...October 2015 Is Marriage The Same All Over India? Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge was one of the most successful movies in Indian film history. The 1995 film tells us a story about Raj and Simran, who fall in love and try to win over each other’s disapproving families. Eventually the two have a love marriage and live happily ever after. One supposes this is how a love story would end. However, there are also many movies that have a completely different concept of marriage. Movies like Bandit Queen and Mother India make us realize that marriage does not always lead to an ending where the husband and wife live happily with each other. In the films, we see that the people don’t realize that the woman of the house has equal rights and deserves as much respect as the man of the house. When we think of marriage, we think that a man and woman have fallen in love, or they are brought together by their friends and family, and the couple has approved of each other. However, in rural villages, marriage is more like getting rid of a liability (daughter) and the acquisition of a ‘slave’. As seen in the movie Bandit Queen, Phoolan (Seema Biswas) is ‘given’ to Puttilal (Aditya Srivastava) against her will. We also saw how Phoolan, a little girl of eleven gets raped by her husband. She is thereafter scarred for life. We live in a society where romantic relationships and marriage are seen as primarily about an emotional union between two adults. However, I think that the concept of marriage in rural areas...
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...Same-Sex Marriage: For Liberty and Justice for All? Carly Baxter The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is a U.S. law that defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman. Last year, President Obama's told the Justice Department to stop defending DOMA. There were worries that it violated the equal protection element of the Fifth Amendment (Montopoli). Later in 2011, the Obama administration confirmed that it would back a bill to get rid of DOMA (Nakamura). Same-sex marriage is now legal in seven states (Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, and New York) and also the District of Columbia. Maryland, Washington, and New Jersey will eventually allow same-sex couples to marry, but the bills haven’t taken effect yet. There are several other states that respect out-of-state marriages, and recognize domestic partnerships or civil unions (“States”). Denmark has accepted same-sex marriage for over twenty years and for several years now in Canada. No societies in these two countries have collapsed nor are divorce rates rising, which are common accusations (Eskridge). If Denmark has had a successful twenty years of same-sex marriage without the fall of their civilization, I doubt the societies in the United States will breakdown if same-sex couples get married. However, that doesn't stop the arguments from being made. So, the only thing someone has to do to cancel out a logical argument is to introduce fear. Nearly forty-six percent of people in the U.S....
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...All legal same-sex marriages recognized for tax purposes NOVEMBER 2013. In the wake of the Supreme Court’s Windsor decision (Sup. Ct. Dkt. No. 12-307 (6/26/13)), which invalidated a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), P.L. 104-199, the Treasury Department and IRS announced in late August that “same-sex couples, legally married in jurisdictions that recognize their marriages, will be treated as married for federal tax purposes.” The IRS also issued a revenue ruling (Rev. Rul. 2013-17) providing guidance on the topic. The ruling will apply to all federal tax provisions where marriage is a factor, for all federal taxes, including income, estate, and gift taxes. Tax provisions in which marriage is a factor include filing status, personal and dependency exemptions, the standard deduction, employee benefits, contributions to IRAs, the earned income tax credit, and the child tax credit, among others. According to the IRS, more than 200 provisions in the Code and Treasury regulations include the terms “spouse,” “marriage,” “husband,” “wife,” or “husband and wife.” Under the revenue ruling, the IRS will treat gender-neutral terms, such as “spouse” and “marriage,” as including, respectively, an individual who is married to a person of the same sex if the couple is lawfully married under state law and such a marriage between same-sex individuals. The terms “husband,” “wife,” and “husband and wife” will be interpreted to include same-sex spouses. ...
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...Should same-sex marriage be legalized federally with all states required to comply? As of Feb. 9, 2015, gay marriage has been legalized in 37 U.S states. Twenty-seven percent of Americans thought same-sex marriage should be legal in 1996, according to a Gallup Poll. Fifty-five percent of Americans think it should be legal in 2014, according to the same poll. Legalizing same-sex marriage could have benefits related to an economic boost and the sanctity of marriage. Another reason it should be legal is because marriage is not only a human right, but it is also a civil right. I don’t see why the other 13 states shouldn’t be required to comply with the legalization of same-sex marriage. Many argue that the legalization of same-sex marriage would require more government spending and less revenue, but that is incorrect. The country’s economy would benefit from the legalization of same-sex marriage. The legalization of same-sex marriage has been proven to provide an economic boost to those states and countries that have made same-sex marriage legal. Government revenue from marriage comes from marriage licenses, higher income taxes in some circumstances, and decreases in costs for state benefit programs. Allowing gay couples to marry provides businesses in this industry with a large and new market to access. Nearly $260 million was injected into the New York City economy in the year following the legalization of same-sex marriage. Gay marriage tourism benefits those states which...
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...In Shakespearean times (and, to a large extent, today) marriage had a large role when trying to achieve a stable, happy life. However, debate arises when discussing whether or not ‘love’ plays an important part in an ideal marriage. ‘As You Like It’ encourages audiences to recognize marriage in many different and unconventional ways. For example, Phebe and Silvius have a marriage based on unrequited love. Phebe and Silvius have a partnership that can be interpreted as a more pessimistic view on marriage; thus, opposing the idea of idealistic marriage. Much alike Romeo from Romeo and Juliet, Silvius is written as a “Petrarchan lover,” – a man who is hopelessly in love with a woman who does not share the same feelings. This can be shown through quotations such as, “Say that you love me not, but say not so in bitterness.” Their marriage is, in many ways, far from ideal. Silvius is destined to spend the rest of his days with a woman who does not love him, while Phebe is destined to spend the rest of hers with a man whom she does not love herself. Their pairing seems to be the most negative of all the marriages as Phebe only agrees to marry him due to having to reject Ganymede. Rosalind also says, “Sell when you can: you are not for all markets,” implying Phebe has little choice when selecting a husband. This highlights a fundamental problem with the idea of marriage: settling out of fear of being left unmarried. Shakespeare brings an interesting problem to the spotlight, questioning...
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...controversial issues are discussed such as abortion, prostitution, and homosexuality. Same sex marriage has been debated in various countries for many years. This issue brings wide concern to moral and human rights. In earlier times, same-sex marriages were evidential tolerated in parts of Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt as shown in artifacts found. The Western world was known for being very accepting of same-sex relationships and unions, which is revealed in Greek paintings. People who are against gay marriage primarily focus on the moral aspect of gay marriage. Supporters of gay marriage think about same-sex couples and the positive effects it can have on them and our society. Gay marriage should be legalized in all states because it is their civil right, it increases family value which leads to an increasing rate in adoption, and same sex marriages stimulate the economy through financial increase. People who are non-supporters of gay marriage believe it goes against the moral and definition of marriage. In Market Watch magazine (2008), many people believe that gay marriages destroy the value of family and tradition. Furthermore, same sex marriage completely goes against major religions such as Catholicism and Islam. However, people do not realize that civil and religious marriages are distinct and separated. Joe Solmoneses, the president of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, states that marriage is not only an important religious meaning but it is also a legal contract. This may...
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...eastern societies, it is believed that arranged marriage leads to the reinforcement of family values. Couples depend on their family, because they are the ones that lead them in their lives and it also allows all family members interfere in their responsibilities. The divorce rate of arranged marriages is very low compared to love marriages. Spouses have lots of similarities and interests , both emphasizing on the practical reasons from which love and affection would be flourished allowing them to build a greater family. Couples from the same background in arranged marriages merge together and revive their cultural and traditional values , allowing their kids a more appropriate life. The key factors in a right marriage and to building a great family is adaptation, negotiation, and compromise. Unfortunately, arranged marriages are perceived by the media as an uncivilized tradition. Arranged marriages are not forced marriages. Outline i. Introduction A. As the church bell rang I looked through the big arched window and saw all the birds scared flying high. B. In the east, I hear women say “marriage is faith”. C. Arranged marriages lead to the reinforcement of family values, reduce the rate of divorce, and strengthen the bonding between the couple. ii. Lead to the reinforcement of family values A. Couples are dependent on their family 1. Parents arrange marriage 2. Society values marriage B. Family members have responsibilities ...
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...Gay marriage is a controversial topic in society today. Most Americans do not agree with same sex marriage because of religious beliefs. What they fail to realize is that banning gay marriage will go against the United States Declaration of Independence well known phrase, “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”. Homosexuals have nothing to do with heterosexuals. The homosexual community harms and destructs nobody and no one. That being said, people should not be so hostile against same sex marriage. Americans should have their own rights to enjoy life with their significant other, whether that being with the same sex or not. Society today should learn how to respect other peoples choice of style and preference. Marriage itself is between two people. Therefore, does it matter if it’s with the same sex? People should not be judged based off of their sexual orientation, but by the content of their character. Happiness should not be determined by others nor by the government. When viewed by others people should not see black or white, gay or straight. As a community, we...
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...Robert Murray Ms. Arthurs English 100 22 October 2014 Marriage Equality in America Marriage is an important part of our society. A civil and emotional bond between two lovers, the strongest and most sacred there is. Imagine how indignant we would be if we as Americans were denied this essential right. Fortunately, this is the land of the free, and most of us have the legal and social privilege to get married and raise a family. Unfortunately, there are about 11.7 million people who get left out of this deal because their partner is the same gender as they are. These marriages are no different from other legal marriages, yet we still refuse to recognize them in the United States. A miniscule six states have made these marriages legal. The main reason is that there are opponents of marriage equality with concerns as to the consequences of allowing marriage equality. Present here are the largest concerns of the opposition, accompanied by compromises and solutions which are backed by research and dispelling of common myths and misconceptions. Many people rationalize their bias against marriage equality with the claim that non-heteroexuality is unnatural. We are a nation of progress. We are always innovating and inventing and bringing new things into our culture. Are SmartPhones and iPods “natural”? Are polyester and air conditioning “natural”? Are the medications keeping our our loved ones in the hospital alive “natural”? No. The American lifestyle has adopted these “unnatural”...
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...looked through the big arched window and saw all the birds scared flying high. B. In the east, I hear women say “marriage is faith”. C. Arranged marriages lead to the reinforcement of family values, reduce the rate of divorce, and strengthen the bonding between the couple. ii. Lead to the reinforcement of family values A. Couples are dependent on their family 1. Parents arrange marriage 2. Society values marriage B. Family members have responsibilities 1. When fights take place 2. Parents could get the blame iii. Reduces divorce rate A. Similarities between spouses 1. Similar views on family and marriage 2. Couples will focus on each other B. Places more emphasis on the practical 1. Primary emphasis is not on love, sex, and physical beauty 2. Lets couples focus on building a great family iv. Strengthen the bonding between couples A. Similar cultures or religion 1. No problems... Outline i. Introduction A. As the church bell rang I looked through the big arched window and saw all the birds scared flying high. B. In the east, I hear women say “marriage is faith”. C. Arranged marriages lead to the reinforcement of family values, reduce the rate of divorce, and strengthen the bonding between the couple. ii. Lead to the reinforcement of family values A. Couples are dependent on their family 1. Parents arrange marriage 2. Society values marriage B. Family members have responsibilities...
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...How My View on Gay Marriage Changed “Marriage is how society recognizes and protects this right. Marriage is the planet’s only institution whose core purpose is to unite the biological, social and legal components of parenthood into one lasting bond. Marriage says to a child: The man and the woman whose sexual union made you will also be there to love and raise you. In this sense, marriage is a gift that society bestows on its children.” (P. 1, LL. 10-15) Gay marriage is a big topic of discussion in US and all over the world – should homosexuals have the same right and freedom as normal people, when it comes to marriage? Should gay marriage be legalized nationwide? Should everyone be equal or is it unnatural? The right of a marriage for lesbian couples or gay couples is one of the most controversial discussions and debates all over the world. In USA, gay marriage is even a legal act. David Blankenhorn made a book in 2007 called “The Future of Marriage”. He took a stand against gay marriage but as a marriage advocate he has now learned to accept gay marriage and emphasize all the good thinks that it can do. “I’m straight. I want to know what’s so wrong about it? It’s just to people who are in love, that’s all.” In one way gay marriage should be legalized nationwide. Gay couples should just have the same right to marry as heterosexual couples. It is like discrimination to not let gay couples getting marriage just to follow our equality in our country. People need to...
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...Covenant Marriages A covenant marriage is an optional form of marriage that intends to signify the commitment between a couple. It consist of all couples, including already married couples can change their original marriage to a covenant marriage. It was founded in 1999, by a Baptist minister and his wife. This organization now claims fifty thousand couples and sixty-five cooperating ministries. This system of marriage was designed to strengthen couples in a relationship. They wanted to return to the biblical values of marriage as being “forever”. Along with the pledge of “To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish ‘till death do us part” there are other requirements when considering a covenant marriage. Couples who choose covenant marriages must complete a series of pre-martial counseling sessions. They must sign affiants attesting to their understanding that marriage is a life-long commitment. If a couple is at risk of divorce they must get approval only if infidelity, physical or sexual abuse, or conviction of a felony were the causes. One of the main reasons why covenant marriages are successful is because it aims for the couple to complete counseling sessions or separate for at least 2 years to save their marriage if possible. During counseling sessions it will tackle the reasons many couples divorce. Martial disaffection starts when there is a gradual loss of emotional...
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...Essay Topic: Traditional marriage has outlasted its relevance Plan Introduction Paragraph Love is not finding someone you can live with its finding someone you can not live without. Hence the manifestation of an all powerful and binding union name marriage. The Merriam Webster Unabridged Dictionary defined marriage as “the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband and wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law”. Scriptures from the bible states that marriage is a holy and divine established covenant. Traditional marriage is when a man and woman decide to legally recognized their union no matter the place the ceremony is held. For centuries marriage has been a very public institution impacted by tradition, culture, religion and law. Throughout century the institution of marriage has been changing and continues to change. In today’s society the need for simplicity and situational circumstances has lead policy makers to sanction various kinds of marriages, namely marriages with traditional ceremonies, license marriage and common law marriage which requires no particular ceremony. I strongly support the statement that traditional marriage has not outlasted its relevance. Many religions dictate that all its followers must enter into the marriage contract before the practice of any sexual relation; traditional marriage elevates ones status in the community or at work; traditional marriage promotes economic security and...
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...GAY MARRIAGE 1 Gay Marriage In The United States By: Michael White SOC. 120 PJ Rosch April 2, 2012 GAY MARRIAGE 2 America is a place where a person man or woman can be whoever they want to be. America is the only place in the world where freedom reigns everywhere in the country. But, Why is it that two men or women who love each other can not get married?. Here and now people in LGBT community are fighting for equality. They want the same right as people who are considered to be regular americans to get married. Opposing forces such as certain religous groups, and several other organizations are fighting to stop this from happening. There is an easy solution to the problem why not let people be. If America is truly a land of freedom and expression then why is same sex marriage is prohibited. HISTORY Gay Marriage is something that has been going on for centuries all around the world. Same sex marriage existed in places such as China dated as far back as the Ming Dynasty. The relationships consisted of men and women mostly women who entered into contracts with younger men and women in a fancy ceremony. These ceremonies are similar to the modern day wedding between a male and female. The first recorded gay marriage occured during the Roman Empire. This marriage was between an Emperor by the name of Elagabus and slave named Hierocles. This marriage still was not fair because in the eyes of the Roman Law, the slave Hierocles was noted as a female. Various Cultures...
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...Forced marriage, family cohesion and community engagement: national learning through a case study of Luton Dr Nazia Khanum OBE March 2008 Forced marriage, family cohesion and community engagement: national learning through a case study of Luton Completed by: Dr Nazia Khanum OBE Director Equality in Diversity Commissioned by: MP Margaret Moran’s Office – Ushrat Sultana Metropolitan Police Service – Jim Blair Home Office – Deborah Jamieson Published by: Printed by: Equality in Diversity e-mail: nkhanum@aol.com Bartham Press (Watford) Ltd e-mail: koyes@barthampress.com Phone: 01582 459402 / 573471 Mobile: 07931 973967 © Nazia Khanum 2008 All rights reserved ISBN: 1-904070-02-7 March 2008 Acknowledgements As soon as I started conducting this piece of research in 2006, it became clear to me that I was dealing with one of the most sensitive subjects, the actual scale and complexity of which will probably never be known. The paucity of available data and the inconsistency of recording incidents across agencies were clear from the start. Since the lack of data was anticipated, this research project took a qualitative and not a quantitative approach, and so no attempt has been made to indulge in a number crunching exercise. Full advantage has been taken of the opportunity to delve into the interviewees’ personal views, perceptions and experiences. During the research, I came across all kinds of emotions and value judgments including mistrust, fear, denial,...
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