...Learning Styles: Fact or Fiction, A Literature Review of Learning Styles Guy F. Workman This paper was completed and submitted in partial fulfillment of the Master Teacher Program, a 2-year faculty professional development program conducted by the Center for Teaching Excellence, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, 2012. Author Information During my fourth deployment, my Brigade Commander notified me that I had been selected to teach at West Point. This new assignment struck me as odd for two reasons: first, I had not applied for the position, and second, during college, I was not what you’d call a “stand-out” student. To say that I was surprised to find myself preparing to teach college students was an understatement. I was secretly daunted by the idea but upon arrival to West Point, I learned of the Master Teacher Program. The thought “Oh thank God” entered my head, as it seemed the answer to the question “How am I going to learn to teach these kids?” had just fallen into my lap. While participating in the Master Teacher Program, I was introduced to methodologies of questioning, levels of questioning, class dynamics, class discipline, academic integrity, and a myriad of other pedagogy topics. Early in the program, I was introduced to the theory of Learning Styles. Surely everyone has heard such things as “He’s a visual learner,” or “I think people learn better by doing,” and so on. Initially, I gave the concept little consideration (as the importance...
Words: 3717 - Pages: 15
...PEARSON BETEC – LEVEL-5 HIGHER NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS – MANAGEMENT/ HUMAN RESOURCE MANGMENT (organisations and behavior) On (Unit 03 & organization and behavior) by ISMATH SAMANUL FARIS Human Resource Management Institute 23, Vijaya Kumararathunga Mawatha ( polhengoda Rd) ,Colombo 5 Sri Lanka SUBMITTED ON 24.01.2016 LO1 Understand the relationship between organizational structure and culture. Introduction What is an organization? A social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need to pursue collective goals. All organizations have a management structure that determines relationships between the different activities and the members, and subdivides and assigns roles, responsibilities...
Words: 8406 - Pages: 34
...Fourth Edition Financial & Managerial Accounting for MBAs Peter D. Easton Robert F. Halsey Mary Lea McAnally Al L. Hartgraves Wayne J. Morse Cambridge Business Publishers To my daughters, Joanne and Stacey —PDE To my wife Ellie and children, Grace and Christian —RFH To my husband Brittan and my children Loic, Cindy, Maclean, Quinn and Kay. —MLM To my wife Aline. —ALH To my family and students. —WJM Cambridge Business Publishers FINANCIAL & MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING FOR MBAs, Fourth Edition, by Peter D. Easton, Robert F. Halsey, Mary Lea McAnally, Al L. Hartgraves, and Wayne J. Morse. COPYRIGHT © 2015 by Cambridge Business Publishers, LLC. Published by Cambridge Business Publishers, LLC. Exclusive rights by Cambridge Business Publishers, LLC for manufacture and export. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or stored in a database or retrieval system in any form or by any means, without prior written consent of Cambridge Business Publishers, LLC, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Student Edition ISBN 978-1-61853-102-5 Bookstores & Faculty: to order this book, call 800-619-6473 or email customerservice@cambridgepub.com. Students: to order this book, please visit the book’s website and order directly online. Printed in the United States of America. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 About the Authors ...
Words: 33010 - Pages: 133
...Fourth Edition Financial Statement Analysis & Valuation Peter D. Easton University of Notre Dame Mary Lea McAnally Texas A&M University Gregory A. Sommers Southern Methodist University Xiao-Jun Zhang University of California, Berkeley Cambridge Business Publishers To my daughters, Joanne and Stacey —PDE To my husband Brittan, and my children Loic, Maclean, Quinn and Kay —MLM To my wife Susan, and my children Christian, Peter and Philip —GAS To my wife Sharon, my daughter Jasmine, and my parents 滕惠清 and 张祥林 —XZ Financial Statement Analysis & Valuation, Fourth Edition, by Peter D. Easton, Mary Lea McAnally, Gregory A. Sommers, and Xiao-Jun Zhang. COPYRIGHT © 2015 by Cambridge Business Publishers, LLC. Published by Cambridge Business Publishers, LLC. Exclusive rights by Cambridge Business Publishers, LLC for manufacture and export. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or stored in a database or retrieval system in any form or by any means, without prior written consent of Cambridge Business Publishers, LLC, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Student Edition ISBN 978-1-61853-104-9 Bookstores & Faculty: to order this book, call 800-619-6473 or email customerservice@cambridgepub.com. Students: to order this book, please visit the book’s Website and order directly online. Printed in...
Words: 28387 - Pages: 114
...Introduction to Hospitality Industry UNIT 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Meaning and definition Historical evolution and development Hospitality as an Industry 1.1 Introduction Meaning and definition Tourism is not just about the facilities and attractions provided for visitors. It is about people and especially about the relationship between the customer and the individual providing service. Everybody employed in tourism needs to have the knowledge, skills and attitudes to provide the standard of product and service that customers expect. Knowing about the tourism industry, its component parts and especially where you fit in is an important starting point to a successful career in tourism. What Is Tourism? Tourism may be described as the activities of tourists and those who cater for them. It is a highly diversified business with many component parts ranging from airlines to hotels. Tourism is concerned with providing: Travel and transport facilities Accommodation Food and drink Entertainment/recreation Information and assistance Souvenirs Above all, tourism is a hospitality industry providing a service to visitors in a warm and welcoming way. ICHM Page 1 Introduction to Hospitality Industry Who Are Tourists? Tourists are people who for a variety of reasons travel to destinations, where they stay at least one night. Excursionists are also visitors that do not make an over-night stop, such as daytrippers or people on cruises. There are several basic types of tourists: ...
Words: 40041 - Pages: 161
...BA 958 MERCHANT BANKING ANF FINANCIAL SERVICES Syllabus UNIT- 1 Introduction – An Overview of Indian Financial System – Merchant Banking in India –Recent Developments and Challenges ahead – Institutional structure – Functions of Merchant Banking – Legal and Regulatory Frameworks- Relevant Provisions of Companies Act- SERA-SEBI guidelines- FEMA etc. – Relation with stock Exchanges and OTCEI UNIT II - ISSUE MANAGEMENT Role of Merchant Banking in Appraisal of projects, Designing Capital Structures and Instruments – Issue Pricing Pricing- Preparation of prospectus selection of bankers, Advertising Consultants etc. – Role of Registrars –Underwriting Arrangements. Dealing with Bankers to the Issue, Underwriters, Registrars, and Brokers. –Offer for sale – Book- Building – Green Shoe Option –E –IPO Private Placement- Bought out Deals –Placement with FIs, MFs, FIIs, etc. offShore Issues. – Issue Marketing – Advertising Strategies-NRI Marketing- Post Issue Activities. UNIT III - OTHER FEE BASED MANAGEMENT Mergers and Acquisitions – Portfolio Management Services – Credit Syndication – Credit Rating – Mutual Funds – Business Valuation. UNIT IV - FUND BASED FINANCIAL SERVICES Leasing and Hire Purchasing – Basics of Leasing and Hire Purchasing – Financial Evaluation – Tax Implication. UNIT V - OTHER FUND BASED FINANCIAL SERVICES Consumer Credit – Credit Cards- Real Estate Financing – Bills Discounting – Recent Developments in Factoring and Forfeiting – Venture Capital. REFERENCES 1. M.Y.Khan...
Words: 77349 - Pages: 310
...Cost Control Conte nts Pref ace to the New Edition The Cost Manager’s Toolkit – PDA-size Summary 1 GOOD COST MANAGEMENT The Unsung Hero Cheaper and Better Managing and Cutting Costs – Intelligently 2 COST LEADERSHIP A Challenging Base Case Indiv idual Accountability Persistence A Continuous Improv ement Culture Short Timef rames Feedback Loops Strategic Skepticism Top Team: Finance Top Team: Human Resources Role Models Toolkit – Cost Leadership 3 TECHNIQUES AND TACTICS Understanding Cost Dy namics Management Accounts and Metrics Bang f or Buck Slice and Dice Understanding Natural Cost Trends Cash Cost Not P&L Cost Best Practice (and Lev el Play ing Fields) Competitiv e Analy sis Toolkit – Techniques and Tactics 4 PEOPLE Why Is People Cost So Problematic? Hiring Pay ing Technology and Productiv ity Firing Managing the Av erage Perf ormer Minimizing the Core Organization Toolkit – People 5 SUPPLIERS Who Manages Supplier Costs? Understand the Balance of Power Consolidate to Fewer Better Suppliers Negotiate Intelligently Don’t Get Locked In Manage Total Cost of Ownership Get Tough on the Costs of Serv ices Toolkit – Suppliers 6 COST CUTTING CASE STUDY Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 7 WIRED AND GLOBAL The Internet Globalization Toolkit – Wired and Global 8 LATERAL THINKING Indirect Cost Generators Let the Customers Do the Work Cost into Rev enue Toolkit – Lateral Thinking ...
Words: 63341 - Pages: 254
...SECOND 21ST CENTURY ACADEMIC FORUM CONFERENCE AT HARVARD MARCH 8 - 10, 2015 MARTIN CONFERENCE CENTER HARVARD UNIVERSITY BOSTON, MA USA Teaching, Learning, and Research in the “Just Google It” Age CONFERENCE PROCEEDING VOL. 5, NO.1 ISSN: 2330-1236 Table of Contents Authors Paper Title Page Maryam Abdu Investigating Capital Structure Decisions and Its Effect on the Nigerian Capital Market 1 Norsuhaily Abu Bakar Rahimah Embong Ibrahim Mamat Ruzilawati Abu Bakar Idris Abd. Hamid Holistically Integraded Curriculum: Implications for Personality Development 16 Sandra Ajaps Geography Education in the Google age: A Case Study of Nsukka Local Government Area of Nigeria 30 Helen Afang Andow Impact of Banking Reforms on Service Delivery in the Nigerian Banking Sector 45 Billy Batlegang Green IT Curriculum: A Mechanism For Sustainable Development 59 Rozeta Biçaku-Çekrezi Student Perception of Classroom Management and Productive Techniques in Teaching 74 Thomas J.P.Brady Developing Digital Literacy in Teachers and Students 91 Lorenzo Cherubini Ontario (Canada) Education Provincial Policy: Aboriginal Student Learning 101 Jennifer Dahmen Natascha Compes Just Google It?! But at What Price? Teaching Pro-Environmental Behaviour for Smart and Energy-Efficient Use of Information and Communication Technologies 119 Marion Engin Senem Donanci Using iPads in a dialogic classroom: Mutually exclusive or naturally compatible? 132 Nahed Ghazzoul Teaching and Learning in...
Words: 236613 - Pages: 947
...FUNDAMENTALS OF Corporate Finance SECOND EDITION This page intentionally left blank FUNDAMENTALS OF Corporate Finance SECOND EDITION Jonathan Berk STANFORD UNIVERSITY Peter DeMarzo STANFORD UNIVERSITY Jarrad Harford UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Prentice Hall Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo The Prentice Hall Series in Finance Alexander/Sharpe/Bailey Fundamentals of Investments Bear/Moldonado-Bear Free Markets, Finance, Ethics, and Law Berk/DeMarzo Corporate Finance* Berk/DeMarzo Corporate Finance: The Core* Berk/DeMarzo/Harford Fundamentals of Corporate Finance* Bierman/Smidt The Capital Budgeting Decision: Economic Analysis of Investment Projects Bodie/Merton/Cleeton Financial Economics Click/Coval The Theory and Practice of International Financial Management Copeland/Weston/Shastri Financial Theory and Corporate Policy Cox/Rubinstein Options Markets Dietrich Financial Services and Financial Institutions: Value Creation in Theory and Practice Dorfman Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance Dufey/Giddy Cases in International Finance Eakins Finance in .learn Eiteman/Stonehill/Moffett Multinational Business Finance Emery/Finnerty/Stowe Corporate Financial Management Fabozzi Bond Markets: Analysis and Strategies Fabozzi/Modigliani Capital Markets: Institutions...
Words: 195133 - Pages: 781
...CORPORATE FINANCE T H IRD E DIT ION JONATHAN BERK STANFORD UNIVERSITY PETER D E MARZO STANFORD UNIVERSITY Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo To Rebecca, Natasha, and Hannah, for the love and for being there —J. B. To Kaui, Pono, Koa, and Kai, for all the love and laughter —P. D. Editor in Chief: Donna Battista Acquisitions Editor: Katie Rowland Executive Development Editor: Rebecca Ferris-Caruso Editorial Project Manager: Emily Biberger Managing Editor: Jeff Holcomb Senior Production Project Manager: Nancy Freihofer Senior Manufacturing Buyer: Carol Melville Cover Designer: Jonathan Boylan Cover Photo: Nikreates/Alamy Media Director: Susan Schoenberg Content Lead, MyFinanceLab: Miguel Leonarte Executive Media Producer: Melissa Honig Project Management and Text Design: Gillian Hall, The Aardvark Group Composition and Artwork: Laserwords Printer/Binder: R.R. Donnelley/Jefferson City Cover Printer: Lehigh Phoenix Text Font: Adobe Garamond Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text and on this copyright page. Credits: Cover: Sculpture in photo: Detail of Flamingo (1973), Alexander Calder. Installed in Federal Plaza, Chicago. Sheet metal and paint, 1615.4 x 1828.8 x 731...
Words: 129205 - Pages: 517
...CORPORATE FINANCE T H IRD E DIT ION JONATHAN BERK STANFORD UNIVERSITY PETER D E MARZO STANFORD UNIVERSITY Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo To Rebecca, Natasha, and Hannah, for the love and for being there —J. B. To Kaui, Pono, Koa, and Kai, for all the love and laughter —P. D. Editor in Chief: Donna Battista Acquisitions Editor: Katie Rowland Executive Development Editor: Rebecca Ferris-Caruso Editorial Project Manager: Emily Biberger Managing Editor: Jeff Holcomb Senior Production Project Manager: Nancy Freihofer Senior Manufacturing Buyer: Carol Melville Cover Designer: Jonathan Boylan Cover Photo: Nikreates/Alamy Media Director: Susan Schoenberg Content Lead, MyFinanceLab: Miguel Leonarte Executive Media Producer: Melissa Honig Project Management and Text Design: Gillian Hall, The Aardvark Group Composition and Artwork: Laserwords Printer/Binder: R.R. Donnelley/Jefferson City Cover Printer: Lehigh Phoenix Text Font: Adobe Garamond Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text and on this copyright page. Credits: Cover: Sculpture in photo: Detail of Flamingo (1973), Alexander Calder. Installed in Federal Plaza, Chicago. Sheet metal and paint, 1615.4 x 1828.8 x 731...
Words: 129593 - Pages: 519
...THE STUDENT'S PRACTICAL DICTIONARY ; fNdkoq ; CONTAINING English words with English and Hindi Meanings and Pronunciation in Deva Nagri Character with an Appendix containing Familiar Foreign Words and Phrases and Abbreviations in Common use. FIFTEENTH EDITION Thoroughly Revised,Improved,Enlarged and Illustrated PRICE 3 RUPESS ALLAHABAD RAM NARAIN LAL PUBLISHER AND BOOKSELLER 1936 ISCII text of dictionary taken from from TDIL's ftp: anu.tdil.gov.in pub dict site I N 1.m I Pron 1.m a Det 1.ek, abatement N abbey N 1.kmF, GVtF, GVAv, mdApn, b A, 2.yAg, smAE ag jF vZmAlA kA Tm a"r tTA -vr, 2.tk mphlA kESpt pzq vA -tAv , aback Adv 1.acAnk, ekAek, 2.pFC abandon VT 1.CoX nA, yAg nA, yAgnA, tjnA, d d 2.EbnA aAj^ nA nOkrF CoXnA, apn kodrAcAr aAEd mCoX nA, d , nA d d abandoned A 1.CoXA h,aA, Enjn-TAn, 2.EbgXA h,aA, iEdy lolp, lMpV, drAcArF, aAvArA , , abandonment N 1.pZ yAg, sMpZ aAmosg, EbSkl CoX nA d , abate VI 1.km honA, GVnA, DFmA honA abate VT 1.km krnA, GVAnA, DFmA krnA, m@ym krnA, rok nA, smA krnA d 1 1.IsAiyo kA mW, gz\ArA, kVF, mW, , , 2.mht aADFn sADao kF mXlF k , abbot N 1.mht, mWDArF, mWAEDkArF abbreviate VT 1.km krnA, s" krnA, CoVA krnA, p sAr EnkAlnA abbreviation N 1.s" , GVAv, sAr, lG,!p, skt, p 2.sE" pd yAf, fNd yA pd kA lG!p ^ , abdicate VTI 1.-vQCA s CoXnA, yAg krnA, tjnA, pd yAg krnA abdication N 1.pd yAg abdomen N 1.X, V, k"F, udr p p , abdominal A 1.udr sMbDF, V kA p abduct VI 1.BgA l jAnA, EnkAl l...
Words: 164153 - Pages: 657