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Cooperative Maritime Security


Submitted By wgrigsby1
Words 1273
Pages 6
Man has turned to the Earth’s oceans, lakes, and rivers for different reasons for centuries. Over that time humans looked to the Earth’s waterways for sustenance, commerce, security, travel, and recreation. As civilizations developed, the oceans were used as a means for nations to establish territory, increase trade within its borders, and the oceans have helped develop a global economy by acting as the highways for international trade markets. (McNicholas, 2008) For as long as humans have been sailing on the seas, nations have been trying to provide a comprehensive set of rules and regulations for all maritime subjects. Due to the attacks on New York’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon, combating terrorism has been seen in a different perspective, and the U.S. has helped kick start a worldwide campaign. Recent events, primarily 9/11, have forced nations to re-evaluate their maritime security practices with regard to their place in the global economy. Safe transport of cargo and passengers along with the security of vessels, coastlines, and ports has become critically important with the increasing level of terrorist activity. (Yonah, 2008) With salt water covering two thirds of the Earth’s surface, more than 90 percent of the world’s trade transported by water, and the United States alone having over 12,000 miles of coastline terrorists not only have an easily accessible means of transport, but a wide array of potential targets. (Yonah, 2008) The Concept of Cooperative Maritime Security is one that incorporates many ideas and organizations. (McNicholas, 2008) It includes many different countries in what is now a global effort by many developed nations to provide an adequate safe environment for maritime trade. With every costal country on earth connected by the oceans, how would it be possible to ensure the safety of these ships? The obvious idea would be

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