...Motives of transfer pricing strategies – systemic analysis Ching-Wen Lin (Graduate Institute of Management, National Ilan University, Ilan City, Taiwan) Hsiao-Chen Chang (Graduate Institute of International Business Administration,Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan) Tujuan Penelitian : Menyelidiki motivasi internal dan eksternal yang ada pada perusahaan multi national dalam hal manipulasi harga transfer. Teori yang Digunakan Sebagai Basis Penelitian : - Motif untuk memanipulasi transfer pricing (Styron, 2007). - Faktor-faktor relevan yang berpengaruh pada manipulasi transfer pricing (Tang, 2002). Variabel : * Tarif export/impor Negara pengimpor dan pengekspor. * Pajak Negara dimana perusahaan berlokasi. Metode Pengumpulan Data : Menyebarkan survey pertanyaan mengenai manipulasi transfer pricing yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan adanya interview. Proses selanjutnya adalah melakukan Analytic Network Process. Alat Analisis Uji Statistika : * Penggunaan alat dan teknik ANP: digunakan untuk menghitung bobot dari model yang dibentuk. * Penggunaan Analitic Hierarchy Process (AHP): digunakan untuk meneliti dan meramalkan perilaku pengisi survey. Hipotesis : * H1 : Terdapat hubungan antara erat antara penghematan pajak dengan manipulasi transfer pricing. * H2 : Penghematan pajak bukan lagi alasan manipulasi transfer pricing. Temuan : * Penghematan Pajak bukan lagi merupakan fokus utama terjadinya manipulasi pada...
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...CFOs role in the diffusion of management control systems 29 May 2015 CFOs role in the diffusion of management control systems Abstract Purpose – this paper aims to review the literature on CFOs and their role in diffusing management control systems. Design/methodology/approach – this paper identifies 41 studies from leading academic journals and evaluates 7 of these studies, which deal with CFOs role in diffusing management control systems. The author analyze both research design and actual findings in the field. Findings – The analysis finds that even though characteristics such as education and tenure is shown to have an effect on the innovation of management control systems, there are also contradictions on which characteristics have a significant effect which opens for further research on the subject. Originality/value – the author synthesize the findings and derive a future research agenda. Keywords – CFO, management control systems, upper echelons, literature review Paper type – literature review 1. Motivation Recent papers (Burkert and Lueg, 2013; Hiebl, 2014) suggests that CFOs have become more powerful in recent years and that they are responsible for the diffusion of management control systems across organizations. To examine the role of the CFO in diffusing management control systems, I review literature with a focus on upper echelon characteristics of CFOs and management control systems, which will allow me to clarify the influence CFO characteristics...
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...JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING RESEARCH Volume Fifteen 2003 pp. 95–116 Practice Developments in Budgeting: An Overview and Research Perspective Stephen C. Hansen The George Washington University David T. Otley Lancaster University Wim A. Van der Stede University of Southern California Abstract: Practitioners in Europe and the U.S. recently have proposed two distinct approaches to address what they believe are shortcomings of traditional budgeting practices. One approach advocates improving the budgeting process and primarily focuses on the planning problems with budgeting. The other advocates abandoning the budget and primarily focuses on the performance evaluation problems with budgeting. This paper provides an overview and research perspective on these two recent developments. We discuss why practitioners have become dissatisfied with budgets, describe the two distinct approaches, place them in a research context, suggest insights that may aid the practitioners, and use the practitioner perspectives to identify fruitful areas for research. INTRODUCTION udgeting is the cornerstone of the management control process in nearly all organizations, but despite its widespread use, it is far from perfect.1 Practitioners express concerns about using budgets for planning and performance evaluation. The practitioners argue that budgets impede the allocation of organizational resources to their best uses and encourage myopic decision making and other dysfunctional budget games....
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...The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/1176-6093.htm Research in management accounting innovations An overview of its recent development Nur Haiza Muhammad Zawawi Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia and School of Accounting, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, and Management accounting innovations 505 Zahirul Hoque School of Accounting, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia Abstract Purpose – The purpose of paper is to present a review of the literature on management accounting innovations (MAIs). Specifically, it explores recent developments in research on MAIs and offers suggestions for future research. The review differs from existing reviews by its specific focus on MAIs and the recent time period covered. In this paper, MAIs refer to the adoption of “newer” or modern forms of management accounting systems such as activity-based costing (ABC), activity-based management, time-driven ABC, target costing, and balanced scorecards. Design/methodology/approach – The paper presents a review of findings from journal articles published in 22 notable accounting journals. Findings – The review finds that research on MAIs has intensified during the period 2000-2008, with the main focus on exploring the extent to which a host of organizational and environmental factors influence the implementation and use of MAIs in organizations. In addition, research...
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...ijcrb.webs.com OCTOBER 2010 VOL 2, N O 6 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS Management Control System Hamed Armesh Faculty of Management ,MMU,Malaysia Listed in ULRICH S Dr. Habibollah Salarzehi , Dr.Baqer Kord Faculty of Management, University of Sistan and Baluchestan Abstract A management control systems (MCS) is a system which gathers and uses information to evaluate the performance of different organizational resources like human, physical, financial and also the organization as a whole considering the organizational strategies. Finally, MCS influences the behaviour of organizational resources to implement organizational strategies. Keywords: Management , Control , Systems 1. Introduction To introduce this topic and understanding the importance of management control system we know that In the present globalised world, organisations need to use management control systems that go beyond the strategies that focus on acquisition of technology and logistics which are not sufficient to give the organisation sustained long-term competitive edge over its competitors. Management Control Systems (MCS) as defined by Anthony (cited by LangfieldSmith, 1997) is the process by which managers ensure that resources are obtained and used effectively and efficiently in the accomplishment of the organization s objectives . MCS is a system used in an organization which collects and uses information to evaluate the performance of the organizational resources...
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...Accounting is considered as the major helping hand to form a successive management which needs to report and analyse the business transactions. Accounting is a pathway of measuring success through the designing projects as measuring the outcomes of the projects in line with the target goal of the organisations (Elliot, Barry & Elliot, Jamie, 2004). Organisations maintain their financial reports with the help of accounting theories and policies. The international financial reporting standards also help to keep the accounting practice effectively, efficiently, and correctly. The efficient management will be built if the organisation follows the international reporting standards accurately. As a mandatory course unit of myself I need to prove my understanding about the financial systems and auditing through this report. I will gradually demonstrate my understanding on the purpose, use, importance of accounting records, accounting systems, computerised accounting system, manual accounting systems, business risk, audit risk, internal and external control systems, importance of auditing, and planning audit assignment as well as preparing audit report in the body part of my report. Task One Purpose and Use of Different Accounting Records Accounting records represents the management of all source of information in different records books. These records are ledger, journals, bank statements, adjusting journals, statement verification, invoice, brochure, and etc. The purpose and use...
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...Management Control of Project Portfolio Uncertainty: A Managerial Role Perspective Tuomas Korhonen, Cost Management Center (CMC), Department of Industrial Management, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland Teemu Laine, Cost Management Center (CMC), Department of Industrial Management, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland Miia Martinsuo, Department of Industrial Management, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland PAPERS ABSTRACT ■ This article presents empirical results on different managers’ viewpoints regarding the sources and management of project portfolio uncertainty. As a key result, this study demonstrates the versatility of uncertainties experienced by managers, the limited degree of perceived control over them, the use of an almost complete management control package in managing uncertainties, and the necessity of managers’ cooperation in the skilled use of the management control package when managing uncertainties. In addition, a further research agenda is proposed. KEYWORDS: project portfolio management; uncertainty; managerial roles; management control systems; product development INTRODUCTION ■ n their product development, large companies have adopted project portfolio management (PPM) as a means for prioritizing and selecting product development projects among various options as well as allocating resources with the value maximization, balance, and strategic alignment of the portfolio in mind (Cooper, Edgett, & Kleinschmidt...
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...United Kingdom Enhancement of the Accountability of Public Sectors through Integrity System, Internal Control System and Leadership Practices: A Review Study Mohamad Azizal Abd Aziza, Hilmi Ab Rahmanb, Md. Mahmudul Alamc, Jamaliah Saidc* a Faculty of Accountancy, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia b Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Kelantan Campu, Malaysia c School of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia c Accounting Research Institute (ARI), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia Abstract Currently, governance in public administration has become a global issue as a result of the continuous stream of governance failures, fraud, inefficiency, corruption, and poor internal control and financial management. Public sectors worldwide are now under pressure to justify the sources and utilizations of public resources as well as improving the performance in their services delivery. Now it is considered as public rights to monitor the transparency and efficiency of public administration. To ensure good governance, understanding the way to improve accountability in public sector is very essential. Therefore, to enhance the accountability in the public sector, based on the literature review this study discusses on the organizational internal factors that has influences on accountability; integrity system, internal control system and leadership qualities. This study could assist policy makers to establish more accountability...
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...European Journal of Marketing 29,1 8 Received June 1994 Information systems in marketing Identifying opportunities for new applications Jari M. Talvinen Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki, Finland Introduction Over the past three decades, subtle changes in the theory and practice of marketing have been fundamentally reshaping companies. These changes have also been evident in marketing and management related information systems. More and more, companies are faced with the need to control an ever larger and rapidly changing marketing environment. The information processing requirements of companies are expanding as their competitive environments become more dynamic and volatile[1]. To handle the increasing external and internal information flow and to improve its quality, companies will need to take advantage of the opportunities offered by modern information technology (IT) and information systems (IS). Managing marketing information by means of IT has become one of the most vital elements of effective marketing. By collecting and sharing marketing information and by using it to promote corporate and brand image, IS offer new ways of improving internal efficiencies of the firm. Information systems allow dynamic marketing communication between personnel in corporate planning, accounting, advertising and sales promotion, product management, channels of distribution and direct sales. Information technology-based marketing information systems (MkIS)...
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...Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting ISSN 1946-052X 2012, Vol. 4, No. 1 The Impact of Accounting Information System in Planning, Controlling and Decision-Making Processes in Jodhpur Hotels Dr. Omar A.A. Jawabreh Tourism and Hotels Sciences Department, Al Balqa Applied University, Jordan, Aqaba E-mail: www.ojawabreh2000@yahoo.com Ali Mahmoud Abdallah Alrabei Research scholar, Dept of Accounting, J.N.V.U E-mail: alialrabei@yahoo.com Received: February 23, 2012 doi:10.5296/ajfa.v4i1.1435 Accepted: March 25, 2012 Published: June 1, 2012 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5296/ajfa.v4i1.1435 Abstract The study aims to identify the reality of accounting information systems in four and five-star hotels in terms of planning, controlling and decision making. The descriptive analytical method has been used through data collection by means of a questionnaire distributed to various hotel accountants. After the statistical analysis of the questionnaire, appeared several key findings most important of which are that hotels in Jodhpur didn't use the methods of accounting information system in planning, control and decision making processes. The study finding respectively that all grouped items have a mean of (1.77, and 0.00), (1.85 and 0.00), (1.98 and 0.00) level of significance (p-value), which means that these hypothesizes is rejected. Because there is no relationship between accounting information system and planning, controlling, and decision-making in four and five star Jodhpur...
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...Abstract This article provides an overview of the recent literature on franchising, with special attention to management control issues. Based on an analysis of franchising articles published in twenty-five high-impact journals over the period 1996–2008, the literature is divided into the following three broad streams: franchise initiation and subsequent propensity to franchise, franchise performance and control of franchising relationships. Several research gaps and avenues for future research are identified, especially towards a systematic study of management control issues in the context of franchising relationships. Key words: franchising, literature review, management control JEL-codes: D23 – L22 – L26 – M21 – M40 2 I. INTRODUCTION This article provides an overview of the recent management literature on franchising, with special attention to its management controli aspects. Franchising plays a prominent role in business life today. This form of entrepreneurship is increasingly being adopted in a variety of sectors, especially by retailing and service companies such as McDonald’s, Holiday Inn, Body Shop and Benetton. According to the Deontological European Code of Honour (2004), franchising is a system for the sale of commodities, services and/or the application of technology. It is based on a close and continuing cooperation between juridical independent and financially autonomous companies, namely the franchisor and his individual franchisees. Hereby, the franchisor...
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...Operation Management Assignment Declaration of Plagiarism Table of contents:||||| 1.0| Introduction||||| 2.0| Operations Management||||| 3.0| Toyota Production System (TPS c ) |||| | 4.0| Just in Time Inventory Management||||| 5.0| Lean Manufacturing||||| 6.0| Supply Chain Management||||| 7.0| Conclusion||||| References||||| 1.0 Introduction The success of Toyota Motor Company is due to the unique reduction systems that focus on continuous improvement and just in time management. Toyota has created a decentralised structure that encourages employee participation and team working. Toyota incorporated concepts just as supply chain management and inventory management to create high quality automobiles and gain a competitive edge in the highly competitive global automobile market. Toyota’s success and its lean manufacturing philosophy have been widely studied. The Toyota manufacturing system is centred on achieving a high level of productivity. The company has a unique approach to problem solving and it continuously trains its employees. The Toyota Production Systems is based on the lean manufacturing philosophy that seeks to minimize wastages and centres on cost reduction. The Toyota manufacturing philosophy emphasises on quality management through a process of continuous improvement. This report looks at how Toyota created its manufacturing system and the role of operation management techniques...
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...GOVERNANCE This journal of JBM International Science Press, examines the study of the relationship between internal audit and corporate governance with various argumentations of internal audit activities, attempting to sketch out their relationship. It analyses the contribution of internal audit to corporate governance. Based on what I found in the journal and my opinion, this journal have emphasized the importance of internal audit which is really compulsory for every company to follow as it improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the management and company. Moreover it also have mentioned that the relationship and communication between employer and management is important in internal control which is an effective idea on maintaining employer’s loyalty and reduce fraud. But this journal less focus on the disadvantage of internal control if it is not handled wisely which is really need to be considered before implementing internal audit control system. The journal have explained well on how the internal control benefits the company but as an auditor or a manager, one should also consider the disadvantage that might be faced by the company from internal audit control. Internal audit control systems have a few weaknesses that business owners must address. First, broad application. Internal audit control systems can be very broad in their application and this can create a weaker internal audit control system. Business owners should attempt...
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...Instructions, Flowcharts and Ledgers location of Cash Receipts Journal in the SUA packet of materials SUA Journals location of General Ledger in the SUA packet of materials SUA Instructions, Flowcharts and Ledgers The reason for not permitting a person who has temporary or permanent custody of an asset to account for that asset is to protect the company against __________________________. fraud. A client's accounting records are unfamiliar to a new auditor. Where would the auditor go to learn the names and numbers of the accounts being debited and credited in the client's transactions? Chart of Accounts Which of the following sequence of steps in the accounting cycle is correct? Prepare documents, record in journals, post to ledgers, and prepare unadjusted trial balance What are the names of Waren's three employees? Ray Kramer, Jim Adams, Nancy Ford The overall objective of the Systems Understanding Aid and this class is to help aid in the understanding and visualization of the entire accounting process How much sales tax applies to wholesale sales according to Illinois state law? No sales tax On January 15, Waren Sports Supply purchased on account $120,000 in from their vendor Velocity Sporting Goods. On February 10 they paid the vendor in full for this purchase. The correct journal entry is Debit Accounts Payable $120,000 Credit Cash $120,000 ...
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... This syllabus has endeavoured to strike a balance between theory and practice and classic and contemporary concepts. The MBA programme of Gujarat Technological University (GTU) will be conducted on a semester basis with four semesters spread over two academic years. The duration of each semester will be around 15 weeks. In each semester there will be seven courses/subjects. In the first year all the 14 courses are compulsory. In the second year there will be three types of courses, namely, compulsory, electives and sectorial specialisation. The MBA programme will have four electives, namely, Marketing, Finance, Human Resource and Information Systems. A student can choose any one of the four electives. There will be five sectorial specialization areas, namely, Retail, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Rural and Cooperatives, Public Systems and Policy, and Banking and Insurance. A candidate has to opt for one of the sectorial areas. In each semester of the second year there will be three compulsory courses, three electives and one sectorial course, thus making a total of six compulsory courses, six elective courses and two sectorial courses in the second year. Once a student opts for a particular elective and sectorial course in semester III, he/she will continue the same in semester IV. The institution conducting the programme can either offer all the electives and sectorial options or the minimum requirement of two for each. The institution is free to drop an elective or sectorial...
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