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Mary Maloney Case

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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. My name is Nicolas Canham and it is my privilege to represent Mrs. Mary Maloney in this case before you today. A lovely woman, kind-hearted, and very loyal. However, not all is well; for several weeks ago, her husband was murdered. The state believes that she is guilty for this horrendous crime. The charges in which have been placed upon her are as following: second degree murder, and obstruction of justice.

I now present to you Mrs. Mary Maloney. Please keep this in mind; does she look like someone who would ruthlessly murder her husband? As expected, the state will attempt to punish her to the full extent of the law, blah blah blah. They will attempt to provide “compelling evidence” to you, and will throw any scrap of evidence they have against …show more content…
To start, Mrs. Maloney was, and still is pregnant. Would she want her child to be born in prison? I think not. Also, she was the wife of a detective, so Mrs. Maloney would defiantly know the consequences of murdering someone. Now, if I may, I will ask the state two things: Were there any witnesses to the accident, and where is the murder weapon? Without this key pieces of evidence, the police and state have nothing on Mrs. Maloney, other than the fact that she was home that tragic night. There were signs of forced entry, for the back window to the kitchen was broken. If Mrs. Maloney lives at that house, which she does, she would have a key and would enter like a normal, innocent civilian, through the front door. In this following statement, I do not wish to be sexist, but I feel it is a important factor in this trial. Mrs. Maloney is a petite woman, and could not have possibly lifted this large, heavy object in which the police claim to have killed Mr. Maloney. Oh, and one last thing I forgot to mention; Mrs. Maloney was at the grocery shop buying dinner supplies for her beloved husband when this dreadful crime

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