Free Essay



Submitted By chenjylc89
Words 3190
Pages 13



2. 1 PAGE BIZ SUMMARY-challenging exercise to narrow the scope of the business idea and summarize

3. SNAPSHOT OF A BUSINESS PLAN-details of the sections of a table of contents sections

4. Outline Table of Contents

5. 11-1 TO 11-11 SUM helps research and develop information to complete in chart formats the key information for your written business plan; some charts may be used in your full plan and in your presentation

6. WEB SITE RESOURCES help with information and samples on business plans

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|Research purpose, participants, customers, prospects, partners who will attend. |
|Determine type of participation-in a booth, walking around, workshop/presentation |
|Determine materials needed-biz cards, flyer, brochure, portfolio, samples |
|Identify objectives and set a numerical target. Record numerical achievement |
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[pic] Vision

[pic] Mission

[pic] Objectives

[pic] Strategies

[pic] Plans
|Problem |Solution |Unique Value Proposition |Unfair Advantage |Customer Segments |
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| |Key Metrics | |Channels | |
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|Cost Structure | |Revenue Streams |
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For additional information check out resources section.


Cover Page - Complete Business name, tagline, address, phone, fax, email, web address

Table of Contents - Sequential listing and page numbers of the sections of the plan.

Executive Summary - A 1-2 page synopsis of your plan which summarizes the most important parts of your plan. It is written LAST.

Company Overview - This section provides basic information on the business, its legal structure, location. It’s an “in a nutshell” overview of the business and is often called the General Company Description.


The Vision is the “possible’ dream, the achievable, reality-based place you want to get to in 3-5 years. The Mission is a statement that concisely describes your strategy for making the vision happen. The Objectives state the measurable accomplishments that need to happen to move the company in a direction of the vision,

Management & Advisors - The background, responsibilities, skills and qualifications of the key personnel (can include resumes in the appendix). Also includes your advisors-paid (legal, accounting/bookkeeping, graphic design, bank, insurance, suppliers) and unpaid (volunteer advisory boards-virtual and meeting-who and area of expertise)

Product/Service Description - Description of your product (s)/services(s), package(s)and pricing, and what makes it unique and competitive. What is your competitive advantage? What’s your “unique selling proposition, or what is it that sets you apart from your competitors and convinces people to buy from YOU?

Market Analysis - This section defines your market – the environment, regulatory issues etc.; your industry, your market(s): the profile demographics, geographic and behaviouristic characteristics of your target customers including a chart showing needs, wants & expectations; your competitors (possible chart format to include at least three names, products/services, pricing, strengths, weaknesses and your response).

Marketing Plan - This is your promotion, advertising, public relations and sales strategies. The marketing plan is a result of knowing your customer EXACTLY and how to reach them (distribution and promotion). Set out a Sales Plan separate from other activities. Consider a chart with column headings-what, where, when, results and cost for promotional activities. Determine the positioning of your company products and/or services versus your competition (price, quality etc. etc.).

Operational Plan – where will the business be conducted, bookkeeping, telephone system for inquiry, support, floor plan, operations, production/assembly, policies, procedures, processes etc.

Risk Analysis – what are the risk areas, probabilities, are they high in terms of potential impact, medium or low and how would you manage. (possible chart format)

Financial Plan - Includes your start-up expenses and sources of funding; your sales projections by month and by product/service showing # and $; your income statement projections by month for two years; your cash flow projections for year one by month for two years; quarterly year one and year two year-end balance sheet statements, break-even and ratio analysis. You need to provide the financial assumptions upon which the figures are based and, as difficult as it may seem, you best-educated estimate/guesstimate.

Implementation Plan – what do you have to complete and when (possible chart format), before business starts and after business starts.

Appendices - This section includes material, financial statements, documents, resumes, research sources, product literature, contacts and key information that supports the plan.
Outline Table of Contents
1) Executive summary
2) Company Description Vision Mission Objectives
3) Product(s), Service(s), Package(s) and Pricing
4) Management & Advisors Management Paid Advisors Unpaid Advisors
5) Market Analysis The Marketing Environment Industry Target Market(s) Competition
6) Marketing Plan Communications & Promotion Sales Plan
7) Operations (& Manufacturing) Plan
8) Risk Analysis
9) Financial Plan Start-up expenses and funding Opening Balance Sheet Sales Projections-monthly units and dollars year one and year two Income Statement Projections-monthly year one and year two Cash Flow projections-monthly year one and year two Balance Sheets-end of months year one and year two Break-even and ratio analysis
10) Implementation Plan
11) Appendices

Table of Contents – helps the reader navigate your plan. Include page #’s.
1) Executive Summary – Although written last, the Executive Summary is placed at the beginning of your plan. Its purpose is to engage readers
• a paragraph about the nature of your business, location, owners
• business loans(term loan or line of credit or both) or investment sought, if appropriate
• your target market and projections of demand
• your company’s advantage over the competition
• the business profit potential-sales and profit year 1 and year 2

2) Company Description– Capture the reader’s interest by describing your company and how it fits into the existing landscape in the industry.
• legal form of the business (partnership or corporation) and location
• vision statement-where the company will be in 3-5 years
. mission statement
. objectives

3) Product(s), Service(s), Package(s) and Pricing Describe the pricing and products, services and packaging revenue streams & uniqueness (patent or trademark support)

4) Management and Advisors – Describe the management team and their skills; the paid advisors such as lawyer, accountant, bookkeeper, insurance agent, banker and sub contractors; and the unpaid volunteer advisors such as the virtual and meeting business advisory board members

5) Market Analysis – Describe the marketing environment and its volatility (demographics/social, political and legal, economic, scientific and technological, social responsibility; industry, its trends and direction; the target market(s) in terms of location, demographics, numbers; the competition and their strengths and weaknesses

6) Marketing Plan –
• outline pricing strategies, distribution plans
• discuss your promotion & sales plans - promotional mix, timing, specific media, costs, tactics (include plans for the opening promotional campaign) include a chart showing what, where, when, objective, who, costs

6) Operations (& Manufacturing/Assembly) Plan – Depending on the nature of your company, you may offer a retail/service or a manufacturing production plan. Both types must include:
• purchasing plans
• inventory system and suppliers
• space requirements (including renovations and potential for expansion), layout
• equipment required
• daily office operations, order processing
• billing and accounts receivable, accounts payable
• credit policies
• accounting systems
• Human Resources: Hiring procedures and employee agreements, training employees, payroll process and benefit plans
• the labour pool in your city

8) Risk analysis - Thinking around corners, anticipating problems and developing solutions shows you are prepared. This will help your potential investors feel more confident. You can discuss:
• how you will handle declining sales, staffing and supplier problems
• what your competitors’ reaction could be to your business and how you will handle these possible reactions
• liability issues - loss/damage to property, business interruption, life insurance
Include a chart showing risk area, risk probability of occurrence, ranking of risk as high, medium or low and describe how you would manage the risk

9) Financial Plan – The numbers are important. Include:
A written summary including funding sources and reference to statements and key numbers and refer to forecasts as appendices.
• list of start-up costs and financial sourcing (include notes on assumptions)
. sales forecast – Outline your unit and dollar assumptions for the first two years.
• projected monthly income statements for two years-monthly
• balance sheets – opening, monthly for first and second year-quarterly
• projected cash flow statement for 2 years (budget of cash inflow and outflow on a monthly basis)
• annual written summaries of the above
• explanation of assumptions for each financial statement of the key items
• selected financial ratios for your business (best 4 ratios for your business)
• comparison of those ratios to industry ratios (from Dun & Bradstreet, Strategis)
• proper headings on each sheet (which month is startup, dates, business name)

10) Implementation Plan – Key tasks before start-up and after start-up for balance of year-provide a gaant chart.

11) Appendices such as: financial statements, résumés, product drawings (if appropriate), industry material, photographs, samples, market research, reports, advertisements


After Completion of the one page business plan you can use the snapshot of a business plan to complete the 11-1 to 11-11 charts in point form and numbers.

|11 |CHART |
|11 – 8 |RISK ANALYSIS |
|11 – 11 |APPENDICES |

Finally you are ready to do the final step - develop and complete your full business plan document.

| |(Complete this chart LAST as it is a summary of the key points in the plan.) |
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|Purpose | |
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|Company | |
|Description | |
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|Products/services | |
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|Target markets | |
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|Marketing methods | |
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|Top financials | |
|Legal form | |
|Location | |
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|Vision | |
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|Mission | |
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|Objectives for 2 years |* |
|(measurable) |* |
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(identify the products, services, packages that you will sell)

|1 |Advertisements Space |Allow small businesses put their advertisements in |Small business, entrepreneurs, |$20/month for each one |
| | |the homepage. The advertisements will highlight in |self-employees | |
| | |the homepage, as long as the users visit the website | | |
| | |they will see it directly. | | |
|2 |Main Intermediary Service |Allow users to post their projects that seek help |Individuals/Entrepreneurs |10% of the deal |
| | |from the public. Help-me-out helps them find the | | |
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Identify the key environmental factors that will impact your business.
ENVIRONMENTAL SCAN – political, legal, economic, sociocultural, technology etc.
(include a review of the environment in which the business will be operating)

| |Improve the business reputation by protecting customers’ names, addresses, social|
|Legislation and regulations: Protecting users’ privacy, security, and copyright. |security numbers, credit card numbers, other account numbers and any commercial |
| |emails. Apply for business license |
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|Economic factors: Income, inflation, recession, interest rate, exchange rate etc.|During economic recession, people’s income decrease but it increases their desire|
| |to seek for economic way to save money. Help-me-out is a new way to solve |
| |customer’s problem also save their money. |
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|Political factor: Activities related to government policies and its |Before start the business, Help-Me-Out need to apply for a business license. |
|administrative practices. | |
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|Sociocultural factors: Multiple cultures which include people’s customs, |People from different cultures will show different demands on goods and services,|
|lifestyles and values, etc. |they may post overwhelmed information in the free website forum and it increase |
| |the management challenges. |
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|Technology Factors: Understanding Web Terminology, Technology legislation, |Customers may require quick reaction to process the orders. Better technology |
|Internet/broadband – consumer & business markets, Secure Systems |improves the server’s security. |
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|SWOT analysis |
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|Strengths |
|Strong customer relationship management |
|Experienced Intermediary |
|Excellent networking skills |
|Low cost |
|Intellectual property |
|Innovative and Creative team |
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|Weakness |
|Low advertising revenues |
|Technological development |
|Customer services |
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|Opportunities |
|Further expansion from Great Toronto Area to North America market |
|Branch out into other online services, like online store |
|Huge amount of potential demand |
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|Threats |
|Competition from other e-commerce sites, like Kijiji, Craigslist, EBay. |
|Online security, Customers’ privacy. |
|Internet Virus, Scammers and phishers, Hackers’ attack. |
|Payment system security. |
|Help-Me-Out PEST |
|Political |
|Help-me-out is an e-commerce company which is not much affected by political development. However, government policy like North America Free Trade Agreement does |
|affect the business, mainly in tax and products’ price. |
|Regulations for E-commerce may increase the cost for online shopping system to ensure a certain level of security to protect consumers’ right. |
|Economic |
|Economic situations have a direct impact on help-me-out’s business. As individuals’ income increase, more money will be invested into the market. Also, taxation, |
|exchange rate, interest rate, inflation rate are affecting the business. High tax rate affects price and customers’ demand. Floating exchange rate affects the |
|profit margin of the orders from other countries. Interest rate and inflation rate affect the domestic market demand. |
|Social |
|Further integration of the Internet in the daily life creates a great opportunity for Help-Me-Out and will affect it positively. More e-commerce opportunity will |
|be discovered. Online shopping and shipping will increase in the future. More people will seek for help from website instead of newspaper or TV advertising. |
|Technological |
(Research the industry that you will be a part of)

|Industry |E-commerce service |
|SIZE | Retail e-commerce market is $15.3 billion by 2010 in Canada |
|TRENDS |Internet users who have placed electronic orders increase from 8,404,500 to 10,612,700 in the year of 2007-2009 at Canada.|
|OTHER |Total number of orders: 113.8 million (2010) |
| |Average number per person is 10.2 |
| |Total value of orders: $15.3 billions |
| |Average value per person is $1,362 |


(May vary based on product/service/package and may include consumer, business and government sectors; be specific in terms of a profile of the consumer and the business)

| | | | |PACKAGE |
|1 |Geographic Segmentation and Lifestyle Segmentation: |North America |273,785,413 online users |Free web-based forum |
| |Online users from all ages | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
|2 |Canada’s small business companies, Entrepreneurs, and |Canada |1,087,803 small business |Advertisement space in website home |
| |self-employed | |companies. |page |
| | | | | |
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| | | | | |
|3 |Individuals who seek personal training, lawyers, |Canada |273,785,413 online users |Intermediary Service |
| |private doctor, computer repair, cable installation, | | | |
| |etc. | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Families which need home moving, house decoration, | | | |
| |etc. | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Small business companies which seek accountants, | | | |
| |lawyers. | | | |
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(may include both direct and indirect competition)

|Kijiji |Online customer to customer service, |Value-based pricing |Good reputation, more customers, |Pages take a longer time to load |
| |Advertisements | |Attractive and colorful site design, |Too many listings and posts |
| | | |Slick and easy to use advertisement | |
| | | |form | |
| | | |Ads stay active for up to 90 days | |
|Craigslist |Online customer to customer service, |Value-based pricing |Faster page loading |Fake listings |
| |Advertisements | |Worldwide recognition |Short term active ads |
| | | | | |
| |Free web-based forum, Advertisements |Psychological pricing | |No further growth strategy |
|EBay | | |World’s largest internet marketplace | |
| | | |Business model | |
| | | |Larger economies of scale | |
| | | |Localization | |
| | | |Better payment system | |
| | | |Brand reputation | |
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Competitive advantage of our products/services/packages:
Lower cost and price

Positioning versus competition:
(The team that will develop the business)
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| | | |
|Legal | | |
|Accounting | | |
|Banker | | |
|Insurance | | |
|Graphic design | | |
|Web design | | |
|Other | | |
|UNPAID: Meeting & Virtual Board of | | |
|Advisors | | |
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|Sub Contractors | | |
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MARKETING PLAN(11-6)including social media and collateral
(methods used to reach your prospects, suspects and customers; a sales plan would also be part of the marketing plan) (you may need different plans for products, services, packages, target markets)

|WHAT(method) |WHERE |WHEN (frequency) |COST |
|Poster and flyer |GTA |Monthly |$100 |
| | | | |
|Magazine advertising |GTA |Monthly |$3000 |
| | | | |
|Website Server |Online |One time |$5000 |
|Rent an office |GTA |Monthly |$1000 |
| | | | |
|Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Video |Online | |0 |
|advertising | | | |
| | | | |
|Computer Maintenance Service |GTA |Everyday |0 |
| | | | |
|Intermediary |GTA |Everyday |0 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |

NOTE: Costs from this chart should be shown in the income statement and cash flow statements.

Sales Plan:
How will sales be made?
This might include assembly, production, import, drop ship, packaging, shipping or other activity to be able to get the product ready for delivery to customers

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(identification of areas that could negatively impact the business and how they will be managed)

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|Advertising fee | | | |
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|Customer privacy | | | |
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NOTES: These items must be used in the income statement, cash flow and balance sheet. FINANCIAL-SALES FORECAST(11-9B)(24 months)

| |JUNE |JULY | | |
|Cash in bank | | | | |
|Inventory | | | | |
|Accounts Receivable | | | | |
|Total Current | | | | |
|FIXED ASSETS | | | | |
|Equipment less dep. | | | | |
|Furniture less dep. | | | | |
|Total Fixed | | | | |
|TOTAL ASSETS | | | | |
|Accounts payable | | | | |
|Bank loan | | | | |
|Total Current | | | | |
|Bank loan | | | | |
|Taxes payable | | | | |
|Total Long Term | | | | |
|EARNINGS | | | | |
|Capital | | | | |
|Retained Earnings | | | | |
|Total Equity & Earnings | | | | |
|Total Liabilities & Equity & Earnings | | | | |



The balance sheet is for a day only and records what the company owns(assets), what it owes (liabilities) and what its worth (equity & retained earnings)

Break-even analysis shows how many unit sales are required to cover both fixed and variable expenses.

Ratio analysis compares company ratios against industry ratios and competitor ratios to identify strenths and weaknesses.

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NOTE: The purpose of this section is to show that you understand the key tasks that need to completed before start-up and then for the balance of the year and that you have a clear schedule to complete them.
You may want to develop a gaant chart to show the areas of activity in marketing and operational areas.
In this section you provide a list of your appendices.
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What are we building? (5 yrs.)

Why does this business/department/activity exist? (“Timeless”)

What are the specific measures?

How are we going to build this company/department/activity over time?

What is the work to be done?

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What Make a Good Manager?

...Governors University Course: TJP1 TASK 1 What Makes a Good Manager? The purpose for the presentation is to inform the audience about my perspective on a good manger; and also the skills that employers may want in a manger. The audience for the presentation is any individual or company that is interested in a subordinate’s views of a good manager. The significance of the chosen topic is to shown several key management skills, which managers should strive to have. Presentation Outline I. What Makes a Good Manager? A. Hi. I am a student at WGU. The topic that I will be discussing is “What Makes a Good Manager?” I have worked for several companies, while dealing with different types of managers. My experience with these managers has shown me that not everyone can be a good manger. I believe that there are different types of skills; a good manager should have in the workforce to develop the company and its employees. At the end of this presentation, you will not only know my perspective on a good manger, but also the skills that employers may want in a manager. II. The Seven Management Skills ☺ Delegate tasks wisely to the employees ☺ Establish goals for the employees ☺ Be adaptable in your communicative skills ☺ Make time for the CEO, clients, and employees ☺ Identify achievements of their employees ☺ Think about permanent solutions, not quick fixes ☺ Don’t take things too seriously III. Delegate Tasks Wisely ☺ A good manager must be able to delegate tasks wisely to the employees...

Words: 1422 - Pages: 6

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The Changing Role of the Relationship Manager

...The Changing Role of the Relationship Manager The relationship between wealth managers and their clients is not what it used to be. Public opinion of the financial sector, as a whole, has become sharply critical—people are outraged by the inability of the industry. Clients have become far less trusting and increasingly likely to jump to another wealth manager. But the relationship between RMs and their clients has actually changed well before the onset of crisis. Rise of the Product-Push Model before a Crisis At many wealth-management institutions, particularly the larger ones, the continuity of client relationships has— over time—been disrupted by organizational changes and the shuffling of client portfolios among RMs. In some cases, the goal was to bind the client more to the institution than to an individual advisor. In other cases, however, the institution itself simply could not maintain a consistent service model. At the same time, investors became more interested in diversifying their wealth across institutions. And as information about financial products became more accessible, some investors became self-directed. They tended to be less interested in holistic planning and more interested in specific types of support or investment recommendations. The role of the RM has also changed. Since the beginning of the decade, the RM has become less of a confidant and more of a salesperson. This shift was most apparent in the brokerage model, where RMs began providing targeted...

Words: 902 - Pages: 4

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Why Memo Is Disliked by Manager

...1. Many managers dislike memos because they are disorganized, wordy and pointless. The most effective manger should not be trapped in memos 2. With the development of computer technology, the numbers of memos are increasing. 3. The reasons of sending memos are managerial, psychological and political. 4. The memo is the most useful tool for communicating large amounts of detailed information. Might be dangerous if written inappropriately. Sued or fired 5. The memo is the managerial tool of choice when you want to put out word to lots of people. Have to be worded with exquisite care, particularly for announcing bad news-turn down in business, a firing, promotion over rivals. Recipient are likely to pore over these bullentins.(rewrite) 6. Announcing executive’s dismissal become more concise for the fear of annocing too many contributions may cause people think the firing was unjustified. Good that companies have stopped firing people by memo 7. Psychological reason: Memos are overused by mangers because they feel uncomfortable, too shy to communicate in person or over the phone. 8. Mangers send memos for political reasons. carry political power 9. Convey more subtle political messages. If changed from informal to formal, need to find out what has changed. 10. Clear motive, not wordy, easy to understand 11. Well-defined purpose in mind: who is your audience? What do you want them to do? What information they want? Pick a format-some companies establish standardized...

Words: 370 - Pages: 2

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Conflict of Interest Between Managers and Shareholders

...Corporate managers and shareholders can sometimes find themselves in a conflict of interest. The goal of being a good manager is being able to spot these potential conflicts and to remedy the situation before a serious problem arises. The biggest conflict between managers and shareholders is going to be money. Here is the most common scenario. A corporation is profitable. In fact, the corporation is more profitable than expected. Therefore, the corporation has a cash surplus, if you will. Managers would want this money as a financial bonus and the shareholders would want this money as a stock dividend. What to do? What to do? Mangers will argue that without their leadership and managerial ability, the corporation would not have been as profitable. The shareholders will argue that without their money, the corporation would not have been able to invest in its growth, and therefore, would not have reached that level of prosperity. Who should get the money? Another situation arises when the managers are also shareholders. This may lead a particular manager to push the opposite way of his/her position. For example, if a shareholder manager would get more money from a stock dividend than from a bonus, this shareholder manager might vote in favor of a stock dividend, not because he/she believes that stockholders should be rewarded for their investment, but because it will mean more money for that particular manager. What if only that one manger is a stock holder? Before...

Words: 406 - Pages: 2

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Product Manager

...A product manager investigates, selects, and develops products for an organization, performing the activities of product management. A product manager considers numerous factors such as intended demographic, the products offered by the competition, and how well the product fits with the company's business model. Generally, a product manager manages one or more tangible products. However, the term may be used to describe a person who manages intangible products, such as music, information, and services. A product manager's role in tangible goods industries is similar to a program director's role in service industries. Diverse interpretations regarding the role of the product manager are the norm. The product manager title is often used in many ways to describe drastically different duties and responsibilities. Even within the high-tech industry where product management is better defined, the product manager's job description varies widely among companies. This is due to tradition and intuitive interpretations by different individuals. In the financial services industry (banking, insurance etc.), product managers manage products (for example, credit card portfolios), their profit and loss, and also determine the business development strategy. In a Scrum environment, a Product Manager is also referred to as the Product Owner, and usually has the main role of representing the product to the customer.[1] Some of the responsibilities of the Product Owner include marketing of the...

Words: 279 - Pages: 2

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Hotel Manager

...Job profiles Hotel manager If you can manage staff, and you want to get into the hospitality industry, this job could be ideal for you. Hotel managers oversee all aspects of running a hotel, from housekeeping and general maintenance to budget management and marketing. In this job will need strong business skills. You will need to communicate well, with a sensitive and diplomatic approach. You will also need to think on your feet to solve problems quickly. To get into this job you could enter at a junior position and work your way up to management. Or you could do a higher education qualification in a subject like hospitality management and go straight in as a manager. An Apprenticeship in hospitality and catering can also be a route in. The work Large hotels may have a manager for each department, reporting to the general manager. In smaller hotels, the manager is more involved in the day-to-day running of the hotel, often dealing directly with guests. As a hotel manager, your tasks would typically include: * setting annual budgets * analysing financial information and statistics * setting business targets and marketing strategies * managing staff * organising building maintenance * making sure security is effective * dealing with customer complaints and comments * making sure the hotel follows regulations such as licensing laws * securing corporate bookings for entertainment and conference facilities. In larger hotels you will...

Words: 646 - Pages: 3

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Football Manager Interview

...Football Manager is an enormously complex simulation. On a global level, the game tracks thousands of careers, ambitions and relationships, and on any given match day, weather, morale, skills and individual personal issues can contribute to moments of brilliance or abject failure. Talking to Sports Interactive’s director Miles Jacobson, I found that the simulation model is even more elaborate in some areas than I’d expected. Read on to find out about the game’s expanding narrative engine, how climate change is forcing the team to update the code that generates weather patterns, why the ugliest aspects of football have no place in FM and how a non-contract player’s family situation might prevent him from playing for your club. RPS: You’ve mentioned in previous interviews that you have a database of thousands of features to implement eventually. But do you have an overall vision of where the game is going to be in two or three years? Is there a shape that it’s taking? Jacobson: I tend to work two versions ahead. It used to be three but it’s two now because we’re managing to fit in a lot more each year, so there’s always an overall vision for the game. Whether that’s a year of revolution or of evolution – I think, certainly, the revolution years are going to be less and less because there’s so much in the game already that we’d rather look at evolving certain large chunks of the game each year. When you’re working on an annually iterative sports title that’s based on real life...

Words: 2911 - Pages: 12

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Top Qualities of a Project Manager

...Top 10 Qualities of a Project Manager What qualities are most important for a project leader to be effective? Over the past few years, the people at ESI International, world leaders in Project Management Training, have looked in to what makes an effective project leader. With the unique opportunity to ask some of the most talented project leaders in the world on their Project Leadership courses ESI have managed to collect a running tally on their responses. Below are the top 10 in rank order according to frequency listed. Inspires a Shared Vision An effective project leader is often described as having a vision of where to go and the ability to articulate it. Visionaries thrive on change and being able to draw new boundaries. It was once said that a leader is someone who "lifts us up, gives us a reason for being and gives the vision and spirit to change." Visionary leaders enable people to feel they have a real stake in the project. They empower people to experience the vision on their own. According to Bennis "They offer people opportunities to create their own vision, to explore what the vision will mean to their jobs and lives, and to envision their future as part of the vision for the organisation." (Bennis, 1997) Good Communicator The ability to communicate with people at all levels is almost always named as the second most important skill by project managers and team members. Project leadership calls for clear communication about goals, responsibility, performance...

Words: 1250 - Pages: 5

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Banana Republic General Manager Duties

...Banana Republic General Manager Duties 1. General Manager of Banana Republic Factory Store in Hershey, PA “This position leads BRFS Stores. The store produces an annual volume ranging from $2-20 million. In a standard location the GM is responsible for attracting, hiring, training and developing all levels of associates. They lead an average of 4 exempt and non-exempt positions. The GM is responsible for implementing the individual store strategy in a manner consistent with Gap Inc.'s Purpose, Values and Behaviors. The GM leads their team to meet net contribution goals, sales goals, customer service targets, and Operating and Human Resources objectives through motivation, inspiration and accountability. The GM is accountable for professional representation of our brands within their locale, understanding our competitors and their operations as well as driving excellent tenant and community relationships. Leadership and Employee Results (25%) • Holds Store team and self accountable to all Gap Inc. standards of performance and behavior. • Effectively sources, recruits, selects and on-boards all management and non-exempt store personnel. • Maintains optimal staffing levels to ensure business needs are obtained while promoting associate retention. • Promotes a high-quality store associate experience from on boarding through the associate life cycle. • Promotes maximum team and individual performance through consistent coaching and feedback. Drives in-store performance...

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