Premium Essay

Marcel Duchamp's Artwork 'Nude Descending A Staircase'

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Pages 2
1) They create a visual record of their time and place.
• One example from the book would be the Reclining Buddha in Mogao Cave 148. With this sculpture alone and somewhat 2,000 more sculptures fill the grottoes. I would able to tell how strong Buddhism at the time and how merchants expressed their gratitude toward those cave temples.

2) They help us to see the world in new and innovative ways
• An example would be Marcel Duchamp’s artwork, “Nude Descending a Staircase”. People undervalued and ridiculed this particular painting due to its name. Duchamp’s intention was to create motion picture for his painting, a type of “advanced art” that people could not see at the time.

3) They make functional objects and structures more pleasurable

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