...Company G 3-Year Marketing Plan Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Mission Statement 3 The Product 3 Consumer Product Classification 3 Target Market 4 Competitive Situation Analysis 4 Analysis of Competition using Porter’s 5 Forces Model 4 SWOT Analysis 4 Strengths 5 Weaknesses 5 Opportunities 6 Threats 6 Market Objectives 6 Product Objective 6 Price Objective 7 Place Objective 7 Promotion Objective 7 Marketing Strategies 7 Product Strategies 7 Price Strategies 7 Place Strategies 7 Promotion Strategies 7 Tactics and Action Plan 8 Product Action Plan 8 Price Action Plan 8 Place Action Plan 8 Promotion Action Plan 9 Monitoring Procedures 9 Introduction Company G is a well-established and respected company in the electronic appliance market that has now created a small consumer use home appliance called the “Wine Saver XG”. The Wine Saver XG is a new and innovative solution that allows customers to not only open corked wine bottles easily, but allows them to insert specially designed corks and pressurize the remaining wine for later consumption. Company G’s team of engineers and designers have developed this product through concept, proto-type and visual design to make it very aesthetically pleasing and ergonomic. This Wine Saver XG is also created to the high standards of Company G’s XG brand of products and should be appealing to the consumer market. Mission Statement “We enable consumers...
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...Company G 1 Year Marketing Plan Student Name: Meegan Stewart Student ID: 168596 Date: June 16, 2015 Student Mentor Name: Tim Callahan Table of Contents Introduction 3 Product Description and Classification 3 Product Support of Mission Statement……………………………………………………………………………………………….….3 Consumer Product Classification 3 Target Market 3 Competitive Situation Analysis 3 Analysis of Competition using Porter’s Five Forces Model 3 SWOT Analysis 4 Strengths and Core Competencies 5 Weaknesses 5 Opportunities 5 Threats 5 Market Objectives 6 Product Objective 6 Price Objective 6 Place Objective 6 Promotion Objective 6 Marketing Strategies and Implementation 7 Product Strategies 7 Price Strategies 7 Place Strategies 7 Promotion Strategies 7 Explanation of Strategies………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………….7 Implementation Plan 7 Product Tactics 8 Price Tactics 8 Place Tactics 8 Promotion Tactics 8 Monitoring Procedures 8 Introduction Company G has a well-known reputation in the electronics field. The G-force brand is known throughout the world for providing quality products, as well as its logo being recognized. The G-force “G Watch” is a new product for this line of business within the company and is a good product development strategy for Company G. Bringing the GW onto the market considering its position in production efficiencies and recognition for its brands will be a profitable and trend setting...
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...Company G Wireless Charging Line 1-Year Marketing Plan Student Name: Student ID: Date: April 11, 2016 Student Mentor Name: Table of Contents Introduction 3 Product Description and Classification 4 Product Support of Mission Statement……………………………………………………………………………………………….…..4 Consumer Product Classification 4 Target Market 5 Competitive Situation Analysis 5 Analysis of Competition using Porter’s Five Forces Model 5 SWOT Analysis 7 Strengths and Core Competencies 7 Weaknesses 8. Opportunities 8. Threats 9. Market Objectives 10 Product Objective 10 Price Objective 10 Place Objective 10 Promotion Objective 10 Marketing Strategies and Implementation 10 Product Strategies 11 Price Strategies 11 Place Strategies 11 Promotion Strategies 11 Explanation of Strategies………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………11 Implementation Plan 12. Product Tactics 13 Price Tactics 13 Place Tactics 13 Promotion Tactics 13 Monitoring Procedures 14 Introduction Company G is a highly regarded well-established firm in the electronics market. We have been in the small appliance market for many years and given our name brand reputation combined with our expertise in manufacturing operations we have decided to enter the cell phone accessory market via the G Wireless Charging Pads array of products. Company G is initially entering into the business of producing, marketing and introducing its G Wireless Charging Pads to the US market. The G Wireless Charging Pad...
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...Company G 3-Year Marketing Plan Assessment Code: MKT1 Date: 07/14/2014 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Mission Statement 3 Product Description and Classification 3 Consumer Product Classification 4 Target Market 4 Competitive Situation Analysis 4 Analysis of Competition using Porter’s 5 Forces Model 4 SWOT Analysis 6 Strengths 6 Weaknesses 7 Opportunities 7 Threats 8 Market Objectives 8 Product Objective 8 Price Objective 9 Place Objective 9 Promotion Objective 9 Marketing Strategies 9 Product Strategies 9 Price Strategies 10 Place Strategies 10 Promotion Strategies 10 Tactics and Action Plan 11 Product Action Plan 11 Price Action Plan 11 Place Action Plan 12 Promotion Action Plan 12 Monitoring Procedures 12 Introduction Company G has built a reputation as being an innovator with its product solutions. Consumers have learned to link trust and value with all of Company G’s product lines. Breaking ground and exploring new territories is engrained in our company history. When opportunities present themselves, our company has acted quickly to take advantage in order to sustain growth and corporate viability. Pet care is our most recent horizon and the following marketing plan details the approach and tactics needed in order for Company G to become recognizable within the market and meet our corporate objectives of growth and prosperity. Mission Statement “We enable consumers to improve the quality and convenience...
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...Company G 3-Year Marketing Plan Assessment Code: 318.1.5-06-15 Student Name: Student ID: Date: February 15, 2013 Mentor Name: Table of Contents Introduction 3 Mission Statement 3 The Product 3 Consumer Product Classification 3 Target Market 3 Competitive Situation Analysis 4 Analysis of Competition using Porter’s 5 Forces Model 4 SWOT Analysis 4 Strengths 5 Weaknesses 5 Opportunities 5 Threats 6 Market Objectives 6 Product Objective 6 Price Objective 6 Place Objective 6 Promotion Objective 7 Marketing Strategies 7 Product Strategies 7 Price Strategies 7 Place Strategies 7 Promotion Strategies 7 Tactics and Action Plan 8 Product Action Plan 8 Price Action Plan 8 Place Action Plan 8 Promotion Action Plan 8 Monitoring Procedures 9 Introduction Company G is a well-established company with an exceptional reputation in the electronics market. Company G’s engineers and designers have been extremely successful in the small appliance market for a number of years. Our new product for this three year marketing plan is an In-Home Soda Machine. The In-Home Soda Machine allows users to create their own carbonated drink from a variety of flavors conveniently in their own home. Mission Statement The newest appliance by Company G is the In Home Soda Machine. It allows individuals and families the ability to make soda in their home quickly and inexpensively. Consumers will be able to choose from 60 different flavors and have fresh soda in 30...
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...Company G 3-Year Marketing Plan Assessment Code: 318.1.5-06-15 Student Name: Nicholas Antes Student ID: 000285754 Date: 7-21-14 Mentor Name: Ann Weaver Table of Contents Introduction 3 Mission Statement 3 The Product 3 Consumer Product Classification 3 Target Market 3 Competitive Situation Analysis 4 Analysis of Competition using Porter’s 5 Forces Model 4 SWOT Analysis 4 Strengths 5 Weaknesses 5 Opportunities 5 Threats 6 Market Objectives 6 Product Objective 6 Price Objective 6 Place Objective 6 Promotion Objective 7 Marketing Strategies 7 Product Strategies 7 Price Strategies 7 Place Strategies 7 Promotion Strategies 7 Tactics and Action Plan 8 Product Action Plan 8 Price Action Plan 8 Place Action Plan 9 Promotion Action Plan 9 Monitoring Procedures 10 Citations ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 Introduction While this section is not expressly requested in the task instructions, it is usually helpful to write a paragraph that introduces Company G and the product or product line that you are writing this marketing plan about. Mission Statement “We enable consumers to improve the quality and convenience of their lives by providing innovative electronics solutions.” The Product The newly minted product “NB17” developed by Company G is the limited lifespan nanobot, activated by saliva with a three second lifespan. These microscopic robots are capable of maintaining the cleanliness of teeth while be integrated...
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...Opportunities 6 Threats 6 Market Objectives 7 Product Objective 7 Price Objective 7 Place Objective 7 Promotion Objective 7 Marketing Strategies and Implementation 8 Product Strategies 8 Price Strategies 8 Place Strategies 8 Promotion Strategies 8 Explanation of Strategies………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………….9 Implementation Plan 9 Product Tactics 9 Price Tactics 9 Place Tactics 9 Promotion Tactics 9 Monitoring Procedures 10 Introduction Company G has become one of the most highly regarded companies in the electronics market. Through its comprehensive design and manufacturing process it produces high quality products at an affordable price and offers a second to none warranty on all of its products. Once again it produced their latest product which promises to be one of the most universally recognized GXS product lines ever. Our newest product, the GXS Beverage Brewing System, will allow our target market to seamlessly brew and enhance the experience of beverage brewing, making every morning, noon or night more enjoyable and convenient. I have developed the following marketing plan for Company G and I am confident that by following it that it will allow them to reach the full profit potential of the new product. Product Description and Classification Product Description and Support of the Mission Company G Mission Statement “We enable consumers to improve the quality and convenience of their lives by providing high-quality, innovative...
Words: 3020 - Pages: 13
...Table of Contents Introduction 3 Mission Statement 3 The Product 3 Consumer Product Classification 3 Target Market 3 Competitive Situation Analysis 4 Analysis of Competition using Porter’s 5 Forces Model 4 SWOT Analysis 4 Strengths 5 Weaknesses 5 Opportunities 5 Threats 6 Market Objectives 6 Product Objective 6 Price Objective 6 Place Objective 6 Promotion Objective 7 Marketing Strategies 7 Product Strategies 7 Price Strategies 7 Place Strategies 7 Promotion Strategies 7 Tactics and Action Plan 8 Product Action Plan 8 Price Action Plan 8 Place Action Plan 8 Promotion Action Plan 8 Monitoring Procedures 9 Introduction Company G is well-respected for its quality, innovative products that improve consumer’s lives. We excel at taking an every-day object and updating it to fit the modern lifestyles of today. Our new product, the CoolCooker, does just that by allowing customers to go about their busy lives but come home to a healthy home-cooked meal. Mission Statement “We enable consumers to improve the quality and convenience of their lives by providing innovative electronics solutions.” The Product Our new product, the CoolCooker, is a modern version of the slow cooker. Slow cookers are simple electronics; usually consisting of a covered ceramic pot insert that’s placed into a metal base unit that contains the heating element. They typically have 3 settings; ‘off’, ‘low’ and ‘high.’ More elaborate models have a timer that will cook at the desired...
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...Company G 3-Year Marketing Plan Date: 3/09/2015 Mentor Name: Victoria Lutter-Cooper Table of Contents Introduction 3 Mission Statement 3 Product Description and Classification 3 Consumer Product Classification 4 Target Market 4 Competitive Situation Analysis 4 Analysis of Competition using Porter’s 5 Forces Model 4 SWOT Analysis 4 Strengths 6 Weaknesses 6 Opportunities 7 Threats 7 Market Objectives 8 Product Objective 8 Price Objective 8 Place Objective 8 Promotion Objective 8 Marketing Strategies 8 Product Strategies 9 Price Strategies 9 Place Strategies 9 Promotion Strategies 9 Tactics and Action Plan 9 Product Action Plan 9 Price Action Plan 10 Place Action Plan 10 Promotion Action Plan 10 Monitoring Procedures 10 Introduction G Inc. is an American multinational technology corporation that sells, repairs, and supports computers and other technology. G Inc. was founded by Michael Gell in 1984 with a dream to bring a computer into every American household. In 1986 the 1st Gell computer was sold featuring an Intel 8088 processor, 10MB hard drive, and 6.26 floppy disk drive. Keeping the American household in mind, G Inc. was among the first computers companies to establish “Next-day, at-home product assistance.” Presently G Inc. is # 1 in PC monitor sales, with plans to become the # 1 PC Company in the world. Mission Statement “We enable consumers to improve the quality and...
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...Company G 3-Year Marketing Plan Assessment Code: Task 318.1.5-06-15 Student Name: Jason Rodriguez Student ID: 000278364 Date: 05/14/10 Mentor Name: Eric Ansah-Antwi Table of Contents Introduction 3 Mission Statement 3 Market Objectives 3 Target Market 3 Product Objective 3 Price Objective 3 Place Objective 4 Promotion Objective 4 Competitive Situation Analysis 4 Consumer Product Classification 4 Analysis of Competition using Porter’s 5 Forces Model 4 SWOT Analysis 5 Strengths 5 Weaknesses 6 Opportunities 6 Threats 6 Marketing Strategies 6 Product Strategies 7 Price Strategies 7 Place Strategies 7 Promotion Strategies 7 Tactics and Action Plan 7 Product Action Plan 7 Price Action Plan 8 Place Action Plan 8 Promotion Action Plan 8 Monitoring Procedures 8 Introduction Company G currently enjoys a solid history of leading the small home appliance market but in recent years the market has become stagnant along with Company G’s market share. As the consistent market leader, Company G is looking for a way to create some movement in the market by launching a new product line that focuses on energy and space saving principals. The ECOSPACE line will offer energy star rated small counter top appliances. The cornerstone principal of the line to minimize counter space and passive energy consumption by creating one base pad which remains on the counter top plugged into an outlet and several appliances which can be placed upon the base pad when needed...
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...Competency 318.1.5: Marketing Plans - The graduate can create a marketing plan. Objectives: 318.1.5-06: Apply Porter’s Five Forces model to an analysis of the competitive environment for a given business situation. 318.1.5-07: Define the target market as part of a marketing plan for a given situation. 318.1.5-08: Classify a specified consumer product using the three-way consumer products classification system. 318.1.5-09: Develop an appropriate set of marketing objectives that support a given mission statement. 318.1.5-10: Develop a SWOT analysis for a given business situation. 318.1.5-11: Select an appropriate distribution channel for a given marketing situation. 318.1.5-12: Select an appropriate pricing strategy for a given marketing situation. 318.1.5-13: Select an appropriate promotion strategy for a given marketing situation. 318.1.5-14: Develop a tactical marketing plan that supports specified elements of a strategic marketing plan. 318.1.5-15: Identify monitoring and control activities appropriate for a specified tactical marketing plan. Introduction: Company G is a well-established firm that is highly regarded in the electronics market. Its mission statement is as follows: “We enable consumers to improve the quality and convenience of their lives by providing high-quality, innovative electronic solutions.” Company G’s engineers and designers have developed a line of small appliances that the company feels can be very successful in the small-appliance...
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...Company G 3-Year Marketing Plan Assessment Code: MKT-VZT Student Name: xxx Student ID:xxx Date: 12/09/2014 Blend and Go Blend and Go Mentor Name: xxx Table of Contents Introduction 3 Mission Statement 3 The Product 3 Consumer Product Classification 3 Target Market 4 Competitive Situation Analysis 4 Analysis of Competition using Porter’s 5 Forces Model 4 SWOT Analysis 5 Strengths 5 Weaknesses 6 Opportunities 6 Threats 7 Market Objectives 7 Product Objective 7 Price Objective 7 Place Objective 7 Promotion Objective 7 Marketing Strategies 7 Product Strategies 8 Price Strategies 8 Place Strategies 8 Promotion Strategies 9 Tactics and Action Plan 9 Product Action Plan 9 Price Action Plan 9 Place Action Plan 10 Promotion Action Plan 10 Monitoring Procedures 10 Introduction Company G is a reputable electronics company that is well established. It has high research and development standards with extensive testing on products before release. Company G also boasts great relationships with suppliers and retailers. I am excited to announce the introduction of Company G’s first foray into the small electronics market with the Blend and Go, a revolutionary household blender that enables consumers to blend and go! Mission Statement “We enable consumers to improve the quality and convenience of their lives by providing high-quality, innovative electronic solutions.” The Product Company G’s Blend and Go is a dynamic...
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...Company G 3-Year Marketing Plan Assessment Code: 318.1.5-06-15 Student Name: Mayla Barnes Student ID: 00000000 Date: May 2, 2015 Mentor Name: John Kim Table of Contents Introduction 3 Mission Statement 3 Product Description and Classification 3 Consumer Product Classification 3 Target Market 3 Competitive Situation Analysis 3 Analysis of Competition using Porter’s 5 Forces Model 3 SWOT Analysis 4 Strengths 5 Weaknesses 5 Opportunities 5 Threats 5 Market Objectives 6 Product Objective 6 Price Objective 6 Place Objective 6 Promotion Objective 6 Marketing Strategies 7 Product Strategies 7 Price Strategies 7 Place Strategies 7 Promotion Strategies 7 Tactics and Action Plan 7 Product Action Plan 8 Price Action Plan 8 Place Action Plan 8 Promotion Action Plan 8 Monitoring Procedures 8 Introduction Company G offers a new product line for the wine enthusiast offering an incredible wine aerator that softens the bitter tannins and instantly improves the aromas and fruit flavors in red and white wines. “Primo” is a magnificent wine aerator and decanter is the most highly sought electronic wine aerator decanter on the market. Mission Statement We enable consumers to improve the quality and convenience of their lives...
Words: 2117 - Pages: 9
...Company G 3-Year Marketing Plan Student Name: Student ID: Date: Mentor Name: Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Mission Statement ........................................................................................................................................ 3 The Product ................................................................................................................................................... 3 Consumer Product Classification............................................................................................................... 3 Target Market ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Competitive Situation Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 4 Analysis of Competition using Porter’s 5 Forces Model ............................................................................ 4 SWOT Analysis............................................................................................................................................... 5 Strengths ................................................................................................................................................... 5 Weaknesses...
Words: 2098 - Pages: 9
...Company G 3-Year Marketing Plan Assessment Code: MKT1 Student Name: Student ID: Date: Mentor Name: Table of Contents Introduction 3 Mission Statement 3 Market Objectives 3 Target Market 3 Product Objective 3 Price Objective 3 Place Objective 4 Promotion Objective 4 Competitive Situation Analysis 4 Consumer Product Classification 4 Analysis of Competition using Porter’s 5 Forces Model 4 SWOT Analysis 5 Strengths 5 Weaknesses 6 Opportunities 6 Threats 6 Marketing Strategies 6 Product Strategies 7 Price Strategies 7 Place Strategies 7 Promotion Strategies 7 Tactics and Action Plan 7 Product Action Plan 7 Price Action Plan 8 Place Action Plan 8 Promotion Action Plan 8 Monitoring Procedures 8 Introduction Companies G is wholesale appliance business focusing elite urban singles and couples; affluent retires in sunbelt cities; sophisticated townhouse couples; upscale urban singles and couples who are looking to upgrade their traditional top-end washer and dryer to the newer front-end washer and dryer appliances by Frigidaire. Mission Statement Company G will provide the highest quality Frigidaire brand products, superior customer service and cost-effective solutions to our customers, resulting in sales, profit and a mutually long-term relationship with our suppliers and customers. Market Objectives Target Market Our ideal customer are elite urban...
Words: 2650 - Pages: 11