...As one of the earliest settlement areas in North America, the Maritime region has been an emblem of heritage roots throughout the course of Canadian history. Often referred to as a symbol of regional sovereignty, historians have labelled the Maritimes as a pioneer of the earliest commerce and trade activities. It is for this very reason that many have alluded to the Golden Ages of the Maritimes, a period marked by regional economic growth. With a pre-existing maturity in the fishing, logging, farming, and shipping industries, the technological improvements brought by industrialization at the turn of the 19th century led to the boom of industrial bases for steel and coal markets. This enabled the three provinces to capitulate their geographical advantage since the area was abundant in coal deposits, and lead to one of the wealthiest expansions in Maritime history. As Acheson famously points out, the local attitude was that despite transportation problems, it would still become the industrial centre of Canada because only it had commercially viable iron and coal deposits, and only it could control Montreal fuel resources. Why then, did the end of an era dominated by manufacturing lead to an economic stagnation that left a permanent imprint over the course of the century? Over the years, historians and economists alike have deemed a variety of factors as accountable for the general economic backwardness that prevailed. While some of these academic research pose contradictions amongst...
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...piece of work demonstrates, “admiralty and maritime law” covers a broad range of subjects. This field of law has its own rules relating to jurisdiction and procedure. Classically, maritime law was a species of commercial law, and in many countries it is still treated as such. Thus, this paper produce topics of a Maritime Liens In Singapore. This paper is designed to give an introductory survey of a Maritime lien in tha law of Singapore. Only an outline of the basic principle is attempted and, where necessary, the problem areas highlighted. No In-depth study is made that would be beyond the intended scope. Table of Contents Abstract 1 Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Defination of Maritime Lien 3 Priority of Claims 5 Conclusion 6 References 7 Introduction The Maritime lien is an unique creature in maritime law. While its historical origin is shrouded in some obscurity, its juridical nature is fairly well settled. In essence, it is an encumbrance or change over a ship or other like cargo and freight, which accrues from the moment the under lying claims giving rise to it attaches, travels secretively with the res (except one brought about the judicial) and is carried into effect by an action in rem. A party entitled to a maritime lien is not only to utilise the action in rem to give effect to it, but is also accorded higher priority vis-à-vis other maritime claimant and so enjoys he better chance of...
Words: 2006 - Pages: 9
...issues have created negative publicity that threatens the reputation of CHC. The purpose of this report is to analyze strategic and operational issues with CHC and to provide recommendations to improve the performance of the company. CHC’s external opportunities and threats that affect the company’s decision on its strategic alternatives include: increasing popularity of prefabricated housing, high demand of renovation, labor shortage, and a shortage of land available for development. In light of its internal analysis and external environment, CHC must: 1. Pursue renovation services 2. Manufacture prefabricated homes 3. Reject GH’s joint venture proposal 4. Reject rental property development proposal 5. Divest Maritimes Division To mitigate the various operational issues: 1. Declare bankruptcy for its European subsidiary 2. Implement a rating system to ensure consistent quality among performance of subcontractor’s performance 3. Establish a Board of Director (BOD) succession plan to ensure consistency in operations By implementing the new strategic direction and the recommendations outlined in this report for the company’s operational issues, CHC will have an unobstructed road to business growth and...
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...Consumer Electronics and Maritime Applications On an everyday basis we are being bombarded by consumer electronics. My coffee machine has gone from the manual ‘make it myself’ version to the push button error free espresso. I drive a multi stage diesel injected vehicle and I can’t even tell if it’s getting a bit warm, as technology has moved passed the need for me to monitor its cooling temperature – something I find very unnerving. My phone is so smart the hardest thing to do on it is make a phone call. I can video conference, Skype, answer my emails, paint a picture, and find my way when I am without directions. To be a participant in this technological revolution I now just need to be an experimenter. Educators would say that it is active learning and that we have become very comfortable with this. I will trial one button after the other to find what works for me. This has been elevated as many electronic devices have instructions on the web these days, and who wants to read material when we can discover the route ourselves! This may be all great when to comes to coffee machines and mobile devices but are we in great danger in the maritime industry of accepting our new technology as it comes along just like a new smart phone or tablet, without question, without reference to the manual or guide and with little recognition of its limitations. I feel we are becoming conditioned to the age of electronic inundation and are leaving some of the practicalities of the traditional...
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...| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | An Overview of Land Based Sources of Marine Pollution | This page is one of a series of web pages developed by the CAR/RCU on various Environmental Issues in the Caribbean. These pages are a good starting point for research into many of the pressing concerns of the nations and territories of the Wider Caribbean Region. They contain definitions, descriptions, discussions, links to relevant on-line documents and web sites. Read about other Issues. | | * Introduction * Land based pollution sources and their environmental impacts * Sewage * Oil hydrocarbons * Sediments * Nutrients * Pesticides * Solid waste and marine debris * Toxic substances * Planning and management of environmental pollution * CEP and land based sources of pollution * Pollution related CEP reports * Links to pollution related websites | INTRODUCTION | The major sources of coastal and marine pollution originating from the land vary from country to country. The nature and intensity of development activities, the size of the human population, the state and type of industry and agriculture are but a few of the factors contributing to each country’s unique pollution problems. Pollution is discharged either directly into to the sea, or enters the coastal waters through rivers and by atmospheric deposition. In order to mitigate and control the impact of pollution on coastal and marine resources, it is essential...
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...Is your child failing in school? Maybe he started out full of enthusiasm, but now his grades are slipping, his attitude is bad and he seems to be falling through the cracks. If your child has hit a slump midway through the school year, you are not alone. James Lehman has some advice for you today on what you can do now to get your child back on track. Many kids lose steam by the time the middle of the school year arrives. It’s very common for children and teens to get back to school after the holidays and hit a slump. Remember, kids are kids: their attention span is short, they're impulsive and it can be difficult for them to focus. It's easy for children to lose energy, and when that happens, a kind of lethargy can set in. If your child has a learning disability, or performance or behavior problems, this issue becomes magnified. Your child might feel as if he’s fallen into a hole and doesn’t know how to climb back out. (That hole can be caused by missed work, not understanding certain concepts at school, or social problems, among other things.) When your child is in that hole, it’s easy for him to become demoralized, act out more or withdraw emotionally. Often, he won’t ask for help even though he desperately needs it, and soon you’ll see his output start to slow down. Although this can occur with any child, make no mistake, for kids with behavior problems or learning disabilities, this is a very serious challenge to their stability for the rest of the school year. As a parent...
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...MIAMI PORT General: The Dante B. Fascell Port of Miami is a seaport located in Biscayne Bay in Miami, Florida, United States. The Port of Miami is an important contributor to the local South Florida and state economies. As of 2011, the Port of Miami accounts for 176,000 jobs and has an annual economic impact in Miami of $18 billion, $14 billion of which is generated by its cargo operations. 7.4 million tons of cargo and over 1 million TEU of intermodal container traffic move through the seaport per year It is the 11th largest cargo container port in the United States. In 2010, a record over 4 million passengers traveled through the Port of Miami. One in seven of all the world’s cruise passengers start from Miami. Customs: Manifest of foreign cargo inbound must be presented to the customs boarding officer prior to commercing discharge.Ship’s agent must notify customs 48 hrs prior to the ship’s arrival. There are some commercial forms required such as; manifest, passenger list, customs declaration…etc. Immigration: An immigration inspector will meet all ships entering port. Valid travel documents passport visa entry permit are required in some cases. Ship’s agent must notify immigration at least 1hr prior to ship’s arrival. Pilotage: Estimated time of arrival (ETA)should be made when ship docks and must be confirmed by phone 1hr prior to Pilot Boarding. Anchorage: The prescribed anchorage area for vessels anchoring outside the harbour is located Eastward of a line about...
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...MARINE ENVIRONMENT LAWS IN MALAYSIA DEVELOPMENT AND COMPLIANCE Outline of Presentation • Introduction • Objectives of Study • Methodology • Development of Marine Environment Laws in Malaysia • Compliance with Marine Environment Laws in Malaysia • Conclusions Introduction – Environmental Law • Body of international convention, domestic statutes • • • or laws, state or provincial ordinances and local government bylaws that govern human activities which impact the environment. Established to: - avoid tragedy of the commons - eliminate free riders in environmental protection and control of pollution And in response to: - the growing development of environmental ethics - the changing requirement of international law Tool for implementing policies Objectives of Study • Examine marine environment laws in Malaysia in terms of its development and its coverage; • Assess the level of compliance with marine environment laws in Malaysia and what it means in terms of environmental management; and • Identify means to promote compliance with environmental laws. Research Questions • How has marine environmental law in Malaysia changed over the years? • Are our laws adequate in dealing with marine environment issues? • What is the level of compliance with our marine environment laws? • Can the compliance level be improved? • What are the factors which drive environmental law development in Malaysia? Methodology •...
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...Research Paper on Maritime Technology and Environmental Regulations 1-0: Introduction Two vessels collided on august 1990 near Gibraltar in Spain resulting in a sea disaster and oil spill. Sea Spirit along with the Norwegian gas tanker collided head on causing a spill of about 8000Tons of oil. Oil contamination in the marine spread far, even reaching the Moroccan coast in form of cakes, tar balls, and oil packs. Similar to this disaster is the major oil spill that occurred on July in 1979 near Trinidad and Tobago caused by the Atlantic Empress. The spill allegedly resulted in the largest oil spill of 287,000Metric tons of oil ever to be recorded. The disaster was never totally remedied since during pull away from the scene, the tanker continued to spill an additional substantial amount of oil. Conversely, the Aegean Captain also leaked large amount of oil. Some moments later on, Atlantic Empress sank deeply with its cargo remaining solidified. However, the spill from the two ships never reached the shores of the ocean. 2-0: Similarities 2-1: Similarities in environmental effects In terms of ecological contamination, Both Sea Spirit and Atlantic Empress caused major impacts on sea animal and plant life. Sea birds became highly affected dipping the insulating capacity among such animals. Birds became highly vulnerable to temperature changes and less buoyant in water. The two oil spills contributed to huge impairments and disabilities related to flight in aquatic birds (Horn...
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...CERTIFICATE IN MARITIME ECONOMICS MODULE ONE Economic Geography of Maritime Transport Dr. Stavros Tsolakis Lloyd's and the Lloyd's crest are the registered trademarks of the society incorporated by the Lloyd's Act 1871 by the name of Lloyd's. CONTENTS WELCOME TO THE COURSE ........................................................................................................ 3 STRUCTURE OF THE COURSE ...................................................................................................... 4 INTRODUCTION TO MODULE 1 ................................................................................................... 7 1. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE SHIPPING INDUSTRY ........................................................... 8 1.1 The Function of Shipping .................................................................................................. 8 1.2 The Structure of World Seaborne Trade and the Demand for Shipping Services....................... 8 1.3 The Ton-Mile as a Measurement of Demand for Shipping Services ....................................... 12 2. ANALYSIS OF GLOBAL COMMODITIES ON-BOARD SHIPS .................................................. 14 2.1 Crude Oil Seaborne Trade .............................................................................................. 14 2.2 Other Challenges for Crude oil Transportation ................................................................... 16 2.3 ...
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...Importance of Internet Access among NSA Batch 17 Onboard Trainees Intro Rationale why did you conduct this research? What purpose does it serve? What good could possibly come of it? Theoretical background (RRL) Statement of the problem Significance of the study Write down how this study will possibly help or benefit another person or persons. Researchers may find the findings useful as …………… This study will encourage them to …………… It will also serve as basis in the study of ………… This study will contribute to ………… The study will provide ……….. This study can help boost the ……….. Through this study, students will become aware of ………. The results of this study will provide some insights and information on how they….. Research methodology Research design True experimental design is regarded as the most accurate and used form of experimental research, it tries to prove or disprove a hypothesis mathematically , with statistical analysis. For some of the physical sciences, such as physics, chemistry and geology, they are standard and commonly used. For social sciences, psychology and biology, they can be a little more difficult to set up. For an experiment to be classed as a true experimental design, it must fit all of the following criteria. Groups must be assigned via random sampling. There must be a control group. Only one variable can be manipulated and tested. It is possible to test more than one, but such experiments and their statistical analysis...
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...The Maritime Strategy of China in the Asia-Pacific Region Origins, Development and Impact HUANG, AN-HAO Submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy August 2009 School of Social and Political Sciences Faculty of Arts The University of Melbourne Produced on archival quality paper ABSTRACT This thesis aims to examine how and why a continental-oriented China has shifted its maritime strategic orientation and naval force structure from its coast toward the far seas in an era of interdependent international system. Generally, China is an ancient continental land power with an incomplete oceanic awareness. With the transformation after the Cold War of China’s grand strategy from landward security to seaward security, maritime security interests have gradually become the most essential part of China’s strategic rationale. Undoubtedly, the quest for sea power and sea rights has become Beijing’s main maritime strategic issue. Given China’s escalating maritime politico-economic-military leverage in the Asia-Pacific region, its desire to become a leading sea power embodying global strategic thinking means that it must expand its maritime strategy by developing its navy and preparing for armed confrontation in terms of international relations realism. Conversely, Beijing’s maritime policy leads at the same time towards globalization, which involves multilateralism and strategic coexistence of a more pragmatic kind. This research...
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...UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI EL SISTEMA PORTUARIO ESPAÑOL: REGULACIÓN, ENTORNO COMPETITIVO Y RESULTADOS. UNA APLICACIÓN DEL ANÁLISIS ENVOLVENTE DE DATOS Mónica Martín Bofarull ISBN:978-84-693-4063-9/DL:T-1162-2010 5. EFICIENCIA Y PRODUCTIVIDAD DEL SISTEMA PORTUARIO ESPAÑOL: UN ESTUDIO EMPÍRICO UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI EL SISTEMA PORTUARIO ESPAÑOL: REGULACIÓN, ENTORNO COMPETITIVO Y RESULTADOS. UNA APLICACIÓN DEL ANÁLISIS ENVOLVENTE DE DATOS Mónica Martín Bofarull ISBN:978-84-693-4063-9/DL:T-1162-2010 UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI EL SISTEMA PORTUARIO ESPAÑOL: REGULACIÓN, ENTORNO COMPETITIVO Y RESULTADOS. UNA APLICACIÓN DEL ANÁLISIS ENVOLVENTE DE DATOS Mónica Martín Bofarull ISBN:978-84-693-4063-9/DL:T-1162-2010 5.1. Modelización de la producción del sistema portuario español: variables para la estimación empírica _________________________ 209 5.2. Análisis comparativo de la eficiencia técnica: un enfoque a corto plazo ____________________________________________________ 219 5.3. Análisis comparativo de la evolución de la productividad: una aproximación a través del índice de Malmquist _________________ 229 5.4. Conclusiones __________________________________________ 239 UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI EL SISTEMA PORTUARIO ESPAÑOL: REGULACIÓN, ENTORNO COMPETITIVO Y RESULTADOS. UNA APLICACIÓN DEL ANÁLISIS ENVOLVENTE DE DATOS Mónica Martín Bofarull ISBN:978-84-693-4063-9/DL:T-1162-2010 UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI EL SISTEMA PORTUARIO ESPAÑOL: REGULACIÓN, ENTORNO...
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...international trade markets. (McNicholas, 2008) For as long as humans have been sailing on the seas, nations have been trying to provide a comprehensive set of rules and regulations for all maritime subjects. Due to the attacks on New York’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon, combating terrorism has been seen in a different perspective, and the U.S. has helped kick start a worldwide campaign. Recent events, primarily 9/11, have forced nations to re-evaluate their maritime security practices with regard to their place in the global economy. Safe transport of cargo and passengers along with the security of vessels, coastlines, and ports has become critically important with the increasing level of terrorist activity. (Yonah, 2008) With salt water covering two thirds of the Earth’s surface, more than 90 percent of the world’s trade transported by water, and the United States alone having over 12,000 miles of coastline terrorists not only have an easily accessible means of transport, but a wide array of potential targets. (Yonah, 2008) The Concept of Cooperative Maritime Security is one that incorporates many ideas and organizations. (McNicholas, 2008) It includes many different countries in what is now a global effort by many developed nations to provide an adequate safe environment for maritime trade. With every costal country on earth connected by the oceans, how would it be possible to ensure the safety of these ships? The obvious idea would be...
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...Ardennes, The [1951] 1 KB 55 For education purposes only Spanish exporters of mandarin oranges shipped a cargo of them in the defendants’ vessel in reliance on an oral promise by the shipowners’ agent, made on or about November 20, 1947, that the vessel would go straight to London. It is therefore was assumed by the shippers that vessel will arrive at London before 30 November 1947. After loading the plaintiffs’ cargo, the shipowners’ agent issued to the shippers a bill of lading containing the following terms among others: "Received for shipment in apparent good order and condition ... in and upon the steamship called the Ardennes or upon any other steamship substituted or following with liberty to call any port or ports for the purpose of receiving and delivering coals, cargo or passengers or for any other purpose whatsoever ... and bound for London the undernoted goods said to be three thousand cases of mandarin oranges, 90,000 kgs.… 2. The owners are to be at liberty to carry the said goods to their port of destination by the above or other steamer or steamers, ship or ships, or railway ... proceeding by any route and whether directly or indirectly to such port, and in doing so to carry the goods beyond their port of destination, and so tranship or land and store the goods either on shore or afloat and reship and forward the same at the owners’ expense but at merchant’s risk …". Instead of sailing direct to London, the vessel went first to Antwerp, where 374 cases...
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