...1/11/12 GATE 2012 - Syllabus for Mechanical Engineering (ME) GATE 2012 - S Linear Algebra: M Calculus: F ,P ,L ,S ,S M E (ME) ,E . ,L , ,T V ,M ,S ,G ,M ,G G ' ,E ,D . C ,V ,D Differential equations: F E ( ' L Comple variables: A ,C ' ,T L . ,I . ), H ,L ,S ,C ' Probabilit and Statistics: D R ,C ,P ,N B . ,M , , , Numerical Methods: N A M D . I S ' , Engineering Mechanics: F , Strength of Materials: S ; ;E ' ; Theor of Machines: D ; Vibrations: F . Design: D , . F M T S ; ; , , S-N , ; p inciple , ; ; ; , , . ; ; , ; ; . ,M ' ; ; , ; ; ( ; ) ; . Fluid Mechanics: careeravenues.co.in/ /246-gate-2012-syllabus-for-mechanical-engineering 1/3 1/11/12 GATE 2012 - Syllabus for Mechanical Engineering (ME) F ; ; Heat-Transfer: M ; ; , , ; ; ;B , ' , , ; . ; ; ; ; , ; ; , , ; , LMTD , , , , , NTU . Thermod namics: Z ,F ; Applications: Power Engineering: S T ,R ,B D . Refrigeration and air-conditioning: V ; : , , M E S Metal Casting: D Forming: P , . Joining: P , ; ; . , ) ; ( , , ) ; ; ( , , ; ; , . M , , . I E . I.C. Engines: , , . Turb omachiner : P ,F . ,R O B K , S , . ; , ;C . ; Machining and Machine Tool Operations: M ; Metrolog and Inspection: L , ; Computer Integrated Manufacturing: B CAD/CAM . ; ; ; ; ; . ; , , ; , , ; Production Planning and Control: F Inventor Control: D ; . 2/3 , , , . careeravenues.co.in/ /246-gate-2012-syllabus-for-mechanical-engineering ...
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...Public Relations Research Comm 3000 Syllab us Jan uary 1 I n s t ru c t o r : Z h u o B a n E m ai l : b a n z u @ u c m a i l . u c. e d u O f f i c e : M c M i c k e n H a l l R o o m 11 9 C O f f i c e h o u rs : T / R b y a p p o i n t m e n t INSIDE THIS SYLLABUS Course Objectives Unfortunately, no one can learn all there is to learn about research. Thousands of research methods have been created and used already, and thousands more are being developed as we speak. No, this course won’t teach you all you need to know about PR research. It will, however, provide you with an overall picture about the most popular research tools and practices. Students will be guided through a number of hands-on research projects that help them to develop a basic skill set to tackle the research (related) tasks most commonly issued to PR professionals. More essentially, students are encouraged to contemplate the philosophy of research for PR. It sounds abstract, but a philosophy of research provides answers to such important, and practical, questions as: When to conduct research? Who should be included in the research process? To what end should the research be carried out? 1 Course Objectives 2 Course Material 3 Course Requirements 4 Expectations 5 Class Schedule Upon completion of the course, you should be able to: • Explain how public-relations professionals frame research questions, set goals and objectives, and select the best methods to answer specific research questions;...
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...Gujarat Technological University Syllabus for New MBA Program effective from Academic Year 2011-12 (Also applicable to 2nd Year Students of 2010-12 Batch MBA Program) COMPULSORY COURSES MBA-II Semester-IV Sub Name: - Comprehensive Project Report – Industry Defined Problem (CP-IDP) Sub Code: - 2830004 In addition to Major Specializations, there will be over sixty Sectorial / Industry Areas for Practical studies in which theoretical papers / books are not to be taught in regular classroom sessions, but the teachers and students are free to use any available books, publications and online material to understand and guide the students for various sectors. Ideally, a teacher should study and specialize in at least TWO Sectors, so four teachers can guide 60 students in a class. (Reference: Appendix 1: List of Sectorial Areas for Comprehensive Project study given in Sem III Syllabus). This report is similar to the Grand Project, which was the part of earlier syllabus. The Comprehensive Project Report is based on the research methodology and students have to prepare the research report by using appropriate scientific statistical research tools for preparation of the CP in consultation with the faculty guide. (Please also refer the Guidelines for CP in MBA Semester III, as the same Project Title continues in Semester IV). A student has to opt for any ONE of the Sectorial Areas and study it thoroughly. The students may undertake the CP based on the selection of an Industry Defined Problem...
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...The College of Professional Studies program is structured around a five week time frame for each course. Most students start out registered with Online Success in Professional Studies as the first class. This class is comparable to the College Orientation Experience class that most traditional freshman participate in. Research indicates that orientation classes have significantly increased retention (Fritz, M., 2002). The orientation class helps facilitate the transition to online learner for all new students by providing a course syllabus. The syllabus presents the student with important information about when discussion and complete assignments are due. Each course unit is broken down into sections to be completed by either Wednesday or Sunday except the read and attend portion. The read and attend section can be...
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...Analysis of the Task-Based Syllabus: Strengths, Weaknesses, and the Case for its Implementation Leon Townsend-Cartwright - September 2014 MA TEFL/TESL Module 3: Syllabus and materials; Lexis SM/14/01: Select one type of syllabus from the list below, and comment on its strengths and weaknesses. Task-based syllabus Show how the syllabus has been influenced by particular theories (and models) of both language and learning. Describe the teaching situation (or situations) which you believe is best suited to this type of syllabus. Outline the arguments for choosing this type of syllabus. 1 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 Outline of Task-Based Learning 1.2 Why the Task-Based Syllabus was Chosen 2. Theories of Language and Learning 2.1 Theories of Language 2.2 Theories of Language Learning 3. Strengths and Weaknesses of a Task-Based Syllabus 3.1 Strengths of a Task-Based Syllabus 3.1.1 SLA Theory Base 3.1.2 Focus on Form and Noticing 3.1.3 A Learner-Centred Approach 3.1.4 Real-World Language Use 3.1.5 Tasks Build Fluency and Create Motivation 3.1.6 Flexibility of the Task-Based Syllabus 3.2 Weaknesses of a Task-Based Syllabus 3.2.1 SLA Theory Base 3.2.2 Focus on Form and a Concern with Syntax 3.2.3 Fluency at the Expense of New Language 3.2.4 Difficulties for Teachers 3.2.5 Difficulties for Learners 3.2.6 Sequencing, Difficulty and Assessment 4. Practical Applications...
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...InboxMy ProfileWhat's NewHelpLogoutWelcome Jovon Porter (IRN:9022860806) HomeClassroomLibraryProgramAccountPhoenixConnect ACC/545 MaterialsDiscussionAssignmentsGrades ACC/545 FINANCIAL REPORTING Start Date: 03/15/2011 PrintCOURSE DESCRIPTION This course prepares students to address concepts of financial reporting for roles as CPAs. Students learn important criteria for calculating capital changes, applying concepts of fixed assets and cost determination, and preparing consolidated financial statements. Other topics include the professional responsibilities of CPAs, deferred taxes, cash flow statements, balance sheet preparation, restructuring of troubled debt, and the intricacies of comprehensive income. Week 1 - Topic 1: Reporting Issues Objectives Differentiate among the services provided by auditors. Explain procedures for reporting accounting changes and error corrections. Describe the professional responsibilities of accountants in financial reporting. Compare and contrast the forms of business structure. Explain the methodology used to determine deferred taxes. Materials SUPPLEMENT: Week One Content Outline SUPPLEMENT: Week One Mind Map SUPPLEMENT: Week One Student Road Map SUPPLEMENT: Sample Final Exam EBOOK COLLECTION: Auditing and Assurance Services, Ch. 1 EBOOK COLLECTION: Intermediate Accounting, Ch. 19 EBOOK COLLECTION: Intermediate Accounting, Ch. 22 EBOOK COLLECTION: Advanced Accounting, Ch. 7 EBOOK COLLECTION: Financial Accounting Theory and...
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...Published 2009 All rights reserved. ISBN 978-1-920219-18-5 Produced by Compress.dsl www.compressdsl.com CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 CHAPTER 1: Using history 5 The uses of liberation history in Zimbabwean politics • Historical context • ZANU PF’s ‘Patriotic History’ • Patriotic History’s detractors • What is Patriotic History? • The opposition’s use of history 5 5 6 6 8 CHAPTER 2: History in secondary and higher education 11 History curriculum development in Zimbabwe’s secondary schools and higher education institutions, and the implications for reconciliation, national healing and transitional justice • The growth in education since independence • History in secondary schools • History in higher education • A review of the NASS syllabus 11 11 14 17 CHAPTER 3: Teaching history 23 Challenges of teaching history in Zimbabwe, points of contention and consensus, and future prospects • Repression in tertiary institutions • Decline in secondary schools • National youth training service centres • Reasons for optimism 23 25 25 26 CHAPTER 4: Supporting history teaching 29 Supporting secondary and higher educators, and proposals towards learning sessions, modules and activities for history teaching • Funding education • Resurgence of liberal principles • Key proposals and teaching suggestions 29 30 30 CHAPTER 5: Teaching with Becoming Zimbabwe 33 How the Zimbabwe history book can offer opportunities to support history teaching at secondary and higher levels iii EXECUTIVE...
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...w w w e tr .X m eP CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS GCE Ordinary Level e ap .c rs om MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2012 series 4024 MATHEMATICS (SYLLABUS D) 4024/12 Paper 1, maximum raw mark 80 This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began, which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers. Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for Teachers. Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes. Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2012 series for most IGCSE, GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level components and some Ordinary Level components. Page 2 Mark Scheme GCE O LEVEL – October/November 2012 Syllabus 4024 Paper 12 Abbreviations cao correct answer only cso correct solution only dep dependent ft follow through after error isw ignore subsequent working oe or equivalent SC Special Case www without wrong working soi seen or implied Qu. 1 (a) 10.6 (b) 2 (a) (b) 4 cao 3 (a) 34 (b) 10 4 (a) 3 oe (b) oe 5 6 cao Answers Mark 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 © Cambridge International Examinations 2012 Part Marks –1, – ,– , 0, C1 for...
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...Texas A&M University-Commerce College of Science & Engineering Department of Engineering & Technology Course Syllabus-Fall Semester, 2015 TMGT 510 01E (81497) Course Title: Management of Technology in Organizations (CIP: 1506120019) Three (3) semester credit hours. Course Dates: August 31, 2015 to December 18, 2015 This section of TMGT 510 01E will meet each Wednesday of the fall 2015 semester on the Commerce, Texas campus in room AGIT 217. Attendance is mandatory and will be recorded. The class will meet from 1:30pm until 2:45pm. Professor: Dr. Jerry D. Parish, CSTM Contact Information: Office Location: Charles J. Austin Engineering & Technology Building Email Address: jerry.parish@tamuc.edu Contact Telephone: 903-886-5474 Virtual Office Hours: Online Office Hours: Monday-Thursday/Times online will vary each day. On-campus office visits are available by appointment only. Call 903-886-5474 to schedule an on-campus appointment. You will be required to present a valid and current TAMUC student ID at the time of your scheduled on-campus appointment. General Course Information Course Description: Examination of cutting-edge engineering and technology concepts, tools and technologies that apply to contemporary technology-intensive organizations. Course may include active study of organizational structures, effective management processes and controls, ethical practices, project evaluation, technology-oriented teams...
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...Syllabus Vs Curriculum Outline Difference between a syllabus and a curriculum. An account of the salient factors we have to consider for constructing a syllabus. 1. Introduction. 2. Syllabus and curriculum A. Definition of syllabus B. Definition of curriculum C. Difference between syllabus and curriculum a. Basic difference b. Differences in detail approaches 3. Factors to construct a syllabus A. Type A: What is to be learn B. Type B. How is to be learn C. Van EK’s necessary component D. Selection of the content E. Organization of the content F. Components to design a syllabus a. Set A b. Set B c. Set C d. Set D G. McDonough about syllabus design H. Criteria for selection and grading a. Structural b. Topic c. Functional 4. The need for a syllabus A. Should a syllabus be explicit, and if so, to whom? B. Basic organizing principles 5. Creating and reinterpreting a syllabus 6. Conclusion Introduction: Throughout the 1970s while language teaching theorists and practititioners excited themselves with course design for Specific Purpose language teaching, and while needs of adult migrants and private sectors or industrial language learners were extensively examined, the majority of learners of English continued to struggle with large classes, limited text books, few contact hours, and years of unintensive study. The work of many teachers had either been...
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...Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level syllabuses. lee mE Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the report on the examination. -P All Examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in candidates’ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills demonstrated. ak is This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began. tan .co m Page 2 Mark Scheme GCE O LEVEL – May/June 2008 Section A Syllabus 5090 Paper 02 1 (a) (i) A (ii) B CO2 / carbon dioxide / carbon(IV) oxide ; O2 / oxygen ; [2] (iii) arrows same as in Fig. 1.1a for mouse ; A out of leaf ; B into leaf ; (NB mark separately from (i) & (ii), insist on recognisable arrow heads) (b) photosynthesis + respiration (R if respiration stops) ; at same rate / compensation point AW / stomata closed ; ref. light intensity (A ref. sun rising, etc.) ; (c) (i) carbohydrate or named / fats / lipids / protein ; (ii) protein / amino acid / vitamins / water / nucleic acid / minerals / ions / salts / correctly named salt or ion / CHO / fats ; (R nitrate / vitamins E & K) [3] [3] [2] [Total: 10]...
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...SCHEME OF EXAMINATION FOR MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (MCA) (SIX-SEMESTER Programme) |Semester – I | |Paper |Title of the Paper |Duration |Maximum Marks |Total | |No. | |Of Exam | | | | | | |Theory |Sessional* | | |MCA-101 |Computer Fundamentals and Problem Solving Using C |3 Hours |80 |20 |100 | |MCA-102 |Computer Organisation |3 Hours |80 |20 |100 | |MCA-103 |Discrete Mathematical Structures |3 Hours |80 |20 |100 | |MCA-104 |Software Engineering |3 Hours |80 |20 |100 | |MCA-105 |Computer Oriented Numerical and Statistical Methods |3 Hours |80 |20 |100 | |MCA-106 |Software Laboratory - I |3 Hours | | |100 | | |C (Based on MCA-101) |...
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...GRAM : REGAPP PHONE 0512-2296088 Government of India Ministry of Labour & Employment Regional Directorate of Apprenticeship Training Udyog Nagar, Kanpur – 208022 JOINT INSPECTION REPORT (Under Section 27 & 29) (Apprenticeship Training under the Apprentices Act, 1961) Section – A 1. | Name & Address of the establishment Inspected/visited | Usha Martin Ltd 12/16 Nawal Ganj Agra. | 2. | Name & Designation of the Inspecting Officer of RDAT/DGET/SAA | 1.Sh.A.k Tyagi,ADT RDAT Kanpur.2.Sh.Phool Chandra,ACAAR(Jr.) RDAT Kanpur.3. Sh.Mukesh Kr. Yadav,Pricipal I.T.I Agra.4. Sh.Chandrabhan, Jr.AA Govt.I..T.I Agra. | 3. | Name & Designation of the Officers of the Estt. Who were associated with the Inspection | Ashwani Saxena (Personnel officer). | 4. | Name & Designation of the Head of the Estt. And Tel. No. | Mr.S.Bhowmick (Personnel Manager)Tel.No.:9319968880 | 5. | Name & Designation of the Officer Incharge of the Apprenticeship Training & Tel. No. | Mr.Kishor Singh,Diagnostic expert & Trainer.Tel.No.:8445445761. | 6. | Date of the last Inspection/Visit carried out and name of the concerned officers. | First Inspection | 7. | Working hours and days/week | 6 days/week 8 hours per day | 8. | Date of inspection | 17.01.2013 | Section:B 1. Recruitment of apprentices S. No. | Designated Trade | Seat located | Seat utilized | Fresher | Ex-ITIs | Short falls | Excess | Remarks | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8...
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...Cheating, Copying, and Use of Tutor-Source Websites Copying is one of the most commonly committed acts that violate academic integrity. Copying includes looking off of someone else’s paper (or using someone’s paper or answers from another course, classroom, or previous session). It also is committed when a purchased (or free) paper is found online that is specific to the assignments provided in the course. Websites like Student of Fortune, ScribD, Ask.com, and so forth (many others) sometimes end up with DeVry assignments posted on them by students who have hired online tutor sources to write their work for them. Faculty members are aware of these sites and, just like students, can Google sources to find out if a paper has been bought from these sites. Avoid these sites like the plague—seriously. It just isn’t worth the extra hour or two it might buy you if you end up with a 0 for the paper or course or lose your degree over buying a paper (or getting it for free.) Typically, the #1 red flag to a professor that one of these sites has been used is when multiple students miss the same question in the exact same manner. Yes, the answers on those sites will typically cost money, but the answers are not guaranteed to be right. And further, the free papers on those sites almost always have wrong answers. Do not use these sites! Avoid them! If you use them, citing them is not enough to overcome the copying stigma and violation of the policy. As one instructor of the course...
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...Course Syllabus Fall 2015 HE35-C01 HE 35 - CO 1 Instructor: Steve Wright Tuesday Night e-mail: stevenwright@whccd.edu 7PM – 10PM Office: Football Office Office Hours: MTWR…8AM - 9PM Office Ph: 559-934-2463 Cell Ph: 432-386-2992 Text: “Core Concepts in Health”. Insel and Roth, 11th, 12th, 13th, or 14 edition. Any of the editions will work so find something that your budget can handle. [Use the chapter reading headings in your Course Descriptive Outline as a guide…a few chapters are re-ordered depending upon the edition you have]. We will be using a lot of OER material. There is a bound black and white version of the same textbook… ”Personal Health and Hygiene”. Insel and Roth…ISBN #9781121740907 Vision Statement West Hills College Coalinga strives to become a premiere interactive learner-centered community college recognized for its contribution to educational, social, cultural, and economic vitality. Mission Statement West Hills College Coalinga is committed to achieving student learning through the provision of educational, cultural, and economic development opportunities to our current and future students and the local and global communities that we...
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