...quickly forget or feel self-conscious using. However, there is a bounty of choice words between the common and the esoteric that often seem be just on the tip of our tongue. Vocabulary 4000 brings these words to the fore. Whenever possible, one-word definitions are used. Although this makes a definition less precise, it also makes it easier to remember. Many common words appear in the list of words, but with their less common meanings. For example, the common meaning of champion is “winner.” A less common meaning for champion is to support or fight for someone else. (Think of the phrase “to champion a cause.”) This is the meaning that would be used in the list. As you read through the list of words, mark any that you do not know with a check mark. Then when you read through the list again, mark any that you do not remember with two checks. Continue in this manner until you have learned the words. There are four types of quizzes interspersed in the word list: Matching, Antonyms, Analogies, and Sentence Completions. The Matching quizzes, review words that were just introduced. All the other quizzes contain words from any part of the list. THE WORDS The Words 9 A a cappella without accompaniment à la carte priced separately a priori...
Words: 30239 - Pages: 121
...E-ISSN 2281-4612 ISSN 2281-3993 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Published by MCSER-CEMAS-Sapienza University of Rome Vol 2 No 5 July 2013 Challenges and Prospects of Entrepreneurship in Nigeria Okezie A. Ihugba Alex Odii Asoluka C. Njoku Department of Economics, Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri-Imo State, Nigeria Doi:10.5901/ajis.2012.v2n5p25 Abtsract The success of generating income for majority of rural and urban dwellers with no formal paid employment highly depends on Entrepreneurship. They are the backbone of economic development all over the world and play important role for employment, income and societal changes, particularly in transition economies like Nigeria. This paper is concerned with the nature and the extent to which entrepreneurship in Nigeria has been developed so far, and outlines the initiative by government and also the main current and future challenges and perspectives for the development of entrepreneurship. The study revealed that such initiatives by government failed abysmally due to over bearing bureaucracies, corruption, inadequate and inefficient infrastructural facilities and maladministration. The paper concludes that entrepreneurship miracle in other country is an engine for job creation; innovation and diversity and Nigeria’s entrepreneurs have a long way to go before they can effectively drive changes in the economy and recommends that Government (policy makers) should genuine recognize the essence of entrepreneurship...
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...Günderrode and Sincerity (conference version) Introduction In 1804, when asked why she published her work, Karoline von Günderrode wrote that she longed “mein Leben in einer bleibenden Form auszusprechen, in einer Gestalt, die würdig sei, zu den Vortreflichsten hinzutreten, sie zu grüssen und Gemeinschaft mit ihnen zu haben.”1 In light of such statements, it is perhaps not surprising if, despite some exceptions, much of the still relatively scant literature on Günderrode reads her works largely in terms of how they articulate and manifest Günderrode’s desires, frustrations, and character, for the most part ignoring their imaginary, creative, and intellectual aspects. This interpretation of the author’s works as biography is, in Günderrode’s case, often accompanied by an interpretation of her biography, particularly her suicide, as literary work. This paper is not the first to question the conflation of Günderrode’s life, death, and writing, but it is one of only a couple that aim to address the autopoietic element of Günderrode’s work in a way that does not reduce her writings to biographical and psychological expressions, or Günderrode herself to an image – or a legend – encapsulated by her writings and her relationship to them. This paper argues that Günderrode’s own position on what the self is has been largely neglected as a result of this conflation, and that taking this position into account changes how we understand Günderrode’s articulations of self in her writings. Thus...
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...Challenges and Prospects of Entrepreneurship in Nigeria Abtsract The success of generating income for majority of rural and urban dwellers with no formal paid employment highly depends on Entrepreneurship. They are the backbone of economic development all over the world and play important role for employment, Income and societal changes, particularly in transition economies like Nigeria. This paper is concerned with the nature and the extent to which entrepreneurship in Nigeria has been developed so far, and outlines the initiative by government and also the main current and future challenges and perspectives for the development of entrepreneurship. The study revealed that such initiatives by government failed abysmally due to over bearing bureaucracies, corruption, inadequate and inefficient infrastructural facilities and maladministration. The paper concludes that entrepreneurship miracle in other country is an engine for job creation; innovation and diversity and Nigeria’s entrepreneurs have a long way to go before they can effectively drive changes in the economy and recommends that Government (policy makers) should genuine recognize the essence of entrepreneurship to economic development by providing the enabling environment for private sector led investment for economic development and also provide adequate infra-structural facilities (water, electricity, road network, communications etc.) Introduction A nation's ability to generate a steady stream of business opportunities...
Words: 5924 - Pages: 24
...interest, which mostly falls into two competing perspectives: cultural studies and public health. In this paper, we review what raves look like today compared to their high point in the 1990s. We then discuss how the cultural studies and public health perspectives define raves and have studied them over time, focusing on the “pet” sociological concepts each has sought to advance. Our analysis of these literatures reveals important differences in rave research by country and over time. We end by discussing the politics associated with the shift in rave research. Introduction Society has been greatly influenced by many alternative scenes, subcultures, or lifestyles oriented around music, youth and young adults (Epstein 1998). Some of the more notable ones include the English punk scene in the 1970s- 1980s, the U.S. jazz (1930s-1940s) and hippie scenes (1970s), and the 1990s rave scenes in the U.K. and U.S. From them have come musical innovation, social identity, fashion and other aesthetic nuances, and mainstream and alternative cultural production. Increasingly, sociology has used scenes and lifestyles to investigate and clarify many of the discipline’s fundamental concepts and ideas. For example, Becker (1963) used the 1940s U.S. jazz scene to elucidate notions of deviant identity, subculture, and social control. In the U.K., scholars from the Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS) used the English punk...
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...Financial markets and institution are life blood of any economy. DISCUSS. What are financial markets market An actual or nominal place where forces of demand and supply operate, and where buyers and sellers interact (directly or through intermediaries) to trade goods, services, or contracts or instruments, for money or barter. Markets include mechanisms or means for (1) determining price of the traded item, (2) communicating the price information, (3) facilitating deals and transactions, and (4) effecting distribution. The market for a particular item is made up of existing and potential customers who need it and have the ability and willingness to pay for it. Buyers and sellers of stocks or bonds or futures and options contracts use the financial markets to meet to buy and sell the products through a middleman exchange. What are the financial markets? That's a good question, because financial markets go by many terms, including capital markets, Wall Street, even simply "the markets". Whatever you call them, financial markets are where traders buy and sell stocks, bonds, derivatives, foreign exchange and commodities. These markets are where businesses go to raise cash to grow, companies reduce risks, and investors make money. Types of Financial Markets The Stock Market is a series of exchanges where successful corporations go to raise large amounts of cash to expand. Stocks are shares of ownership of a public corporation that are sold to investors through broker...
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...WS 2013-14 MSc gEF Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik MSc kEF Management-Ethik MSc aZF Ethik (HMwL) Modul im SPF Management Management Ethik Prof. Dr. Michael Schramm schramm@uni-hohenheim.de Schramm Management-Ethik (WS 2013-14) zwei zentrale Begriffe vorab 1. Kontingenz in Managemententscheidungen bedeutet so viel wie „Ungewissheit“, hier: Ungewissheit der betriebswirtschaftlichen Folgen von managementethischen Vorleistungen Beispiel 01: Die Versenkung der Brent Beispiel 02: Korruption bei Siemens 2. Polydimensionalität von Managemententscheidungen Während der „Markt“ nur eine Dimension wahrnimmt (nämlich ökonomische Preissignale), sind Management-Transaktionen in Unternehmen immer polydimensional: ökonomisch + juristisch + ethisch 2 Schramm Management-Ethik (WS 2013-14) Agenda Intro 1. (Legal) Compliance & (Organizational) Integrity. Zwei managementethische Konzepte 2. Was ist eigentlich (Management-)Ethik? 3. Corporate Social Responsibility 4. Management-Ethik – Macro or Micro Approach? 5. Transaction Ethics. Polydimensionales Kontingenz-Management Outro: Markets & Morals 3 Schramm Management-Ethik (WS 2013-14) (Detail)Agenda Kapitel 5 5. Transaction Ethics. Polydimensionales Kontingenz-Management 5.1 „Transaction Ethics“. Das Grundkonzept 5.2 Die Fairness des Produktpreises 5.3 Management von Korruptions-Rhizomen 5.4 The Extended „Going Concern“: Stakeholder-Kooperationen & Nachhaltigkeitsmarketing 5.5 Verantwortungsmanagement „auf deutsch“...
Words: 14856 - Pages: 60
...Danksagung Ich möchte allen danken, die sich in den vergangenen Jahren die Mühe gemacht haben, sich mit meiner Dissertation, mit diesem Text, zu beschäftigen und ihn zu kommentieren. An erster Stelle sind das meine Betreuer am Europäischen Hochschulinstitut in Florenz, Klaus Eder und Friedhelm Neidhardt. Außerdem: Catherine Brice, Colin Crouch, Nora Eisermann, Bernd Giesen, Michaela Krützen, Johannes Lübking, Anne Marijnen, Gesa Marten, Jo Reichertz, Frederic Vandenberghe und Anne Will. Besonders danke ich meinem Bruder David Eisermann, der mir die nötige Zuversicht und liebevolle Unterstützung gegeben hat, die Arbeit abzuschließen. Berlin, im Oktober 2000 Jessica Eisermann Inhalt Danksagung .........................................................................................................5 Abkürzungen......................................................................................................10 Einleitung.......................................................................................................... 13 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 Das Problem der Mediengewalt........................................................... 21 Die Definition des Problems in der Öffentlichkeit .................................21 Die ordnungsgenerierende Funktion 'unterhaltender' Nachrichten ...22 Das Problem im Zusammenhang mit dem Symbol der Gewalt ........28 Das Problem im Zusammenhang mit dem Medium...
Words: 88045 - Pages: 353
...Erfolgsfaktoren interkultureller Strategischer Allianzen - am Beispiel von bilateralen Kooperationen zwischen deutschen, franzo sischen und japanischen Automobilunternehmen - INAUGURALDISSERTATION zur Erlangung des Grades eines Doktors der Wirtschaftswissenschaft des - Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Gerhard-Mercator-Universita t Gesamthochschule Duisburg Vorgelegt von Dipl.-O k. Carola Krieger 46537 Dinslaken 2001 PDF wurde mit FinePrint pdfFactory-Prüfversion erstellt.http://www.context-gmbh.de II Inhaltsverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis...................................................................................... VI Abku rzungsverzeichnis ..................................................................................... IX I. Fragestellung.................................................................................................... 1 II. Forschungsstand und Vorgehensweise ........................................................... 5 III. Aufbau der Arbeit.......................................................................................... 8 1. Strategische Allianzen................................................................................... 11 1.1 Definition der Strategischen Allianz und ihrer charakteristischen Merkmale ........................................................................................................................... 14 1.2 Herleitung des theoretischen Bezugsrahmens.........................
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