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Martin Shkreli's Cruelty

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Martin Shkreli is a business man, most of which focus on maximizing profits as much as possible. For this reason, Shkreli chose to increase the price of an important drug to $750 (Gibson). Unfortunately, this increase in price is not illegal because many businesses can control their own prices and profits on products. This increase in price is substantially immoral because this drug has the opportunity to help many people who may not be able to purchase such an expensive medicine. Shkreli's corrupt values and morals towards society is the reason why he is not popular according to situational ethics because he is only thinking of himself and his investors instead of other person’s situations. There was not much positive impact on society as …show more content…
Unfortunately, his family was also a victim of cruelty and "attempts to extradite Hernandez had failed" (Wikipedia). An experience this traumatizing can create values that may not be ethical or legal. Because his family's killer got away is believed that Gibbs "would have pursued the killer of his wife and daughter to hell and back" (Wikipedia). Unfortunately, his morals according to this action overlook the law and focus on doing wrong towards another person. According to ethical relativism, Gibbs actions may be ethical because of the awful circumstances and the factors that have affected Gibb's ethical judgements (McGraw Hill). Situational ethics creates a complicate view on Gibb's actions because of his special situation that many have not experienced. Gibb's actions are not ethical according to the social contract theory because he is not following the obligations of individuals through his social system. However, it may be argued that his actions were ethical according to utilitarianism because killing a killer and drug dealer has the ability to protect many others from getting hurt due to their

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