...1.0 Introduction : Nowadays, marketplace is fundamentally different as a result of major societal forces that have resulted in many new consumer and organization capabilities. These forces have created new opportunities and challenges and marketing management has changed significantly in recent years as organization seeks new ways to achieve marketing excellence. Furthermore, to maintain the product’s reputation in the market, organization focuses on branding the product internally and externally through market targeting and product positioning in order to increase organization sales volume and gaining trust from their respective consumers on their products. 2.0CASE SUMMARY The case is about three companies with 90% of the market share control the carbonated soft drink industry in the United States. These companies include in order of market share size, CocaCola, Pepsi Co, and Dr. Pepper/7Up. These three companies also represent the top ten selling brands in the United States market. In the United States, people consume more carbonated drinks than tap water. Research has shown that the average American drinks about 53 gallons of soft drinks per year. However, soft drink consumption has declined over the past few years (Kerin & Peterson, 2004). The soft drink industry has three major participants in the production and distribution; concentrate producers, bottlers, and retail outlets. Concentrate producers are responsible for consumer advertising and promotion programs...
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...1. Direction Vision Vision serves as the framework for Roadmap and guides every aspect of business by describing what the company needs to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth. * People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be. * Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy people's desires and needs. * Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value. * Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and support sustainable communities. * Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of overall responsibilities. * Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization. Mission Roadmap starts with mission, which is enduring. It declares purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which the company weighs actions and decisions. * To refresh the world... * To inspire moments of optimism and happiness... * To create value and make a difference. Goal Coca-Cola has zeroed in on the fact that storytelling has evolved from one-way to dynamic conversations in today’s hyper-connected world. With this in mind, it plans to create stories that add value and significance to people’s lives, and that get expressed through every possible connection. 2. Arenas Products Coca-Cola is a carbonated...
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...UNIVERSITATEA TRANSILVANIA FACULTATEA DE ŞTIINŢE ECONOMICE MASTER STRATEGII DE MARKETING ANUL I PROIECT MARKETING STRATEGIC Analiza strategiilor de marketing utilizate de Coca-Cola şi Pepsi NUME: Badea Anamaria-Irina GRUPA: 8181 ANUL 2008-2009 CUPRINS CAP. 1 Scurt istoric al firmelor Coca-Cola şi Pepsi.................................................3 CAP. 2 Analiza PEST a firmelor Coca-Cola şi Pepsi...............................................6 CAP. 3 Analiza SWOT a firmelor Coca-Cola şi Pepsi.............................................9 CAP. 4 Modelul BCG1 pentru firmele Coca-Cola şi Pepsi......................................10 CAP. 5 Analiza strategiilor de marketing utilizate de Coca-Cola şi Pepsi...............12 5.1 Strategiile de produs...............................................................................12 5.2 Strategiile de preţ....................................................................................14 5.3 Strategiile de promovare.........................................................................15 5.4 Strategiile de distribuţie..........................................................................20 Concluzii şi propuneri..............................................................................................22 Bibliografie...............................................................................................................23 2 CAP. 1 Scurt istoric al firmelor Coca-Cola şi Pepsi Cei mai mari producători...
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...Table of contents List of figures...................................................................................................... III List of abbreviations ........................................................................................... IV 1 Purpose of this paper .................................................................................... 1 2 Company profile of Red Bull.......................................................................... 1 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 Company introduction..................................................................... 1 Market overview ............................................................................. 2 Financial overview .......................................................................... 2 Market-based view: market positioning .......................................... 3 Resource-based view: business system analysis .......................... 4 Current business strategy and competitive advantages ................. 5 3 Strategy analysis of Red Bull energy drink business .................................... 3 4 Recommendation proposal for Red Bull ....................................................... 6 5 Conclusion..................................................................................................... 8 Appendices ......................................................................................................... 9 Bibliography ..............................................
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...IMPORTANCE OF MANAGEMENT ABSTRACT Marketing changes with time, as time goes on marketeer’s find ways to attract customers in their business. From production era to customer based era now, different ideas and philosophies were created so as to to go with the need of the market at that certain period of time. That is why marketing is so vital in the future of business. IMPORTANCE OF MARKETING ORGANIZATIONS Marketing is the situation where by business men , companies find out the needs of their potential customers and then providing goods and service to them {McDaniel,2008,pp290}. In the past marketing was highly based on selling side, producers rationale was providing mass production on the notion that market was unlimited {Nickels,2012}. time element is an important factor in marketing . Customer needs change as time goes on .It is the job of marketeer’s to know what the customers want in that particular period of time{nickels,2012}.in general marketing has passed different eras from production era to selling era to market concept then finally to customer based era{Nickels,2012}. Each era had different type of market, first was production era this was the era during first world war where by production of goods largely depended on producer’s capacity due to the market was unlimited{kyunish,2005}. It was followed by selling era in 1920’s where by existance of mass production had forced businessmen to find market so that they can sell their products through advertisements{Nickels...
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...time building a coordinated strategy with direction from the center. Thus, we need to come up with a blended solution that can combine standardization and localization. Coca-Cola has pursued many strategies of localization and also standardization, yet none of them were successful. However, the midpoint strategy of my predecessor Neville Isdell was most successful. Our company needs to develop a marketing mix in which each channel of distribution is taking local and standard strategies into account. In order to target the right market, our employees must have flexibility, but also central coordination, to develop standards of promotion, product and price. I recommend using a blended strategy based on the reasons I will mention now in the SWOT analysis. The strength of a blended strategy includes increased recognition that our company gains when acting globally and personal relationships maintained by acting locally. Global themes like “happiness” and “enjoyment” are consistent across countries and therefore, can be used in a successful global marketing campaign. Because those marketing themes are globally consistent, our products can provide a bridge between different cultures. Furthermore, localizing our strategy can help in satisfying specific customer demands. It is necessary for our company to not only be recognized as a huge international company, but also as a company which has personal relationships with their diverse customers. In order to make every customer feel unique...
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...Ms. Aysel ZEREN ayselzrn@gmail.com Tel: 0034 666831296 BARCELONA,SPAIN PROFILE Strengths in analytical thinking, creativity, entrepreneurship, discipline, leadership, responsibility, communication, goal orientation, self-improvement, team dynamics. EDUCATION 2008-2012 Çağ University, Mersin, Turkey Management 2007-2008 Çağ University, Mersin, Turkey Çağ University School of English Language (Prep-Class) 1998-2004 Bilfen Collage High School, Adana, Turkey Turkish High School Diploma, EXPERIENCS June 2011-May 2012 • • Experience in sales, after sales, communication and customer relationship marketing Internal Auditor Committee Member, AIESEC Adana • Determine the internal audit and reporting standards,preparing audit quidelines and improve procedure, • The organization at the branch to check the availability of sales and marketing strategies of projects, • Auditing all activities which association rules according main purpose implement, • Auditing ledger, accounts and records executing in financial regulations and financial records based on the income and expense documents to check whether they are true, • To ensure cooperation with the external audit system • The arrangements made by the board, monitor and evaluate implemented by the board of directors, • Having audit in 3 month period intervals, reporting the results of the audit to board of directors and provide the reports when come together at General Assembly. June-July 2011 Mercedes-Benz Adana, Turkey ...
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...International Trade & Academic Research Conference (ITARC ), 7 – 8th November, 2012, London.UK. COCA-COLA: International Business Strategy for Globalization Michael Ba Banutu-Gomez William G. Rohrer College of Business, Rowan University, USA Key Words International Differentiation Strategy, Global Strategy, International Marketing Strategy, Culture in International Marketing Strategy, Coca-Cola Strategy, International Distribution Strategy, Choosing Distributors and Channels, The Challenge of Distribution, Hidden Costs And Gains In Distribution, International Collaborative Strategy, International Labor Relations and Management Strategy, and International Diversification Strategy. Abstract The purpose of this research was to analysis the efficiency of global strategies. This paper identified six key strategies necessary for firms to be successful when expanding globally. These strategies include differentiation, marketing, distribution, collaborative strategies, labor and management strategies, and diversification. Within this analysis, we chose to focus on the Coca-Cola Company because they have proven successful in their international operations and are one of the most recognized brands in the world. We performed an in-depth review of how effectively or ineffectively Coca-Cola has used each of the six strategies. The paper focused on Coca-Cola's operations in the United States, China, Belarus, Peru, and Morocco. The author used electronic journals from...
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...trong cấu trúc kiến thức phức tapjveef xe đạp leo núi và nhiều thứ khác. Không 1 cấp độ hiểu biết nào có được đều có thể có nghĩa mục đích, event, hay hành vi. Mỗi cấp độ của ý nghĩa là hữa ích cho mục đích cố định, nhưng không phải tất cả các mục đích. Ý nghĩa ở mỗi cấp độ khác nhau liên quan với nhau ……………….. vì vậy, “responsiveness” cho 1 cái vợt tennis xếp vào những nguyên liệu của nó, …………… Chúng ta sử dụng khái niệm level of meaning xuyên suốt bài text để giúp chúng ta hiểu được những hiểu biết về sản phẩm của khách hàng. NTD có thể có những hiểu biết về sản phẩm qua bốn cấp độ: nhóm sảm phẩm, dạng sản phẩm, nhãn hiệu, mẫu/tính năng sản phẩm. Marketers rất hứng thú với hiểu biết của khách hàng về nhãn hiệu. Phần lớn các chiến lược marketing định hướng vào nhãn hiệu để NTD chú ý, nhận biết nhãn hiệu, tác động để NTD mua nó. Phần lớn các nghiên cứu...
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...গত ১-৩ মার্চ বাংলাদেশে অনুষ্ঠিত World Marketing Summit এ যাওয়ার সৌভাগ্য হয়েছিল আমার। সেখানে এত-এত ইভেন্ট ছিলো যে, একসাথে সবগুলোয় উপস্থিত হওয়া সম্ভবপর ছিল না। তারপরেও আমি চেষ্টা করছি কয়েকজন প্রসংসিত মার্কেটিং জিনিয়াসের বক্তব্যের চুম্বক অংশ তুলে ধরার- ****** Integrated Marketing Communications স্পেশালিষ্ট Dr. Don E. Schultz তার পুরো লেকচারে 4P's এর প্রতি অধিক গুরুত্ব দেয়ার কথা বলেন। তিনি বর্তমান বিশ্বের ব্যবসায়িক প্রতিষ্ঠানগুলোকে Seller Profit এর চেয়ে Customer Value এর প্রতি অধিক গুরুত্ব দেয়ার কথা বলেন। তবে তার লেকচারের সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ দিক ছিল এতদিন প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক দৃষ্টিকোণ থেকে দেখে আসা 4P's এর Customer View (SIVA), যা হচ্ছে এরকম- # Solution (Product), # Information (Promotion), # Value (Price), # Access (Place). আলোচনার শেষের দিকে তিনি একটি মজার বিষয় তুলে ধরেন- যে কাস্টমারদের জন্য কি না সমস্ত ব্যবসায়িক কর্মকান্ড, Organizational Structure এ সেই কাস্টমারদেরই কোনো স্থান নেই! অধিক আউটপুটের জন্য তিনি Organizational Structure এ কাস্টমারদের জন্য একটি স্থান রেখে Organizational Activities পরিচালনা করার আহ্বান জানান। ****** Neilsen এর কর্ণধার Mitchell J. Habib তার পুরো লেকচারে কতগুলো খন্ড খন্ড বিষয় নিয়ে আলোচনা করেন। তার উল্লেখযোগ্য চুম্বক অংশ হলো- # Organizational Innovation should be so much simple & customer friendly, not so much complex. The more it will be easy to understand by the customers, the opportunities will also be increased for excellence. # World is changing so much rapidly day by day. So, long term plan is very risky. Suppose, you are preparing a 18 months...
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...Business Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to analyze the efficiency of global strategies. This paper identified six key strategies necessary for firms to be successful when expanding globally. These strategies include differentiation, marketing, distribution, collaborative strategies, labor and management strategies, and diversification. Within this analysis, we chose to focus on the Coca-Cola Company because they have proven successful in their international operations and are one of the most recognized brands in the world. We performed an in-depth review of how effectively or ineffectively Coca-Cola has used each of the six strategies. The paper focused on Coca-Cola's operations in the United States, China, Belarus, Peru, and Morocco. The author used electronic journals from the various countries to determine how effective Coca-Cola was in these countries. The paper revealed that Coca-Cola was very successful in implementing strategies regardless of the country. However, the author learned that CocaCola did not effectively utilize all of the strategies in each country. Key Words: Coca-Cola, International Business, Strategy, Globalization, International Marketing, Labor Relations, Distribution, Diversification, Management, Channels, Costs, Gains and Collaboration. INTRODUCTION CEOs and top management teams of large corporations, particularly in North America, Europe, and Japan, acknowledge that globalization is the most critical challenge...
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...The Marketing Review, 2003, 3, 289-309 www.themarketingreview.com Demetris Vrontis1 and Iain Sharp2 Manchester Metropolitan University Business School and Legal and General The Strategic Positioning of Coca-Cola in their Global Marketing Operation Examines how Coca-Cola has strategically positioned it self within the world’s soft drinks market. Given that they operate in over 200 countries, they are faced with a clear choice of whether to standardise their product offerings globally and reap the potential benefits of economies of scale, adapt their offerings to a particular market (which may facilitate increased market specific penetration), or adopt an integrated approach utilising both approaches simultaneously (Vrontis’ AdaptStand approach). There has been much literature written regarding the external and often uncontrollable factors which may impact upon a firms positioning strategy; this paper looks at these externalities and the internal controllables in order to derive a ‘best fit’ strategic and tactical approach. Moreover, this paper looks at the strategic international positioning of Coca-Cola by utilising a number of models. Keywords: Coca-Cola, global, international, strategy, positioning, adaptation, standardisation, AdaptStand, AdaptStandation, international, marketing, Introduction If we consider business to be akin to war, then perhaps there is no better starting point than the writings of Sun Tzu [circa 400-320 B.C.]. ‘The Art of ...
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...Building Brands - Of the Consumers, By the Consumers, For the Consumers In July 2006, HUL (then HLL) launched India’s first community portal exclusively belonging to a brand – The Sunsilk “Gang of Girls”. The initiative was an instant success with the number of members crossing the half million mark within six months of launching. It was HUL’s attempt to revive the Sunsilk brand. Today with a member base of 7.5 lakh users (a mere 2.5 lakh users in four and a half years), the success of Sunsilk’s brand building exercise is debatable. But, what cannot be denied is HUL’s early recognition of a marketing channel – Conversational Marketing - that is moving towards becoming the trend for marketing and brand building in 2012. The launch of Orkut in 2004 (later in India in 2006) and the rise of Facebook’s usage as everyday’s must activity, paved the way for a new kind of a marketing channel which we all know as “Social Media”. Today almost each brand has their own Facebook page which is “liked” by fans, where the brand gets promoted each time the target segment logs onto Facebook. But, not all brands have sufficiently leveraged the true value of social media. Social Media have been extensively used for advertising and sales promotion. So much so that the value of communities like Facebook to marketers has been questioned as to whether it is the right place to reach your consumer. The regular argument is the fact that Facebook advertisements have critically low Click-Through-Rates...
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...Analysis Report Hoang Minh Quang – GS13071 Class: GM02902 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 2 OVERALL MARKETING ORIENTATION 2 MARKETING PROCESS 2 THE MARKETING ORIENTATIONS 7 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT IN MARKETING ORIENTATIONS 9 CONCLUSION 9 REFERENCES 9 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to study and find out the direction for the company Nutifood about product line sports drinks. Find out how to market the best product to the consumer, to bring a branded VietNam product to customer. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Stemming from the success of the research and clinical application of the City Nutrition Center HCM city, Food Corporation Dong Tam Nutrition (original name of Nutifood) was established on 29/03/2000. Right from the beginning, nutritional products company has created truly " impressive " in the market with quality products, recipe ingredients equivalent imported products but feel the price is suitable consumer real Vietnam. Products Nutifood initial 3 groups: nutrition powder, the milk powder and nutritional food groups nutritional energy ... That day , with a mission of providing nutritional solutions fit needs by age , according to medical and other special needs , nutritional knowledge and the caring of specific sales culture , sales force is " thin " but it is believed in love by the market. Though not really professional, but the image of the brand and activity was Nutifood VN consumers constantly voted...
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...Online Marketing Project 40059928 Content 1. Introduction.....................................................................................................2 2. Online Communication Tools........................................................................2 2.1. Destination Web Site.................................................................................2 2.2. Online Advertising.....................................................................................3 2.3. Social Media Marketing.............................................................................3 3. Online Marketing Research...........................................................................4 3.1. Quantitative Research...............................................................................4 3.2. Qualitative Research..................................................................................4 4. Consumer Search Behaviour in Online Shopping Environments..............5 4.1. Modes of Web Search Behaviour..............................................................5 4.2. Research Model.........................................................................................6 5. Conclusion and Recommendations..............................................................7 Appendices......................................................................................................8 Appendix 1...............................................
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