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Words 296
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Michelle Panazzolo
May 8, 2008
Grigoris Argeros

Population Growth According to Thomas Malthus

Throughout history, many people have made assumptions and expectations on population growth. Over the past two centuries, birthrates have dramatically increased; meanwhile death rates have significantly decreased. One influential person to discuss this phenomenon was Thomas Robert Malthus. According to Malthus, the population is growing much more rapidly than the resources available to the population. Throughout his six editions of An Essay on the Principle of Population, Malthus explains his ideas about population growth, which he believes will eventually lead to famine, war, or other epidemics. On February 13, 1766, Thomas Robert Malthus was born to Daniel and Henrietta
Malthus in Guildford, Surrey. His father Daniel was friends with philosophers David Hume and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and was in a prosperous family. He was home schooled at a young age, and then went on to attend the Dissenting Academy in Warrington before his acceptance to the Jesus College in Cambridge. At the Jesus College, Malthus majored in
Mathematics but won many prizes in English declamation, along with other subjects. After earning his Masters Degree in 1791, he was elected as a fellow of Jesus College, taking orders and becoming an Anglican country parson. On April 12, 1804, Malthus married Harriet Eckersall; his first cousin once removed. Malthus and Eckersall had three children together named Henry, Emily, and Lucy. At the East India Company College in 1805, Mathlus became Britain?s first professor in political economy, but then moved on to become a fellow of the Royal Society in 1818.
Because he was embarrassed of his cleft lip, Malthus would not have his picture taken until 1833, when he had corrective surgery. Malthus died on December 23, 1834, leaving his legacy of...

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