...com/loi/rjmm20 Evaluating market-segmentation research priorities: Targeting reemancipation Lee Quinn & Sally Dibb a b a b University of Liverpool, UK Open University Business School, UK Available online: 06 Dec 2010 To cite this article: Lee Quinn & Sally Dibb (2010): Evaluating market-segmentation research priorities: Targeting re-emancipation, Journal of Marketing Management, 26:13-14, 1239-1255 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0267257X.2010.523010 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-andconditions This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. Journal of Marketing Management Vol. 26, Nos. 13–14, December 2010, 1239–1255 Evaluating market-segmentation research priorities:...
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...Marketing knowledge and the value of segmentation Sally Dibb Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK Philip Stern Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK Robin Wensley Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK Keywords Market segmentation, Marketing theory, Customer profiling, Organizational performance Introduction Market segmentation is according to many textbooks, one of the fundamental principles of marketing (Kotler, 1997). Marketing theory suggests that businesses adopting a market segmentation approach can enhance their organisational performance (Kotler, 1997). Market segmentation is grounded in economic pricing theory, which suggests that profits can be maximised when pricing levels discriminate between segments (Frank et al., 1972). One reason for the widespread acceptance of the approach is the belief that organizations cannot normally serve all of the customers in a market. The leading textbook by Kotler (1997) states that, ``Customers are too numerous, and diverse in their buying requirements''. The implication is that segmentation helps to homogenize market heterogeneity and coincidentally allow for improved organisational performance by targeting specific segments of the market. Thus customers who have been aggregated according to similar buying needs and behaviour will tend to demonstrate a more homogeneous response to marketing programmes (Choffray and Lilien, 1978; Wind, 1978). The marketing...
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...Ch11-H8566.qxd 8/8/07 2:04 PM Page 222 CHAPTER 11 Market segmentation YORAM (JERRY) WIND and DAVID R. BELL All markets are heterogeneous. This is evident from observation and from the proliferation of popular books describing the heterogeneity of local and global markets. Consider, for example, The Nine Nations of North America (Garreau, 1982), Latitudes and Attitudes: An Atlas of American Tastes, Trends, Politics and Passions (Weiss, 1994) and Mastering Global Markets: Strategies for Today’s Trade Globalist (Czinkota et al., 2003). When reflecting on the nature of markets, consumer behaviour and competitive activities, it is obvious that no product or service appeals to all consumers and even those who purchase the same product may do so for diverse reasons. The Coca Cola Company, for example, varies levels of sweetness, effervescence and package size according to local tastes and conditions. Effective marketing and business strategy therefore requires a segmentation of the market into homogeneous segments, an understanding of the needs and wants of these segments, the design of products and services that meet those needs and development of marketing strategies, to effectively reach the target segments. Thus focusing on segments is at the core of organizations’ efforts to become customer driven; it is also the key to effective resource allocation and deployment. The level of segment aggregation is an increasingly important issue. In today’s global economy,...
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...Benefit Segmentation: A Dedsion-oriented Research Tool RUSSELL I. HALEY been center M ARKETassegmentation has passessteadily moving towardresearch stage a topic of discussion in marketing and circles. Hardly a conference without at least one session devoted to it. Moreover, in March the American Management Association held a three-day conference entirely concerned with various aspects of the segmentation problem. According to Wendell Smith. "Segmentation l^ based upon developments on the demand side of the market and represents a rational and more precise adjustment of product and marketing effort to consumer or user requirements."^ The idea that all markets can be profitably segmented has now received almost as widespread acceptance as the marketing concept itself. However, problems remain. In the extreme, a marketer can divide up his market in as many ways as he can describe his prospects. If he wishes, he can define a left-handed segment, or a blue-eyed segment, or a German-speaking segment. Consequently, current discussion revolves largely around which of the virtually limitless alternatives is likely to be most productive. According to this ar+icle, mos+ techniques of market segmentation rely only on DESCRIPTIVE factors pertaining to purchasers and are not efficient predictors of future buyer behavior. The author proposes an approach whereby market segments are delineated first on the basis of factors with a CAUSAL relationship to future purchase behavior. The belief underlying...
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...MARKETING FOR HEALTH CARE INTRODUCTION Various concepts like target market, market segmentation, SWOT analysis, market research etc, constitutes Marketing for Health Care. Marketer should generally understand all the concepts related to marketing which helps in reaching the objectives in the given period. As health care industry should be dealt cautiously, market research is highly essential with the above mentioned concepts incorporated in the research. BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF CONCEPTS Market segmentation is crucial in marketing as it deals with the segmentation of the market depending on the groups and targeting the audience for desired results. These different groups are categorized under different categories and then the target market is considered. Research is the important concept for any industry as it includes gathering of information of the desired area. The data which is collected is then analyzed and scrutinized after which segmentation takes place. This should be done in a way which is fulfilled according to the needs and objectives of the organization. Hence, an action plan is prepared in which the plan is incorporated and the results are reviewed after the implementation of the plan in to organization. Market research is vital in any organization as it determines the types of methods and the steps involved in the research. Among all the concepts, SWOT analysis is the best as it does both internal and external analysis to determine strengths, weakness, threats...
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...Measuring the stability of Retail Market based on its store images – a fuzzy clustering approach. Abstract Purpose segmentation is the point where marketing activity starts. A flawless segmentation results in comparable competitive advantage. The purpose of this study is to examine the stability of segmentation. Design / methodology/ approach - this research examines the stability of the segments. Shoppers have been segmented based on the importance they’ve given to store image. Data collected through mall intercept interviews has been used for it. Segmentation has been done by K-means clustering and fuzzy clustering methods. Membership grades give the samples’ relative position in the cluster. Findings – Various approaches to segment the market has been analysed and the advantages of fuzzy methods has been obtained. Finally the most stable segment, on the other hand the most volatile segment has been found out. Study reveals that fuzzy clustering is potentially useful to assess the stability of segments. Research limitations / implications Research findings are constrained, as the study concentrates on the behaviour of shoppers based on the influence of store images but segmenting based on demographic or lifestyle variables are not considered. However the stability of segments has been analysed for this segments. Practical implications membership grade gives a clear picture of the real market to the marketer. And it helps the marketer to visualize individual’s...
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...Market Segmentation By Jerry W. Thomas W hen the term “market segmentation” is used, most of us immediately think of psycho- A brand could be sold only in one market, one state, or one region of the United States. Many restaurant chains focus on a limited geographic area to achieve concentration of force. Regional differences in consumer preferences exist, and this often provides a basis for geographic specialization. For example, a company might choose to market its redeye gravy only in the southeastern U.S. Likewise, a picante sauce might concentrate its distribution and advertising in the southwest. A chain saw company might only market its products in areas with forests. Geographic segmentation can take many forms (urban versus rural, north versus south, seacoasts versus interior, warm areas versus cold, high-humidity areas versus dry areas, high-elevation versus low-elevation areas, and so on). These examples also reveal that geographic segmentation is sometimes a surrogate for (or a means to) other types of segmentation. The purpose of segmentation is the concentration of marketing energy and force on the subdivision (or the market segment) to gain a competitive advantage within the segment. graphics, lifestyles, values, behaviors, and multivar- iate cluster analysis routines. Market segmentation is a much broader concept, however, and pervades the practice of business throughout the world. What is market segmentation? At its most basic level, the term “market...
Words: 2297 - Pages: 10
...Segmentation And Target Market Paper Free Essays 1 - 30 www.papercamp.com/group/segmentation-and-target-market-paper Cached Free Essays on Segmentation And Target Market Paper for students. Use our papers to help you with yours 1 - 30. Segmentation and Target Marketing - Essays - Menaiedw www.termpaperwarehouse.com/essay-on/Segmentation-And... Cached Read this essay on Segmentation and Target Marketing . Come browse our large digital warehouse of free sample essays. Get the knowledge you need in order to pass your ... Segmentation and Target Market Paper - Marketing homework help www.homeworkmarket.com/content/segmentation-and-target... Cached Write a white paper on a company of your choice and discuss the market segmentation within that industry along with the target market for the company and the ... Segmentation and Target Market Essays - Free Essays, Term ... manyessays.com/essay/segmentation-and-target-market Cached Title: Pages / Words: Save: how is market segmentation used in target marketing? Broadly, markets can be divided according to a number of general criteria, such as by ... Segmentation and Target Market - Term Papers - Mikeymyles www.studymode.com/essays/Segmentation-And-Target-Market... Cached Segmentation and Target Market According to Kotler, "a market segment consists of a large identifiable group within a market, with similar wants, purchasing power ... Target Market Segmentation Research Paper - Scribd www.scribd.com/.../Target-Market-Segmentation-Research-Paper...
Words: 534 - Pages: 3
...particular already existing product in order to achieve the highest sales they possibly can. This technique is suited to companies who sell products which are in high demand and whose customers/consumers tastes are unlikely to change and lessen demand. The Production Concept – Companies focusing on this concept will primarily focus on achieving high production efficiency at low costs and mass distribution as they believe the consumers are primarily interested in widely available products at low prices. This concept makes sense when the consumers are more interested in obtaining the product than features. The Product Concept – Companies will study a product concept before they market the product to their customers are a lot of time and money is spent on research to ensure they reach their target market, in order to do this they must fully understand and know the product to ensure they can present the products best qualities and features. 2. Britvic’s micro and macro environment. The micro environment of Britvic consists of factors that affect their business which they have some control over. Some of these factors are suppliers, customers and stakeholders. The micro environment can mostly be considered the local environment where the business operates so therefore the business owner is likely to be somewhat aware of the impacts that they are faced with. For example the case study tells us that in 1971 after recognising the company’s leading brand appeal, the British Vitamin...
Words: 1499 - Pages: 6
...by Russell I. Haley Benefit Segmentation: A Decision-Oriented Research Tool Marketing insight is limited only by the imagination. M arket segmentation has been steadily moving toward center stage as a topic of discussion in marketing and research circles. The idea that all markets can be profitably segmented has now received almost as widespread acceptance as the marketing concept itself. However, problems remain. In the extreme, a marketer can divide up his market in as many ways as he can describe his prospects. If he wishes, he can define a left-handed segment or a blue-eyed segment or a German-speaking segment. Consequently, current discussion revolves largely around which of the virtually limitless alternatives is likely to be most productive. Several varieties of market segmentation have been popular in the recent past. At least three kinds have achieved some degree of prominence: geographic, demographic, and volume segmentation. Perhaps the first type to exist was geographic segmentation. Small manufacturers who wished to limit their investments, or whose distribution channels were not large enough to cover the entire country, segmented the U.S, market, in effect, by selling their products only in certain areas. However, as more and more brands became national, the second major system of segmentation—demographic segmentation—became popular. Under this philosophy, targets were defined as younger people, men, or families with children. Unfortunately, a number of...
Words: 3551 - Pages: 15
...by Russell I. Haley Benefit Segmentation: A Decision-Oriented Research Tool Marketing insight is limited only by the imagination. M arket segmentation has been steadily moving toward center stage as a topic of discussion in marketing and research circles. The idea that all markets can be profitably segmented has now received almost as widespread acceptance as the marketing concept itself. However, problems remain. In the extreme, a marketer can divide up his market in as many ways as he can describe his prospects. If he wishes, he can define a left-handed segment or a blue-eyed segment or a German-speaking segment. Consequently, current discussion revolves largely around which of the virtually limitless alternatives is likely to be most productive. Several varieties of market segmentation have been popular in the recent past. At least three kinds have achieved some degree of prominence: geographic, demographic, and volume segmentation. Perhaps the first type to exist was geographic segmentation. Small manufacturers who wished to limit their investments, or whose distribution channels were not large enough to cover the entire country, segmented the U.S, market, in effect, by selling their products only in certain areas. However, as more and more brands became national, the second major system of segmentation—demographic segmentation—became popular. Under this philosophy, targets were defined as younger people, men, or families with children. Unfortunately, a number of...
Words: 3562 - Pages: 15
...MARKET SEGMENTATION: As cited by Donald and Malcolm (2012) “market segmentation is the process of splitting customers, or potential customers, in a market into groups or segments”. Market segmentation is a process which defines and targets specific markets. It is method of dividing market into different groups of buyers which requires different products of marketing fixes. Market segmentation is concerned with identifying and satisfying specific user needs. It can include many types such as one product for all, some products for some and different products for everyone. TYPES OF SEGMENTATION BASES: According to Wedel and Kamakura (2000), there are four segmentation bases. They are geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral base. Geographic base depicts about dividing the market into different geographical units such as nations, regions, countries, cities and districts. Demographic base depicts in splitting the market into groups based on demographic, socio-economic variables like age, ethnicity, and gender etc. Psychographic segmentation explains in fragmenting the market into groups based on social class, life-style, values etc. Behavioral base segmentation is dividing the market into groups based on attitude, consumer knowledge, service offering, and response of product. TARGETING OLD GENERATION: In UK old people has a large customer base. Provided that there are more adults in UK over 50`s, delineating a huge market for business. Research by direct...
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...Segmentation in B2B Markets A White Paper by Paul Hague and Matthew Harrison of B2B International WHAT IS MARKETING IF IT IS NOT ABOUT SEGMENTATION? CVS Pharmacy is one of the most successful drug store chains in America. What is the reason for this success? They understand their market and have approached it through segmentation and targeting. The company looked at its customer base and found that 80 percent are women. With this in mind, CVS redesigned 1,200 of its 6,200 stores to meet the needs of busy, multi-tasking women by offering shorter wait times for prescriptions, wider and better-lit shopping aisles, and more beauty products. In doing so it fulfilled the requirement of all good marketing orientated companies – it identified the needs of its customers and organised its offer to better meet them. This is at the heart of all good marketing – meeting customers’ needs profitably, and allocating finite resources in such a way that profit is maximised. This means not wasting time or resources on customers who would be less profitable, and treating the key targets not as one homogenous population but as distinct groups with distinct needs. It is very rare for even two customers to have identical needs to each other. In a perfect world, we would identify those customers that we deem to be profitable, and then treat each one of those individually according to their unique needs. In any market with a sizeable target audience, even this is likely to require more resources...
Words: 4148 - Pages: 17
...Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper. Feel free to depict graphs, matrixes, tables and formulas. Per each correct essay you can gain up to 6 points. 1. The segmentation is a process that can be managed adopting different perspectives and methodologies. Please describe the main perspective and methodologies highlighting pros and cons. Segmentation is identification of portions of the market that are different from the other. Segmentation allows the firm to better satisfy the needs of its potential customers. Creative market segmentation strategies often afford the business organization a strategic advantage over its competition. Foreign firms often enter a domestic market by segmenting the market, uncovering an underserved niche, and then concentrating their marketing and financial resources into that niche. There are three types and two methods of segmentation. Attidunal type is based on primary research into customer attitudes. Its good side is that it insights cut across the customers and prospects. But on the other side it is soft segmentation. It’s hard to measure impact, and nearly impossible to score a customer database. Transactional type is based on purchasing patterns. For example new, growing, stable, declining, and lapsed segments. Pro side is that it’s grounded in revenue metrics. Moderately easy to measure impact. And bad side is that it’s relatively unstable – customers can shift between segments frequently. Very different...
Words: 1178 - Pages: 5
... First, Corporate activities are focused on providing customer satisfaction rather than others. For example, provide good customers service and producer convenience. Second, all staff need to accept the responsibility for creating customer satisfaction. Company should right to operation production, finance and developing department. Finally, the company achieves goals through customer satisfaction. However, there are has the limitation of marketing concept. Four issue, the marketing concept as an ideology, marketing and society, marketing as a constraint on innovation, and marketing as a source of dullness. Marketing orientation: Marketing orientation focus on customer needs. Company need to change present potential market opportunities to drive the company. Marketing orientation companies seek to demand of current marketing and latent marketing to adapt their product and service. And company gets closed to customers that understand their need and problems. For example, BMW corporate according to customer different needs. Company assigning different car brand, such as BMW, Mini, Rolls-Royce. Companies understand customer’s motivation and behavior. However, there is not all company used a marketing orientation....
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