...The story “The Company of Wolves” takes place in a forested, mountainous country in the dead winter and illustrates how ruthless the wolves are by terrorizing and killing those who are less strong. However, the story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” takes place in a suburb and focuses on a fifteen-year-old girl who is approached by a stranger trying to lure her out of her home. Even though both stories take place in different settings, both protagonists are somehow similar; both are naïve, yearn for mature independence, and seek attention from the people around them. The protagonist from both stories are both naïve young girls that are ignorant about life. The young girl from “The Company of Wolves” is so naïve that she thinks she...
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...villian;causeing mishaps to other characters for revenge.Iago uses his stratigec acts of manipulation to undermine the charecters weakness.He exploits Rodrigo love for Desdemona,the friendship between him and Cassio,and toys with Othello's mind by playing on his self-doubt. Thus, giving Iago the advange to use their weaknesses against them. First Iago uses Rodrigo's naive and gulliable personality to own adavantage.Roderigo's obession with Desdemona renders him susceptible to Iagos manipulation. this obsession causes him to believe anything Iago says to hope in getting Desdemona.Iago convinces Rodrigo that the jewels will be given to Desdemona as a proclamationof his love when acatually,Iago claims to to himself.Iago takes advantage of Rorego for his money.Later in the play,Iago uses Roderigo and conveience him to kill Cassio. Rodergo then says "i have no great devotion to the deed and yet he hath given my satisfying reasons 'Tis but a man gone. forth,my sword:he dies" (V.i.8-10). Roderigo then attempts to kill Cassio but in the play Iago says"i have rubbed this young quat almost to the sense and he grows angry, May unfold me to him there stand i in much peril. No, he must die."(V.i. 11-23) this shows how Iago takes advantage of foolish Rodrigofor his own needs and once his value is used up.Overall Rodrigo was drawn in Iago's schemes due to his love for Desdemona. Iago exploits Rodrigo's naive and obsession with Desdemona by deceiving and manipulating him in order to bring...
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...Twelfth Night Coursework Introduction Q. ‘Comedy, like all drama depends on conflicts, in particular between weak and strong characters’. Explore how far you agree that Shakespeare uses conflict to create comedy in twelfth night? Shakespeare’s use of conflict to create comedy for the reader is very effective, as he makes the arguments themselves be based on misunderstandings and manipulation, providing humour for the reader because they are not really caused by any actual wrong doing by any of the characters. This shows that the characters that have been manipulated in this way, such as Sir Andrew, when Sir Toby gets him to fight Viola/Cesario, are weak characters, because as with Sir Andrew, he has allowed Sir Toby to cloud his judgment and cause him to believe that he has a good reason to fight Viola. In this situation, there is more humour because we learn that Sir Andrew dresses very well and has a respectful position, he seems at first like he should be a stronger man, but Sir Toby’s easy manipulation of him shows the reader that Sir Andrew is in fact more like an unsure, naïve child. Because of this we get the impression that Sir Andrew is one of the weaker characters, but we know that Viola is a stronger character, because although she is afraid to fight Sir Andrew when he challenges her, she tries her best, and stands up to fight despite being innocent and being a woman. This could be humorous for the reader too, because we see how Sir Andrew is afraid to fight Viola...
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...and so convincing. Language manipulation can have two different purposes. It can be used against an individual in which it does not favour the victims best interest, but allows the manipulator to get a personal gain at the expense of another. Words used in this way are seen as a weapon in which it can inflict suffering and hurt to the victim. On the other hand it can have the opposite intention. It can be used in a positive way and to the benefits of both individuals. It can be uplifting, motivating, and inspirational and will often persuade individual’s interests in a helpful direction. This is how language can be used to manipulate meaning and intent and is shown clearly through William Shakespeare’s characters in the play, ‘Othello’. Language can be used against an individual to cause suffering and pain. This is through the manipulation of meaning and intent. In Shakespeare’s play ‘Othello’, Iago who is the main villain in the film uses his manipulative language to deceive other characters in such a way that it makes him both a powerful and persuasive figure. His understanding of the individuals around him and their desires lets him engage in this deceitfulness even more and persuade individuals with his lies and scheming stories. In Act 1 scene 1, the audience is straight away immersed into the action of the play. In this scene Iago already starts to manipulate Roderigo through his naivety to Iago’s doublecrossing and overall manipulation. Roderigo’s first statement...
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...may become unrestrained by moral boundaries, which may allow them the mental capability to disregard the wellbeing of other humans. This disregard for welfare of such a vast number of individuals is explored through both texts allowing us to see the way in which the attainment of justice goes hand in hand with human suffering and sacrifice, as those that are determined to subvert justice can be unscrupulous in their attempts so as to further themselves, or to remove themselves from suspicion for their misdeeds. This can lead to extreme maltreatment of individuals that are trying to uphold justice. In the film The Constant Gardener we can see how those attempting to subvert justice can resort to mass manipulation, and violence against those standing in their way. The manipulation, forcing...
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...social networking sites should be permanently banned, i am with this topic? I'll suggest a couple of possible reasons for arguing that social networking websites should be banned: Social networking sites bring privacy into the public doman. There are things abouteach of us that are best kept private and for good reason. We would generally reveal ourselves in the ways that we choose to those that we choose, except when it comes to the online world. It has been said that you can almost build up an entire profile of someone by their online habits. People are often naive about the dangers of identity theft, they stick to the same username from one site to the next, they post little snippets of information in various places without realising that each is like a piece of a jigsaw. If you find one common thread, such as a username, then it is relatively simple to find several pieces of one jigsaw, put them together, and you start to establish a comprehensive profile of that person. You might find out what they do for a living, the area in which they live, the names of their loved ones, their pets, their email address, their likes and dislikes, the list is endless. More and more people are becoming the victims of identity theft, if not for financial gain then for malicious purposes. Celebrities have had people pretend to be them on websites such as Twitter and Facebook, causing them a great deal of embarrassment. Everyday folk have been slandered, cyber bullied and impersonated...
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...' • View of Data • Data Models Chapter 1: Introduction $ $ • Purpose of Database Systems • Data Definition Language • Data Manipulation Language • Transaction Management & ' & • Storage Management • Database Administrator • Database Users • Overall System Structure 1.1 Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan c 1997 Database Systems Concepts Database Management System (DBMS) • Collection of interrelated data • Set of programs to access the data • DBMS contains information about a particular enterprise • DBMS provides an environment that it both convenient and efficient to use Database Systems Concepts 1.2 Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan c 1997 ' & ' & Purpose of Database Systems $ $ Database management systems were developed to handle the following difficulties of typical file-processing systems supported by conventional operating systems. • Data redundancy and inconsistency • Difficulty in accessing data • Data isolation – multiple files and formats • Integrity problems • Atomicity of updates • Concurrent access by multiple users • Security problems Database Systems Concepts 1.3 Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan c 1997 View of Data An architecture for a database system view level view 1 view 2 … view n logical level physical level Database Systems Concepts 1.4 Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan c 1997 ' & ' & Levels of Abstraction $ $ • Physical level: describes how a record (e.g., customer) is stored. • Logical level: describes data stored...
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...Cocktail Party, written by Oshiro Tatsuhiro, is a first-person narrative story about the protagonist, an Okinawan who maintains an affable relationship with the American occupiers, finds out eventually that his identity, differentiating from the occupiers, prevented him from seeking justice for his daughter who was assaulted by an American soldier. The power dynamics are ubiquitous throughout Cocktail Party. The characters’ national identities as American, Chinese, mainland Japanese and Okinawan became a prominent factor on how they interact with each other through words, behaviors, and inner feelings. Regardless the protagonist’s willingness to create and protect a delusion that Okinawans and American occupiers could reside harmonically and...
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...The statement “a society defines ‘conformity’ as ‘that which is sane’” from Literature: The Human Experience can be analyzed through Henrick Ibsen’s drama A Doll’s House. This play allows the audience to examine the life of a woman under pressure to conform to a society’s standards, of whose manipulation she is unaware. As her eyes are opened to the dehumanization and self-serving nature of her friends and family, Nora finds that what she thought to be “sane” all along, really is quite the opposite. Webster’s Dictionary defines “conformity” as “action in accordance with some specified standard or authority.” This definition validates that those around Nora dictated her way of living. Torvald Helmer, Nora’s husband, views her as a child, or incapable of independent or intelligent thought which causes Nora to not delve into deeper issues and to “grow” into an adult. Toward the end of the play, Nora says to Torvald, “I was your little skylark, your doll, which you would in future, treat with doubly care, because it was so brittle and fragile.” Torvald never saw her as anything more than a play-thing, a doll, or someone that lacked knowledge or depth. It is as if society has ingrained in Torvald that women are to be treated as children and as though they cannot think for themselves. The term sane, as defined by Webster’s Dictionary, means “mentally sound, able to anticipate and appraise the effect of one’s actions.” In Nora, Ibsen creates a woman who is mentally sound and...
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...Farenheit 451 and 1984 are both novels set in a dystopian society that share many commonalities, but the theme that stood out the most are the parallels and differences in the relationships between the protagonists and the people they are seemingly forced to associate with in their communities. Both Bradbury and Orwell warn against the danger of a society’s dependence on technology and a totalitarian government. An illustration of how this affects both of the main characters is in the lack of intimacy with their significant others, younger women sparking a need and a want for freedom from the government and common opinion, their reactions to the ongoing intimidation and manipulation by the men in power in both novels, and the inner conflict that they have with themselves before, during and after their acts of rebellion. The marriage between Montag and Mildred is similar to that of Winston and Katherine’s in the sense that there is no passion, love or companionship present in their union. Both men express a strong distaste for their wives, mostly due to the fact that both women are robotic, desensitized followers who hold no interest in opening their eyes to what is unfolding in the world around them. Montag seems to express a genuine disappointment in Mildred’s lack of involvement in his quest for the truth in books as she is...
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...Othello Is Responsible for His Own demise. Othello is a play written by William Shakespeare. Othello is the character the play is named after and is therefore the main character. The play describes how Othello is lead to believe that his wife has been unfaithful to him. This treacherous act is the work of the villain, Iago. However, as we are about to study, his demise is might be his own doing. Othello by William Shakespeare. In the play, the main character is portrayed as too trusting and too naïve. The play is one of Shakespeare’s most tragic stories. Othello holds a very respectable position among his peers. He is a military commander who lives in a mansion and has people working under him such as Cassio. This puts him in the perfect position for a great demise, one with an impact. He turns down Iago’s request to be the lieutenant and gives it to Young Cassio instead. Although this in itself is not wrong, it sets Iago’s hateful mind in motion to plot for the perfect revenge. Iago feeds him with lies about his wife and convinces him that she is unfaithful to him. He goes a step further to state Cassio as her partner in her act of unfaithfulness. Othello’s character is an irony of his position as a general; he does not see to find facts but instead lets emotions that are manipulated out of him to get the better of him. Even though the role of Iago in the tragedy cannot be argued with, it is the character of Othello that makes him an easy target. His naivety and lack of...
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...revive religiosity, because he felt that evil had hindered the success of the church in a spiritual sense and sought to repair that (Krey, 1921). He also preached that the Christians would be rewarded for killing a Muslim, however, this was not true and his aim was to hasten the recovery of the captured land of Jerusalem. From the first encounter of the Crusades, as much as their core purpose was affirming faith, converting the non-believers and preaching the gospel to the pagans, they were also social avenues for exploitation as depicted by the pope. In the modern days, Preachers have come up in need of self sustaining interests such as building their fame, raising their standards of living among others. They rob noble,expectant and naïve Christians with the promise of being freed from their chains of trouble. The reasons why most Christians attend the crusades today has been tainted. They attend so as to get lasting solutions to their problems and aim for miracles in their life. The result from their expectancy is then manipulated by the self centered leaders. These leaders are armed with Bible verses to aid them get what they need from the believers. They are...
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...allowed. We even briefly studied quantum mechanics and what the possible implications of it are (including the key to immortality). Fully absorbing questions were presented that I had never considered. What if my brain is the only real thing, and the rest of the universe, including the rest of my body, is merely a simulation in my mind? Is my mind a separate thing from the physical universe we know (a “soul”), or is the mystifying concept we call consciousness able to be created and destroyed by our manipulation? In fact, this specific question is what set in stone my interest in the artificial intelligence aspect of computer science. If humanity creates a program that has consciousness as we know it, it could improve upon itself and learn at an exponential speed, quickly becoming a superintelligence that would far surpass all human intelligence and vastly change civilization for better or for worse. This hypothesis has been dubbed the ‘technological singularity’, and one of my possibly naïve aspirations is to help realize...
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...any kind of disunity that might open [Salem] to destruction by material and ideological enemies"- demonstrates how simple it is for injustice to occur, as Abigail's "endless capacity for dissembling" is utilised to manipulate the faith that controls Salem, for covetous means. Consequently, the court decrees "…a person is either with this court or they must be counted against it", which highlights the absolutism, reinforced by Miller's verb "must", creating the dichotomy of good and evil, intended to procure balance in a community bound by faith. By comparison, Orwell's "vivacious" Napoleon continually uses threats to maintain power, despite their lack of viability: both Snowball and the Devil are 'invisible threats', feared due to the manipulation of the people of both Salem and Animal Farm. Essentially, the animals are oblivious to the injustice they are facing - "All that year the animals worked like slaves. But they were happy in their work…" - as...
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...Chapter 2 - Database System Concepts and Architecture Data Models, Schemas and Instances A characteristic of the database approach is that it provides a level of data abstraction, by hiding details of data storage that are not needed by most users. A data model is a collection of concepts that can be used to describe the structure of a database. The model provides the necessary means to achieve the abstraction. The structure of a database is characterized by data types, relationships, and constraints that hold for the data. Models also include a set of operations for specifying retrievals and updates. Data models are changing to include concepts to specify the behaviour of the database application. This allows designers to specify a set of user defined operations that are allowed. Categories of Data Models Data models can be categorized in multiple ways. • High level/conceptual data models – provide concepts close to the way users perceive the data. • Physical data models – provide concepts that describe the details of how data is stored in the computer. These concepts are generally meant for the specialist, and not the end user. • Representational data models – provide concepts that may be understood by the end user but not far removed from the way data is organized. Conceptual data models use concepts such as entities, attributes and relationships. • Entity – represents a real world object or concept • Attribute - represents...
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