...Human Resource Department Makro is an equal opportunity employer. They extend equal opportunity to all individuals without regard for race, religion, color, gender, creed, national origin, age, disability or handicapped status. Their success is guaranteed by creative job opportunities, designed to fulfill Makro’s mission. The success of Makro is determined by the success of unified team operating in their organization. Human Resource Department of Makro basically functions in the following manner: Job analysis Job specifications Job descriptions Sources of recruitment Hiring policies General hiring Procedures Interviews and tests Selection policy Selection process Performance appraisals Factors of appraisals Makro values initiative, collectivity, cooperation, team work, integrity and curiosity. These are the main points that the HR officials keep in mind while hiring a person or evaluating an employee’s performance. Moreover, both hiring and firing at Makro is based on perfaormance evaluation of a particular employee.Any change in the company of any sort from the change in name, home address, and telephone number is immediately noted by the HR representatives of the company. At Mako, everyday is a workday. People there have to work every day of the year except for 2 to 3 days. All Line managers keep record of employee attendance. If an employee is frequently late without any acceptable reasons, the Line Managers inform HR, and corrective disciplinary actions are...
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...ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengaplikasikan kontrol optimal dalam model makro ekonomi sehingga diketahui pertumbuhan variabel makro ekonomi yaitu; modal, shadow value of capital dan obligasi dalam jangka waktu tertentu dan jangka panjang dengan konsumsi barang impor dan konsumsi barang domestik sebagai kontrol. Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak perubahan tarif barang konsumsi dan barang investasi dalam jangka waktu tertentu dan jangka panjang terhadap kesejahteraan. Dinamika pelaku ekonomi, diantaranya dinamika produsen, dinamika konsumen dan dinamika dari pemerintah sebagai regulator, masing-masing dinamika pelaku ekonomi ditulis dalam bentuk persamaan kontrol optimal. Persamaan kontrol optimal masing-masing dinamika pelaku ekonomi dapat dinyatakan menjadi satu persamaan kontrol optimal. Untuk mengetahui dampak perubahan tarif barang konsumsi dan barang investasi dilakukan simulasi numerik pada persamaan kontrol optimal dalam jangka waktu tertentu dan jangka panjang. Simulasi dengan perubahan tarif yang sama besar sebesar 50% dan 100% serta perubahan tarif barang investasi dengan tarif barang konsumsi tetap dan perubahan tarif barang konsumsi dengan tarif barang investasi tetap. Dari simulasi yang dilakukan dalam jangka waktu tertentu, menunjukkan bahwa dengan menetapkan titik akhir variabel keadaan yaitu modal dan obligasi akan mengakibatkan turunnya kesejahteraan. Dampak dari peningkatan tarif yang sama besar akan mengakibatkan...
Words: 738 - Pages: 3
...1. Rechter Mausklick -> Quelltext anzeigen. 2. Strg+A -> Strg+C -> Word öffnen -> Strg+V. 3. Ansicht->Makros->Makros anzeigen->Makroname->Erstellen. 4. Ersetzen von Umlauten (äöüß und ÄÖÜ) & Satzzeichen. 5. Prüfen ob alles wie gewollt gefunden wird. 6. Anschließend haben wir dynamische Makros für die Umlaute geschrieben: Selection.Find.ClearFormatting Selection.Find.Replacement.ClearFormatting With Selection.Find .Text = "ä" .Replacement.Text = "ä" .Forward = True .Wrap = wdFindContinue .Format = False .MatchCase = False .MatchWholeWord = False .MatchAllWordForms = False .MatchSoundsLike = False .MatchWildcards = True End With Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll With Selection.Find .Text = "Ä" .Replacement.Text = "Ä" .Forward = True .Wrap = wdFindContinue .Format = False .MatchCase = False .MatchWholeWord = False .MatchAllWordForms = False .MatchSoundsLike = False .MatchWildcards = True End With Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll With Selection.Find .Text = "ö" .Replacement.Text = "ö" .Forward = True .Wrap = wdFindContinue .Format = False .MatchCase = False .MatchWholeWord = False .MatchAllWordForms = False .MatchSoundsLike = False .MatchWildcards = True End With Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll With Selection.Find .Text = "Ö" .Replacement.Text = "Ö" .Forward = True .Wrap = wdFindContinue .Format = False .MatchCase = False .MatchWholeWord = False .MatchAllWordForms = False .MatchSoundsLike = False .MatchWildcards = True End...
Words: 1011 - Pages: 5
...Introduction Currently, Mergers and Acquisition strategy has been significant growth in term of amount and size of organization (Hitt, Harrison, and Ireland, 2001). Since 1980s, the total value of M&A is approximately 1.3 million million dollar and has a huge of increasing amount more than 11 million million dollar in 1990s. The important reason most of companies do merger and acquisition is to empower in market, more opportunities to access not enough/less own resource of company, more powerful in negotiate with supplier and customer, expand distribution channel, also reducing cost of production risk or new service that company has not enough capability to generate. Moreover, Mergers and Acquisition could limit ability of competitor and hurdle competitor to do business as well as reducing cost of operation because Mergers and acquisition make company expansion. As a result, it could possible to advantage in scale and scope (B.Elango 2006). For acquired companys, they would gain the advantage in term of financial condition because they usually gain capital meaning stronger in company financial. However, there are some considering factors about the problem of internal management after acquiring or merging such as organizational culture, the risk or failure with wrong set objective. These might be effected to operate business in the future. Mergers and Acquisition could be influenced in different groups both company and acquirer. Thus, it is necessary to consider...
Words: 7876 - Pages: 32
...PENYERAHAN DAN PENILAIAN TUGASAN ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION AND ASSESSMENT _________________________________________________________________________ OUMM2103 ENTREPRENEURSHIP SEPTEMBER 2014 _________________________________________________________________________ ARAHAN KEPADA PELAJAR / INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS 1. Tugasan ini mengandungi SATU (1) soalan sahaja yang disediakan dalam Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris / This assignment contains only ONE (1) question that is set in both Malay and English. 2. Jawab dalam Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris. / Answer in Malay or English. 3. Muat turunkan templat tugasan versi bahasa yang berkenaan daripada MyVLE untuk penyediaan dan penyerahan tugasan anda. Tugasan anda hendaklah ditaip dengan menggunakan saiz fon 12 Times New Roman dan langkau baris 1.5. / Download the language version of the assignment template concerned from the MyVLE for preparation and submission of your assignment. Your assignment should be typed using 12 point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing. 4. Tugasan anda hendaklah mengandungi 2500 hingga 3000 patah perkataan tidak termasuk rujukan. Bilangan perkataan hendaklah ditunjukkan di hujung tugasan anda. Jangan menyalin soalan dan arahan tugasan dalam jawapan anda. Pemeriksa tidak akan membaca jawapan tugasan yang melebihi had patah perkataan yang dibenarkan. Jumlah perkataan hendaklah dinyatakan di penghujung tugasan anda. / Your assignment should be between 2500 to 3000 words excluding...
Words: 1586 - Pages: 7
...mikrosociologije shvaćen je kao teorijsko osuvremenjivanje, moderniziranje discipline, napredak i apolitičan korak u istinu. Iskorak iz dogme u znanost. No, i mikrosociologija ima probleme koje valja imati na umu pri produkciji valjane spoznaje društva. Teško je svesti pluralan dijapazon mikro pristupa na jedan nazivnik. Što dijele simbolički interakcionizam, dramaturški pristup, teorija etiketiranja, etnometodologija, fenomenologija i egzistencijalistička sociologija? Uvjetno rečeno, uz distanciranje kakvo jedna ovakva generalizacija mora imati, mikrosociološki pristupi stavljaju naglasak na slobodu aktera, a ne na ograničavajuće društvene spone; lakše ih je provjeriti nego makro teorije; akterovo tumačenje vlastitog ponašanja i društvenog konteksta smatraju ispravnim i ne nastoje ga „znanstveno“ korigirati kao makro pristupi; privilegiraju direktnu interakciju na štetu indirektne, a unikatne pojave na štetu ponavljajućih; zanima ih kakve su posljedice interakcije na izabranog aktera, a ne na ostale aktere ili društveni kontekst; sklonije su kvalitativnoj metodologiji nego kvantitativnoj; zagovaraju metodološki individualizam umjesto metodološkog holizma; i naposljetku, identitet aktera fleksibilnim i podložnim promjeni, a ne fiksiranim i stabilnim. Kada stvari...
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...INTRODUCTION TO METRO METRO Cash & Carry – this name stands for one of the great success stories in modern commerce. The unique wholesale business-to-business model of METRO Cash & Carry is focused only towards professional customers such as hotels, restaurant, and caterers as well as small and mid-sized retailers. METRO Cash & Carry offers this target group a greater efficiency than the multilayered supply chain thus helping them to improve their business: By offering them a one-stop solution for their purchases, by helping them to improve their assortment, by offering them high quality products at reasonable and transparent prices and by offering them a consistent supply source. What does METRO offer? METRO Cash & Carry is a reliable partner for more than 20 million professional customers worldwide. It gives them a clear competitive advantage in their own markets. Professionals can purchase everything they need to run their business: A restaurant owner, for example, can buy food like fish or vegetables as well as kitchen equipment and office supplies. METRO Cash & Carry offers an exceptionally wide range of highquality products under one roof. Depending on the size and type of wholesale center, the assortment includes up to 20,000 items in the food range and 30,000 items in the nonfood sector. As the name implies, METRO Cash & Carry customers select their own items and take them with them to their restaurants and shops. With this unique business-to-business concept, the company...
Words: 2877 - Pages: 12
...covered a majority of the areas that were expected and showed that had a good grasp of the market position and vision of the company. I would have liked to see more of an analysis of the competitors in the market to Meat One. While I understand K&N’s being a competitor, why would you consider Makro and Metro Cash & Carry without looking at The Meat Shop (Zamzama) and local butchers that are available at everyone’s doorsteps? This makes me wonder why you would limit the competition. Strengths of the Assessment • • Well researched Properly defined brand characteristics and potential value for “consumers” Weaknesses of the Assessment I think that you needed to cover a few things that are missing in the brand assessment: • What about price points? Understanding that Meat One is significantly higher than most of its competitors, why would I consider going to them? If you look at K&N’s, who you listed as a competitor, the price difference on chicken products are significantly different. What about availability? K&N’s is available at any store in Pakistan, whereas Meat One can only be purchased at a Meat One outlet. How much does that affect the brand perception? Metro Cash & Carry and Makro are single outlet locations, why would you count them as competitors? Do you really feel that they affect the overall market significantly enough to count them? Why did you not include The Meat Shoppe (Zamzama) in your competitor analysis? While you highlight the fact that Meat One doesn’t freeze...
Words: 475 - Pages: 2
...strategies given to spot additional value innovation opportunities . Our task is to implement these on the mushroom business we have started. First I will explain the strategies with reference to our industry. The first one is to look across the strategic groups of the industry .mushroom is basically a vegetable, a vegetable which is not so common in Pakistan and difficult to grow. the vegetable industry basically has three strategic groups in Pakistan . the first are the street hawkers and small shops located in almost every kind of locality. The second are the big store outlets like Makro , Metro HKB express etc where people buy vegetables from . the last is the tinned or canned industry. In the last category major products are olive both black and green and different types of mushrooms. What I propose our strategy should be here is that first we should target the restaurants and the big stores like makro. If we fail to convince them then our focus should be towards the major markets where restaurant owners buy these products for example Main Market Gulberg. The second category is to look across the chain of buyers .the obvious customer group are the restaurant chefs. Here what we should do is that rather to focus them we should focus all of the upper middle and upper class. We should market or sell our product in a bit posh areas where this gentry buys their vegetables from. Because they are the ones who already know about mushrooms. lower class or middle class wouldn’t know much...
Words: 622 - Pages: 3
...pemeriksaan laboratorium didapatkan leukosit 8.500/ ul, hal ini menandakan diare akut yang dialami pasien bukan disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri dan kemungkinan disebabkan oleh virus. Pada pemeriksaan feaces didapatkan Eritrosit : 0-1,leukosit: 1-2 , ditemukannya eritrosit pada feces biasanya bersasal dari anus atau rektum dikarenakan adanya lesi. Untuk leukosit feses 1-2 dikatakan tidak bermakna. Terapi yang diberikan pada pasien ini pada tanggal 19 april 2014 adalah IVFD RL gtt 25x/m (makro) selama 4 jam , dilanjutkan dengan gtt 10x/m, Oralit diberikan 100cc setiap BAB, Zink 1x20mg. Pada dehidrasi ringan sedang seharusnya diberikan rehidrasi secara oral saja yaitu oralit 75cc/kggbb/selama 4 jam, namun pada pasien ini mengalami bab cair dan muntah profuse sehingga rehidrasi diberikan secara intravena dan oral, yang bertujuan untuk mengganti previous water losses dan mencegah terjadinya dehidrasi berat (on going water losses) . Pada tanggal 21 april 2014 terapi yang diberikan IVFD Kaen 3A gtt X/m (makro), Oralit 100cc/BAB, Zink 1x20mg, Pemberian rehidrasi cairan melalu intravena...
Words: 461 - Pages: 2
...Marketing principles Price discrimination Outline 1. Introduction............................................................................................................................3 2. Conditions for price discrimination........................................................................................3 3. Types of discrimination..........................................................................................................4 4. Advantages/Disadvantages of price discrimination...............................................................5 5. Economic explanation.............................................................................................................6 6. Examples of price discrimination......................................................................................7-16 7. Price discrimination in universities..............................................................................17 - 23 8. Summary.............................................................................................................................24 What is price discrimination? The goal of every business is to maximize its profits and they can achieve this goal by successfully determining the price of their products. There are many different ways to deal with determining the price of the products. All of these ways are called – pricing strategies. Price discrimination is one of many ways how companies may determine the price of their...
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...PT MODERN INTERNASIONAL Tbk Keterbatasan laporan keuangan PT Modern Internasional sebagai berikut: 1. Risiko Persaingan Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan menghadapi persaingan pasar terhadap produk-produk sejenis yang dipasarkan oleh perusahaan lainnya. Adapun saingan-saingan PT Modern Internasional terutama persaingan pada salah satu sektor bisnis nya yaitu 7-Eleven. Indomaret, Alfamart, dan Circle K merupakan saingan utama dalam mendapat pangsa pasar. Terutama pada Circle K yang juga merupakan convenience store yang juga menjual beberapa produk siap saji. Persaingan yang ketat dapat mengakibatkan menurunnya tingkat laba yang diperoleh dan berkurangnya sebagian pangsa pasar produk-produk perusahaan. Apalagi persaingan di Indonesia pada industri ritel telah berada pada situasi yang sangat ramai. Convenience store 7-Eleven merupakan bisnis ritel yang fokus pada produk makanan dan minuman siap saji. Sebagai pemain baru di bisnis ritel di Indonesia 7-Eleven harus bisa ikut bersaing dengan pemain – pemain yang sudah ada. Tapi, meskipun persaingan industri ritel di Indonesia saat ini sangat ketat, pemain baru seperti 7-Eleven telah menunjukkan perkembangan yang baik dan perusahaan juga optimis mampu bersaing karena gerai convenience store 7-Eleven yang menyajikan makanan dan minuman siap saji ini memiliki perbedaan dari lawan - lawannya. Salah satu produknya yang telah dikenal secara internasional yaitu Slurpee yang telah membuat sebuah tren baru dalam sebuah minuman. Slurpee...
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...(ROA, ROE, LDR). Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder berupa laporan triwulanan keuangan Bank Devisa dan Bank Non Devisa yang diperoleh dari BI selama periode 2002-2006. Metode analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis keuangan (ROA, ROE, LDR) dan analisis statistik (Uji Beda Dua Rata-Rata dan Uji Regresi Linier Berganda). Uji Beda Dua Rata-Rata digunakan untuk menganalisis perbedaan kinerja dan Uji Regresi Linier Berganda digunakan untuk menganalisis pengaruh ekonomi makro terhadap ROA, ROE dan LDR. Proses pengolahan data untuk kedua analisis tersebut menggunakan program SPSS versi 13.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 2002-2006 perbedaan kinerja antara ROA, ROE Bank Devisa dan ROA, ROE Bank Non Devisa setelah krisis ekonomi tidak signifikan. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa selama periode penelitian yaitu tahun 2002-2006 Bank Non Devisa berperan lebih besar dalam menjalankan fungsinya sebagai lembaga intermediasi dilihat dari rasio LDR nya. Indikator ekonomi makro (Inflasi, Nilai Tukar Rupiah terhadap US Dollar, Suku Bunga SBI) tidak...
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...TÜRKİYE İKTİSATI İLK HAFTA ÖDEVİ – 2013 | İçindekiler Tablosu 1. Modernizm2 2. Kopenhag Kriterleri3 3.1. Siyasi Kriterler3 3.2. Ekonomik Kriterler3 a. Makro Hedefler3 b. Diğer Ekonomik Kriterler3 3.3. Topluluk Müktesebatına Uyum Kriteri4 3. Maastricht Kriterleri4 4. 1838 Balta Limanı Antlaşması ve Etkileri5 5. KAYNAKÇA7 1- MODERNİZM Modernizm; kültürlerin ortadan kalktığı, her şeyin değiştiği, ilerlediği ve bir hesaba bağlandığı bir dönem olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu dönemde geleneksel hayatı yaşama, kültürel varlıkları muhafaza etme, günceli, sanatı ve estetiği yaşama, bireye odaklı kahramanlıklar sergileme anlayışları yerini akılcı tutumlara, rekabete, kendini ve başkalarını yönetme endişelerine bırakmıştır. Bu nedenle modernizm, hem bilim ve ilerlemenin dönemi olmuş hem de egemen aklını mensuplarına dayatma suretiyle topluma, doğaya ve gelecek tasarımlarına akılcı esaslarla yaklaşma mantığını geliştirmiştir. Modern akılcı bilim kesin gerçeklere ulaşma hedefiyle kurulmuş ve vizyonunu ideal bir tasarımıyla birleştirerek genişletmiş olması nedeniyle, modernist yaklaşımda toplum bir oluş biçimi olarak değil akılcı bir tasarım olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bu tasarımda tarih, devamlı iyiye ve mükemmelleşmeye doğru evrimsel bir yöneliş olarak yorumlanır. Modernleşme süreci içinde tarihin bütün tortuları atılır ve akıl ile bilimin süzgecinde sürekli bir aydınlanmaya doğru gidilir. 2- KOPENHAG KRİTERLERİ ...
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...Lomba Karya Tulis Mahasiswa Menuju Nilai Tukar Rupiah yang Lebih Stabil dengan Sistem Nilai Tukar Syariah: Suatu Pembuktian Empiris Metode Ordinary Least Square[1] Oleh: Rika Kumala Dewi Viany Indah Anggryeny Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia Depok 2006 BAB I PENDAHULUAN Di era yang semakin terbuka seperti sekarang ini, perdagangan internasional merupakan bagian yang tak terelakkan, bahkan bisa dibilang suatu necessary condition menuju era perdagangan bebas. Hal ini berarti, stabilitas perekonomian suatu negara juga dipengaruhi oleh negara lain. Dalam hubungan antar negara ini, banyak pihak menaruh perhatian khusus terhadap nilai tukar, suatu variabel yang disebut-sebut sebagai variabel yang bisa “menghancurkan” ketenangan ekonomi suatu negara. Bukti nyata telah terjadi pada tahun 1997! Anjloknya nilai tukar negara-negara di dunia, termasuk Indonesia, telah membuat perekonomian lesu, bahkan pembangunan menunjukkan angka negatif, dan hutang luar negeri Indonesia pun membengkak 6-7 kali lipat[2]. Kalutnya perekonomian dunia tahun 1997 ini telah membuat berbagai pihak menaruh perhatian terhadap apa yang dinamakan nilai tukar. Berbagai formulasi dirumuskan dalam rangka mencari bentuk yang paling tepat untuk menjaga stabilitas nilai tukar. Tak ketinggalan juga pemerintah, dalam hal ini Bank Indonesia, melakukan perubahan kebijakan nilai tukarnya dari sistem nilai tukar mengambang fleksibel (september 1986-Agustus 1997) menjadi sistem...
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