...Jessica Precious 30020625 Unit 3 Health, Safety and Security in Health and Social Care Legislation, Policies and Procedures in Health and Social Care Settings Jessica Precious 30020625 Unit 3 Health, Safety and Security in Health and Social Care Legislation, Policies and Procedures in Health and Social Care Settings Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 The Health and Safety at Work Act provides security of the health, safety and welfare of people at work, with the protection against risks to health or safety of an individual in connection with work activities. It sets out employers’ duties to staff where more than 5 staff are employed, and to the community, in addition to the duties of employees towards themselves and others. Health and Social Care Setting: Preschool The Health and Safety at Work Act aims to protect staff in relation to their health, safety and security in the workplace. It provides awareness in the workplace, so children and adults are aware of the health and safety issues. Within the preschool, the employer has a duty of providing induction training to staff which involves a clear and understandable explanation of health and safety concerns so that all adults are able to adhere to the policy and procedures as they understand their shared responsibility. The induction covers employees’ wellbeing, including safe lifting, and storage of hazardous substances. This also involves regular discussion of health and safety at staff...
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...Hand hygiene: Employers should have regular handwashing with soap and water or using hand sanitiser. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Compulsory use of gloves, masks, gowns, and eye protection. Isolation Procedures: Employee and Employer should separate infected individuals to prevent the spread. Vaccinations: Employees should ensure staff and residents are up to date with relevant vaccinations. Training and Education: Regular training on infection prevention and control practices should be provided. 1.4 Explain How to Identify Individuals Who Have, or Are at Risk of Infection Monitoring Symptoms: Regularly checking for signs of infection physical and nonphysical like fever, cough, rash. Medical History: Reviewing individuals' medical records for previous infections or chronic conditions. Screening: Conduct regular screenings for common infections, especially in high-risk individuals. Risk Assessments: Identifying factors that increase risk, such...
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...P2: Outline how legislation, policies and procedures relating to working in health, safety and security influence health and social care settings. Task 1: Outline all the legislation, policies and procedures relating to working in health and social care settings and state how they influence the setting. Mention all the legislation below. Legislation and guidelines: relevant sections for home country, e.g. health and safety at work act, food safety act, food safety (general food hygiene) regulations, manual handling operations regulations, reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations (RIDDOR), data protection act, management of health and safety at work regulations, care homes regulations, control of substances hazardous to health regulations (COSHH), civil contingencies act 2004, care minimum standards (various supplements). The Health and Safety at Work Act: The Health and Safety at Work Act is a legislation that was introduced in 1974 in order to protect individuals within the workplace from hazards that could oppose risks to their health and welfare and this legislation applies not only to the UK but also to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The employers within the workplace must carry out a risk assessment in order...
Words: 1948 - Pages: 8
...Unit 3 – P2 Outline how legislation, policies and procedures relating to health, safety and security influence health and social care settings. A legislation is a law or a set of laws which have been produced by governing body and made official by parliament to: regulate; authorise; sanction; grant; declare and restrict. Policies are clear, simple statements of how an organisation intends to conduct its services, actions or business. They provide a set of guiding principles to assist with decision making. Procedures describe how each policy will be put into action within the organisation. They outline who will do what, what steps need to be taken and which forms or documents to use. There is a number of policies that have been put in place to promote the safety of individuals within different health and social care settings. Food Safety Act 1990 (Amended in 2013) The Food Safety Act 1990 sets out the requirements of the food producer and the food handler regarding food safety. The guideline is for all types of food businesses in England, Scotland and Wales. The main responsibilities within the act are: ensuring you do not include anything in food, remove anything from food or treat food in any kind of way which could damage health to the people that are consuming it; to ensure the food served or sold is of the nature, substance and quality which consumers would expect and to ensure the food is correctly labelled, advertised and presented in a form that is not false...
Words: 1750 - Pages: 7
...Question 2 For each of the hazards, what risk control procedures would you put in place according to the hierarchy of control? Hazards Risk control procedures Work space ergonomics Adjust the workstations according to staff height and reach The aircon is dripping water Get the electrician to fix the aircon Boxes/clutter in walkways Move the boxes/clutter to the storage room A lot of cables from the newcomputer installation Wire the tangled cables Health and safety information is not up to date Update the OHS information according to the new legislations Emergency procedures is not up to date Update the emergency procedures according to the new legislations Heavy items manual handling Prepare the trolley for the manual handling and arrange the team lifting Workplace...
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...BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care Health, Safety and security in health and social care Case study 1 In this assignment, I am going to write a report about a day care that I just visited recently and potential hazards and the harm that it may arise. Hazards may exist for staff, visitors, individuals, if care is not taken to minimise risks to a minimum. 1. Front door left open: first of all security is very important because in that house there is no security as the door is widely open, anybody can get in and might harm them. It is dangerous to open the main door and windows on the ground floor and not to open it far enough to allow anyone to climb in or out. Also it allows everyone or every individual to enter in the house without any permission or buzzing the door before entering in. They can also have their freedom to do whatever they wish to as they owner of the house is elder and they cannot stop them as they cannot. It is not only because of thefts or anything else, we are also concerned about their heath because as the door it widely open and anyone can have access in same as: * Excess cold: because of increased heat loss and they might also catch cold and fall sick because of the wind and the cold as they cannot close all the doors and windows by themselves. * Fire: by allowing fire and smoke to spread to other parts of the building, it might affect them or the steam of the smoke may harm them. * Domestic hygiene, pets, refuse: by providing...
Words: 3275 - Pages: 14
...at work act • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) • Reporting if Injury, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) • Personal Protective Equipment at Work (PPE) • The Management of Health and Safety at Work • Food Safety Act 1990 • Manual Handling Operations Regulations • Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1.2 The main points of health and safety policies and procedures agreed with my employer are: • Use of disposable Personal Protective Equipment • Safe use of Hazardous waste • Moving, assisting/lifting and handling • Staff training and supervision • Reporting and recording of health and safety issues 1.3 The main health and safety responsibilities of:...
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...| Employment Legislation Framework | Confidential to McDonalds | 177058 Llandrillo Id number [Pick the date] | Health and Safety Framework Legislation | Description | How it affects the business | Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 | This act makes the working environment safer for the workers and also protects any other individuals in the workplace from potential risks to their health and safety.To achieve this training must be given, correct equipment must be provided (which is safe to use), a health and safety policy must be present and followed and a system must be in place to monitor that policies are being followed e.g. a health and safety representative in charge of training etc. It also controls the keeping of, the use of and preventing of the unlawful use, possession and acquisition of dangerous substances such as clinical waste and controlled drugs. | All staff working in the restaurant will have to have health and safety training to ensure their safety and the reasonable safety everyone else.Equipment provided is maintained and serviced/monitored so that it is safe to use and fit for purpose e.g. fryers, grills, toasters etcCCTV has been introduced in this establishments to protect individuals and staff from a number of potential health and safety risks e.g. abuse and theft etc. | Food Safety Act 1990 | This act covers a range of food safety and consumer issues relating to food.Food safety hazards are divided into three groups: * Biological...
Words: 1949 - Pages: 8
...and safety legislation and its implementation in health and social care settings. A review of systems, policies and procedures for communicating information in relation to legislations and individual responsibilities in term of managing health and safety will be considered. While safety priorities and how they are being implemented will be looked into. The use of information from care plan; the importance of risk assessment, the impact of policies on health care practices and how dilemma situation are managed and in addition consequences of non-compliance with law and regulation will be discussed. Lastly, the essay will critically look at how health and safety arrangement are monitored and review and also analyse the effectiveness of positive health and safety culture in health care organisation. In conclusion, my own contribution to health and safety needs will be discussed and recommendation made. Task 1: 1.1 According to oxford English dictionary (2014) “Policy is defined as a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organisation to direct and limit its action in pursuit of a long term goals,” examples smoking policy, manual handling policy. While a procedure on the other hand is an established or official ways of doing things or a series of actions conducted in a certain order or manner, examples are incident report procedures, hand washing procedures. These two are being regulated under specific laws or legislations which define the governing legal principles...
Words: 5662 - Pages: 23
...Victorian community services sector employs more than 60,000 people and many volunteers who are committed to providing services that enhance the physical, mental and social wellbeing of individuals. Community services work can be very rewarding, but it can also present challenges in delivering outcomes in a way that balances the rights of clients with the safety and wellbeing of employees. Nobody wants to be injured or otherwise harmed at work, but community services workers are often required to provide care or make decisions in an environment that can be hazardous. In Victoria in the past year there were more than 1,200 claims in the community services sector. Work related injury or illness sustained by employees were mostly due to manual handling, slips, trips and falls and...
Words: 31436 - Pages: 126
...Manual handling is moving loads with our own bodies. We can carry out activities including lifting, holding, filling up, emptying, putting down, pushing or pulling the load. In healthcare environment we can handle manually some objects like beds, trolleys, bags with waste or dirty linen or moving and handling people. According to NB Training Services (2014) there is a huge risk of accidents at work and injuries if the workers are not taught correct procedures. Especially a person’s back is at risk when he or she lifts a heavy patient. When a healthcare worker has a poor posture while pushing or pulling the trolley or reaching and twisting instead of getting into correct position they can cause harm to their back. If we do not follow correct...
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...including staff * The built environment does not contribute to physical, psychological and emotional risks to patients, visitors or staff. * The built environment provides security from criminal activity such as personal assault or theft of property Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 Literature Review 5 Methodology 6 \ 7 Findings and Discussion 8 Definition of Problem 9 Analysis of Causes 9 Under Staffed 9 Patients 10 Develop, Evaluate and Select Alternative (s) 11 ALT 1: To hire more Health Care Workers ( volunteers, care aids, LPN’s, RN’s) 11 Quantitative – 11 ALT 2: Equip working areas (patient handling) with proper lifts and supplies to create an easier job for RN’s 11 ALT 3: Evaluate all staff and categorize RN’s in areas of patient handling that match their needs. 11 AlT 4: Combine alternative 1 and 3 12...
Words: 6351 - Pages: 26
...safety in a care setting • Management of Health and Safety at work Regulations 1999 • Manual Handling operations Regulation 2002 • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 • Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013 • Provision and Use of Work Equipment at Work Regulations (PUWER)1998 • Personal Protection Equipment at Work Regulations • Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 • Food Safety Act 1990 • Food Safety and Hygiene Regulations 2013 • First Aid...
Words: 2168 - Pages: 9
...Legislation, Policies and Procedures and their influence on care services. Introduction. Within this report I will be outlining how legislation, policies and procedures relating to health, safety and security influence health and social care settings. I will also be summarising four pieces of legislation such as; Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002, Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulation 1995 and Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation 1995 but updated 2013. I will also say how the piece of legislation and associated policies and procedures helps to promote the safety of individuals in a health or social care setting and I will use examples throughout to support this report. policy. a policy is an overall plan of action adopted by an individual of a group and it is a guiding principle designed to influence decisions and actions, it is also an established course of action that always has to be followed. A policy interprets the legislation in a way that is easier to understand. procedure. A procedure is something that has to be done in a particular way to accomplish an object, they are usually develop to describe the methods of implementing a policy. A procedure is a written set of steps that have to be specific to carry out a task, there might be several procedures linked to a policy or they may stand alone and they must be followed. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. This...
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