School of Business must serve a diverse student population on limited resources, it feels it is important to accurately measure students' satisfaction with the school's programs and services. Accurate measurement of srudent satisfaction will enable the school to target improvement efforts to those areas of greatest concern to students, whether that be by major, r,rppott services, or some other aspect of their educational experience. The school feels that improving its service to its customers (students) will result in more satisfied alumni, better community relations, additional applicans, and increased corporate involvement. Because graduate and undergraduate students are believed to have different expectations and needs, the school plans to investigate the satisfaction of these two groups separately. In a previous survey of graduating seniors using open-ended questions, three primary areas of concern were identified: the faculty, classes/curriculum, and resources. Resources consisted of five specific areas: Undergraduate Advising Services, the Learning Center, Computer Facilities, the Library, and the Career ...
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...continued support and guidance by contributing in the accomplishment of this narrative report, the author would like to extend his profound gratitude and sincere appreciation to the following: Instructor Joey C. Cereno, the subject teacher for helping and giving his precious time to give assistance and encouragement. For his untiring efforts in giving comments and suggestions, for his kindness, knowledge and understanding. To all his mentors and faculty members of the Institute of Information and Communication Technology, for being an inspiration and a hand who is always willing to help. To the participants of the seminar, for their willingness to share and acquire knowledge during the seminar. His loving friends, Maricel, Owen, Jellous, Majo, James, Benicer and April for the time they spent together which makes things easier. To his loving mother, Josie and father…….who greatly contributed emotional and financial support, without them, this narrative paper would not...
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...Running Head: JAPANESE ANIMATION 1 LIBERAL ARTS JAPANESE ANIMATION 2 Probably all have ever seen or just heard about the anime. Everyone remembers the characters that differ colored hair and big round eyes. Works such as Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z, Gundam Wing, and of course Pokémon are a cult of its genre. I'm sure many have seen these cartoons, but never thought about what they are and who made them. I remember when I was a kid watching Pokémon after school and could not have imagined that the same Looney Tunes are completely different things. In my mind there was only one question: "Why their eyes so big?" Where did all these cartoons come from? To find the answer one must look no further than in Japan, the birthplace of Japanese animation, and the main source for all of this madness. Japanese animation, also known as anime (pronounced "ani-may"), is a popular form of animation in Japan, which is quickly spreading in the world. The major difference between anime and American cartoons is that unlike American cartoons, which are only watched by children, anime is popular among the Japanese adults and is watched by millions. The audience is not merely directed to children but to teens and adults as well. The same applies to Japanese comics known as manga. The origins of Japanese animation art are in the cultural traditions of this nation. Despite the nearly century-long period when the animation as an element of contemporary...
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...A Brief History of Anime Michael O'Connell Source: Otakon 1999 program book Early Days At the beginning of the 20th century, Japanese graphic artists began to feel the influence of two very powerful Western inventions: the newspaper comic strip and the motion picture. With its word balloons and linear story-line, the comic strip provided Japanese story-tellers with a structure that was readily accessible to the masses. Soon, popular cartoonists like Rakiten Kitazawa and Ippei Okamoto were producing their own serialized newspaper prints. These would eventually contribute to the development of the modern Japanese comic book or "manga" In 1914, cartoonists were among the first Japanese artists to experiment with animated motion pictures. Japan's first world-wide success was Kitayama Seitaro's short film Momotaro(1918). Although the Japanese animation industry continued to grow slowly, its one, last pre-war milestone was Chikara To Onna No Yononaka. Appearing in 1932, the short film was the first animated "talkie" in Japanese. Elswhere in the world, the animation industry was not only thriving but breaking new ground. The undisputed leaders in the field were Walt Disney and the Fleisher Brothers. People now forgot what a shock it was for Disney to even consider producing a full-length animated feature. But, when Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs appeared in 1937 to overwhelming popular acclaim, Disney demonstrated that animation could be just as expressive and viable a medium...
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...The attached assignment is NOT a model answer but rather an indication of how one syndicate group approached the problem set for that semester. It was one of the better papers but ……… Please note that the Executive Summary portion received a fail as it did not concentrate on what the group had recommended – the alternatives and why which one was chosen. They did, however, develop some alternatives, discussed them and then decided which one should be selected within the main body of the paper. It is also worth noting that for a 2008 assignment; almost all of the references were from that year. There are NO textbooks listed. AFF92 260: Aust ralian Cap pital Mark kets Semester 2‐ 2 S 2008 MZM C ON ULT ING M M NSU G MRCB gula y Ca al B Reg atory apita Fu ing Alte ative und erna es Authors: Version 1.0 Date e Issued: 25/09/ /2008 Word Count: 5,000 (no ot including ta ables) MZM CONSULTING Paul Masulan ns, Alex Zaikin ne, David McG Ghee Monash Unive M ersity Level 3 Building H 900 Dandenon ng Rd. PO Box x 197 Caulfield East, Victoria 3145 Australia 25 Septem mber 2008 Re: Regulatory Capita al Funding Alternatives CB Board, Dear MRC Please find the attach hed report on n regulatory capital funding alternatives. ument has b been prepare for the C ed Chairman and Directors ...
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...Salary and Wages in Malaysia by Rohayu Abd. Ghani Rasidah Arshad Fazli Idris Rozhan Othman Noreha Halid June M.L. Poon Ayu Trisna University Kebangsaaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor This paper discusses the compensation practices in Malaysia against the backdrop of the legal framework for wage and salary deterinatio n. It also exa mines the Malay sian labo ur mark et situation a nd trends in salary and wage administration together with the role of unions in compensation determination. INTRODUCTION Malaysia is a country of more than 20 million located at the southernmost tip of mainland Asia. Besides being a leading exporter of commodities such as natural rubber, tin, palm oil, timber, petroleum, and natural gas, Malaysia is also one of the world’s leading exporters of electronic semicond uctors, roo m air-cond itioners, and a udiovisual e quipmen t. Prior to July 199 7, Asia was seen as a region exemplifying success in economic growth and development. Between 1991 to 1996, the Malaysian econom y grew at an ave rage rate of m ore than 8% . Howev er, Mala ysia could no t shield itself from being negatively impacted by the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis where the nation suffered a 7.5% c ontraction in its Gross D omestic P roduct (G DP) in 1 998. In 2000, M alaysia had a workforce (defined as persons between 15-64 years old) of slightly above 9 million. About 60% of the workforce were below 35 years of age. Union members accounted for about 8.15% of the labour force. Unemployment...
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...URBANISATION IN INDIA: A DEMOGRAPHIC REAPPRAISAL R. B. Bhagat Department of Geography Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak-124001, India Introduction: The United Nations estimates indicate that at mid 1990s, about 43 per cent of the world population lived in urban areas. With the urban population growing two and a half times faster than its rural counterpart, the level of urbanisation is projected to cross the 50 per cent mark in 2005. United Nations projections further show that by 2025, more than three- fifth of the world population will live in urban areas (U. N. 1993). The growth rate of urban population of developing regions has been declining recently. It was estimated to be 3.9 per cent per annum during 1980-85, which declined to 3.79 per cent per annum during 1980-85, 3.62, and 3.43 during 199095 and 1995-2000 respectively. The decline in the rate of urbanisation is also continuing in developed regions of the world. As a result, some of the European countries have experienced negative urbanisation during 80s ( U. N. 1993 ). However, the continued absence, namely, adequate data on rural to urban migration in most developing countries as well as on natural increase in rural and urban areas separately precludes attribution of the slowing down of urban growth in most of the countries to any single demographic process. It reflects the effects the host of factors like the relatively week expansion of urban industries and price shifts unfavourable to manufactured goods, population...
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...Jer ry: Ben: Jerry: Ben: Jerry : Ben: What's interest ing abo ut me a nd my role in the company is, I'm j ust this guy on the street. A pe rson who 's fai rly conventional , mainstream. accepting of life as it is. Salt ofthe earth. A man of the pe opl e. But then I'v e go t this friend , B en, who challenges everything. It' s against his nature to do anything the same wa y any one 's ever do ne it befo re. To which my response is always , " I don 't think that'll wo rk." To which my response is always, "How do we know till we try ?" So I get to go through this leading -edge, risk -takin g exp erience with Beneven tho ugh I' m really ju st like everyo ne else. The perfect duo. le e cream and chunks. Business and social chonge. Ben and Jerry. • - Be n & Jer ry 's Double Dip , As Henry Morgan's plane passed over the snow-covered hills of Vermont' s dairy land, throngh his mind passed the events of the last few months. It was late January 2000. Morgan, the retired dean of Boston University'Sbusiness school, knew well the trip to Burlington. As a member of the board of directors of Ben & Jerry's Homemade over the past This case was preparedby Professor Michael J. Schill with researchassistancefrom D aniel Burke. VernHines. Sangyeon Hwang, Won sang Kim, Vincente Ladinez, andTyrone Taylor. It was written as a basis forclass discus sion rathe than to illustrat effectiveor ineffectivehandlingof an administrative situation Copyright 0 2001 by r e . the University of Virginia Darden...
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...INDEX INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………....p.2 2. INTRODUCTION TO THE CRISIS .…………………………………...p.4 3. THE FINANCIAL AND CONSTRUCTIVE CAUSES. ………………...p.5 4. CONSEQUENCES 4.1. FINANCIAL MARKETS 4.1.1. 2007 ………………………………………………………….p.9 4.1.2. 2008 ………………………………………………………….p.11 4.2. CONSTRUCTIVE BUBBLE ……………………………………...p.12 5. GOVERNMENT INTERVENCION ON… 5.1. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS FEDERAL RESERVE AND CENTRAL BANKS ………………..p.19 5.1.2. EMERGENCY ECONOMIC STABILIZATION ACT …....p.21 5.1.3 BAYLOUTS AND FAILURES ……………………………...p.24 5.2. HOMEOWNERS 5.2.1. HOMEOWNERS ASSISTANCE ……………………….....p.26 5.2.2. THE HOMEOWNER AFFORDABILITY AND STABILITY PLAN ……………………………………………….....p.29. 6. INTERVIEW WITH RICARD FERNANDEZ…………………………..p.31 CONCLUSIONS…………………………………………………………….p.35 AUTOAVALUATION………………………………………………………..p.36 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND SOURCES INFORMATION…………………….p.37 1.INTRODUCTION My initial intentions were to elaborate a research project with the objective of comparing the financial crisis in USA and Spain that were and are going through. I was planning on finding all the similarities and differences that were most important or characteristic. When I was half way on the research, I realized how extent the information was, so I reduced to the financial and banking part, and the construction bubble. I did this because I thought they were the most important or interesting (for me) subjects. Finally, I changed...
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...Economic Policy Paper on Political Stability and Economic Development: The Case of Bangladesh 1. Introduction Among the non-economic variables considered as sine qua non for development, political stability comes first. One may argue that other non-economic factors like rule of law, law and order situation are subsumed under political stability. On the other hand, major determinants of development like savings and investment, relative price stability, human resources, level of technology, factor productivity can play an effective role when political atmosphere is congenial. For example, it is argued that political stability and convenient law and order ensure the confidence of the people in the economy and its further development, which encourages the people to save. It also promotes confidence of the investors in the economy and convinces them to invest and reinvest. Of course, price stability, higher education and technical qualifications of the population, increasing factor productivity, technological modernity, export promotion etc. may not be directly related to political stability. But political stability in the long run ultimately ensures a relative price stability, improves educational and qualification status of the people, increases factor productivity, enables technology transfer, promotes exports. Those are the factors essential for economic growth. Moreover, long term political stability provides a congenial atmosphere for evolution of democracy. Democratic political...
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