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Malcolm Sayer's L-DOP The Cure

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The Cure
Malcolm Sayer a doctor from New York had made one of the most extraordinary medical discoveries in recent memory. He realized that the drug L-DOPA could be used to treat catatonic patients that survived the breakout of encephalitis lethargica in the early 1920’s. These catatonic patients were practically hopeless until Dr. Sayer discovered this extraordinary drug that gave the patients short periods of awakenings, something they had not be able to experience in almost 30 years. After many more years of searching for a more permanent cure for the patients Dr. Sayer came to a decision that it was time to retire and work some new experiments, he could not just decided what issue he desired to research. Sitting in his book filled house …show more content…
Sayer then disappointedly hung up the phone. Dr. Sayer came to the realization that that their would be few if any doctors in New York that didn’t think finding a cure for HIV was a lost cause. Although he was not ready to give up that easily. He continued to work vigorously on finding a cure until he finally found a breakthrough. Dr. Sayer hypothesised that if he combined Cytoxan and Avastin it would cure the HIV virus. Following further, more extensive research Dr. Sayer discovered that both these drugs have very dangerous side effects that are shown in almost 100 percent of patients. In spite of this Dr. Sayer still wanted to approach the FDA about the usage of the antidote. Dr. Sayer then called the commissioner of the FDA, Arthur Hayes Jr. and said,” Hello, Mr. Hayes I believe I have found a combination of drugs that would provide a cure for the HIV …show more content…
“Well… I guess I am going to have to take you word for it. The least I can do is thank you for you time into the

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