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Marketing Elements and Customer Analysis


Submitted By Temple45
Words 831
Pages 4
Marketing Elements and Customer Analysis

MBA 6110

Dr. Ted Framan

February 27, 2011

[pic] The Motorola Xoom is very new to the market. It was introduced to the consumer market on February 22, 2011. For working on the go, the Motorola XOOM provides constant connectivity - including connecting to Gmail or Exchange e-mail; opening and editing documents, spreadsheets and presentations; and viewing calendars and sending out appointments or meeting notices - with mobile broadband speeds. The Motorola Mobility’s Xoom tablet is named the best new gadget at the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show (CES). One of the biggest factors in determining the success of a tablet computer is the size of its screen display. The sleek Motorola Xoom features an appealing 10.1 inch display area and weighs only 1.5 pounds. The XOOM comes with 32GB of NAND storage and has a powerful dual-core Nvidia Corp. Tegra 2 apps processor, ample 1GB synchronous dynamic random access memory (SDRAM) and extra sensors. This tablet is powered by “Honeycomb” software from Google. The operating system was designed specifically for tablets and delivers an amazing user friendly experience such as holographic features and is 3D capable. By using a dual-core design, the XOOM and can run processes and software much faster than it major competitor. The Xoom is official offered at Verizon and Best Buy retail stores as well as online with Motorola, Best Buy, and Verizon. At first glance the $799.99 price tag might seem high for a tablet but look at what this tablet is offering above its competitors. The Xoom has financing options available at Best Buy and is deeply discounted at $599.99 with Verizon’s two-year contract. The $799.99 price is a better deal when ranked side by side to the equivalent Ipad. The Motorola XOOM is offers consumers with 4G (the

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