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Mali Empire Research Paper

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The Mali Empire was a West African multi-ethnic superstate that lasted roughly 400 years. It was famous for its wealth, legal administration, education (Timbuktu was a center of learning), music, culture and war making abilities. It had standing armies with chain mail clad knights and specialized infantry famed for skill with spear and bow. The leading group of the Mali Empire was the Mandinka people. Eight current states of West and North Africa make up the former Mali Empire. The founder of the Mali Empire was a historical figure who has since taken on legendary qualities. His name was Sundiata. This is, as was traditional among his ethnic group, a combination of his mother's (Sogolon) and father's (Maghan Kon Fatta) names. It translates into …show more content…
It is told like that for the sake of things turning out to be good for all in the end. In this certain oral of history Sundiata is passed down through the generations as a hero who defeats all of the challenges in his way. When he reaches Mema where he and his family are granted sanctuary, he comes to realize that he was meant to be a great ruler. Through all of his triumphs against the will of God he becomes strong and knew that his strength would never be doubted. Sundiata wins as to carry on his legacy. The legacy of a strong man who conquers all with his army. The hero of this epic wins in a sense where the underdog comes up and takes all. Sundiata being the underdog of the story goes through life being made fun of but does not let that slow him down. For when the Griot instructs young Sundiata to come out of the bushes and roar, Sundiata raises himself up of the ground, and proves to all the people watching that he is strong. His winning of all these tiny battles leads to him winning the big war at the end against his all time enemy. This behavior is admirable as well as the Griot’s attitude towards

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