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Marketing Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs


Submitted By Lauren0316
Words 476
Pages 2
a. The 5 levels of Marlow’s Hierarchy of Needs 1. Physiological needs are everyday needs that people need in order to survive which include home, food/ water, and sleep. An example to meet physiological needs is a bed. I see Art Van Furniture advertising a tent sale every time I pass the store plus they have ads in the paper and commercials. 2. Safety needs include protection and security. An example of a safety need is the law. There are so many commercials, billboards, and signs up for "click it or ticket it". Those are advertisements to warn us that we will get a punishment if we do not follow the law. 3. Love needs are the relationships around us. An example of a love need is a dating web site. For instance, has been increasing their advertisements with multiplying commercials and ads all over the internet. This dating site would help fulfill the need people have for love and affection. 4. Esteem needs pertain to personal worth and accomplishment. An example of an esteem need is the gym. There are many commercials for different gyms, but the most famous advertisement is the New Year's mailings we receive offering many free memberships. 5. Self actualization pertains to reaching a person's full potential. I think that this need is harder to market because self actualization is a feeling that a person obtains on their own, many people are not completely satisfied with themselves. An example of these needs are "do it yourself" books. I believe that people who realize their own potential know that they do not need to hire someone for a job they are capable of doing. There are many commercials for these books along with advertisements on the internet.

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