...This summer, I had the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Louisville, Kentucky with my church. There were nine high school kids that ventured, along with two chaperones, and our church’s youth pastor. We left on a Friday and drove two vans down to Saint Louis, Missouri, where we stayed in a hotel right across the road from Six Flags. *On Saturday morning, we took a shuttle over to the amusement park and rode as many roller coasters and water rides as our bodies could handle. To end the day, we cooled off in the water park and stuffed ourselves full of pasta at an Italian restaurant downtown. As I lay in bed that first night, I had no idea what was in store for me during the next six days. Sunday morning we all attended church and continued to drive the remaining five hours to Louisville. Upon arriving, we found out that there were three church groups on this mission trip. At first, everyone was shy and clung to who they knew, but this didn’t last long. On day one, we received our small groups, which included a mix of high schoolers from all three...
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...advantage of all and freedom for anyone to hold any position (Bankston, III, 2010). The Research College of Nursing (2009) further accepts social justice as “fair treatment regardless of economic status, ethnicity, age, citizenship, disability, or sexual orientation.” These both sound much like the first truth in the Declaration of Independence; “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” (ushistory.org., 2013). However, social injustice in America and around the globe is an ever present problem. I have personally witnessed in the hospital setting how the less fortunate are treated with disrespect and many times disregard. Social justice looks great on paper but will it ever be a reality? According to the mission statement of the World Trade Organization (WTO) (2013), the WTO primary purpose is to assist world trade flow with minimal undesirable side effects. The WTO is responsible for monitoring international trade contracts to keep such trade within specified limits (World Trade Organization, 2013). Between 1986 – 1994 the WTO established the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) whose main premise is to monitor the rights of individual ideas and creativity (WTO, 2013). Since patents fall in the category of individual ideas and creativity, TRIPS job is to ensure that patents are protected when trade is involved. The issue of balancing...
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...the mission statement of each of the two companies; * Prepare a well–reasoned analysis of the similarities and differences of the two organizations based on the mission statement; * Organize the paper with headings so the author knows what you are writing about; * Discuss the quality of each mission statement based on concepts from the course material. * Assess whether the mission statement clearly defines the organization and drives strategic decisions? * Provide recommendations to the leadership team for improving the quality of the current mission statement; * Discuss the vision for each company. Do the companies appear to be heading in the same direction? Explain your rationale and provide support for your position. Part II * Select one of the companies in the pair and respond to the questions below. Ensure that correlations are drawn between your responses and concepts discussed in the e-text; * How does the company respond to the issue of social responsibility? In what kinds of activities does the organization participate? Do you think its activities are appropriate? Explain you answer; * Prepare a SWOT analysis of the selected company, including at least two strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats each; * Based on the concepts learned so far, provide your recommendation for turning the weaknesses into strengths and the threats into opportunities; * Be sure the reader knows where part II begins The mission of Southwest...
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...Marketing Research Paper Corrina Mitchell MKT/421 September 10, 2012 Roxanne Booth Marketing Research Paper Competition is the better part of business. The level of competition experienced by a company depends upon the area of business that company operates in. If there is more than one company providing the same goods or services they will be each other’s competitor. Competition could be based on the operating style of a company or how merchandise is made, and competition will always have the consumer in mind. Marketing managers use competitive intelligence when creating new marketing strategies. New businesses like Kudler Fine Foods need to identify the niche, and customer base that will be appealed to. Kudler Fine Foods is an upscale, specialty grocery store located in the San Diego metropolitan area. Kudler Fine Foods or Kudler’s, are a relatively new business having only opened its doors in 1998. The mission of Kudler’s is to offer each customer a delightful and pleasing shopping experience, (Kudler Fine Foods, 2012). Kudler Fine Foods operates a website for interested customers who wish to obtain information about Kudler’s. Like all start up businesses Kudler’s is still ironing out the kinks on their website and within their stores. Initially Kudler Fine Foods began with the aim of filling a gap in the grocery market that catered to consumers with a refined taste, gourmet tendencies, and where they could go to be educated on any food or beverage. ...
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...SUCCESSES IN TECHNOLOGY Successes in Technology Leah Andersen Allied American University Author Note This paper was prepared for SOC250, Module 1 Homework Assignment taught by Instructor Jesse Kleis. Successes in Technology Technology has had a major impact on human successes over the past million years. Possibly the single most influential event in the public’s interest when it comes to science and technology, would be the Apollo II mission. The space field has had a major impact and also has provided us with the ability to learn new technology and advance in our latest technologies. Since the first man walked on the moon, science has advanced at a rapid pace; nuclear power, television, jet engines, satellites and computers proved that only the scope of our imaginations could possibility limit our progress. Ever since the first human walked on the moon, humans have looked beyond the moon to Earth’s neighbor planet, Mars. The Apollo mission showed us looking back at a fragile planet adrift in a void, making us second guess who we were and are in terms of species as well as our species’ place in a vast universe. Discovery of alien life, amounting to nothing more but only a string of protein or some nucleotides, most certainly changed our perspective on the role of life in the cosmos. The space technology has vastly changed our life and our way of living. The automobile is a major human success as well when it comes to technology. The early...
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...LIBERTY UNIVERSITY UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUP PROJECT ABSTRACT A RESEARCH PAPER SUBMITTED TO DR. JIM O’NEILL IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF GLOBAL STUDIES SURVEY GLST 500-D07 BY RYAN FREUDENTHAL LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA DECEMBER 14, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT 3 BACKGROUND 5 PEOPLE 10 LANGUAGE 16 RELIGION 17 MISSION WORK SURVEY 24 PROPOSED STRATEGY 27 PERSPECTIVE ONE 38 PERSPECTIVE TWO 33 PERSPECTIVE THREE 12 BIBLIOGRAPGY 13 ABSTRACT Missions are found throughout the entire Bible, as well as being commanded of Christ’s followers by Christ Himself. The Great Commission serves as the primary call and purpose of Christians all around the world. The person that heads this call and purpose and follows the example of Christ is one that may experience many things. This person may experience sacrifice, discomfort, doubt, and maybe even persecution or death. On the other hand, this person will definitely experience purpose, rewarding relationships, God’s power, God’s blessing, and the knowledge that they are right where God wants them to be. This person or person(s) will be spreading the gospel of Christ to areas and people where the gospel has never been heard before, and there is no greater service that one can provide. One of these areas is located in North Africa, in the country of Algeria. Algeria has a population...
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...Components of Curriculum Components of Curriculum I. Objectives and Goals: English is the world's second largest native language, the official language in 70 countries. English can be at least understood almost everywhere among scholars and educated people, as it is the world media language, and the language of cinema, TV, pop music and the computer world. Goals: To improve the learning experiences that is more meaningful and appreciable for student’s wisdom and knowledge by providing to them more activities. To improve the English language among the students who are not aware to the second language that we have. To improve the speaking skill, reading skill and writing skill of the each students using the English language as a Universal Language. Objectives: * Provide learning experiences that increase the learner’s awareness, knowledge and self- confidence of every students in society; * Develop the skills, attitudes and values essential for personal development, a productive life and constructive engagement; * Promote experiences that develop the learner’s orientation to the work and prepare the learners to engage in honest work; * Prepare the learners for college; and * Prepare the learner’s in the work field. II. Subject Content Unit 1 First Quarter: * Intonation * Using SVC Pattern * The Diary of a Young Girl (Anne Frank) * I am a Filipino (Carlos Romulo) Second Quarter: * /I/ and /iy/ * Using SV and SVO Patterns ...
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...The exploration of the Archives last week in the library allowed me to take a walk into the past of UMass student activism. However what struck me and made an interconnection was what I need to focus on and that being my capstone paper. While spending time in Amsterdam and looking at Northern European policies around incarceration rates I wanted to compare the two countries. Unsure of what I wanted to research in the archives, and how this trip could later develop into another paper I needed to write, I started to piece things together as I began to recall articles read over the last two semesters in STPEC in order to bridge together the bigger picture of social and economic injustices impacting communities of color and working class populations....
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...this research paper, I will be discussing the first ten women who have taken trips out of this planet and details about their missions. On June 16, 1963, Valentina V. Tereshkova was the first woman to ever go to space. She was also the youngest woman to go into space at 26 years of age. The former Russian cosmonaut piloted Vostok 6. She completed almost three days in space and orbited the Earth forty-eight times. Tereshkova had no experience at all as a pilot, but she was accepted into the Soviet Space Program because of her 126 parachute jumps. She had 18 months of training along with 4 other women, out of the 5 she was the only one who went into space. The second...
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...Environmental Scan Paper Kenneth Anderson MGT / 498 November 10, 2014 Rodney Greene Abstract In business, it is important to gauge internal business with external business. This process will provide an advantage for shaping the future of business. For that reason, the procedure of creating strategies will help by conducting environmental scans. Environmental Scan Designing and building on core values is a required strategy when an organization wants to keep a competitive edge over the competition. There are numerous strategies to pick from in business; a significant strategy is keeping an eye on needed changes and financial trail of record keeping. Furthermore, it is necessary for organizations to keep an outlook on what external sources are doing. It is imperative when acquiring information that defines what other organizations are doing to be conducted in an ethical matter. Committing unethical deception will cause organizational anarchy. The reason long surviving companies like Smart and Final last; is by removing possible dangers so change for the better will be obvious. Ultimately, legacies are built, and the organization’s reputation utilizes power and self-reliance. A thorough global analysis assessment must be completed during an environmental scanning of any organization. This assessment includes businesses, clients, markets, and industries in the same industry. The objective of this paper is to examine the organization and conduct an environmental scan...
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...PRIORITIES IN E-GOVERNANCE RESEARCH PAPER SUBMITTED BY Lokesh Sharma Ankita Prasad Contents Abstract 4 Introduction 4 Research Objective 8 Literature Review 9 Research Approach 10 Impact Assessment of various projects 11 Union Government MMPs 11 MCA21 11 Online Passport Services: 12 Online Income Tax 13 Pension 14 Banking 15 E-office 15 Central Excise 16 U.I.D 17 Insurance 17 State Government MMPs 18 Land Records 18 Road Transport 18 Agriculture 19 Police 19 Treasuries 19 Municipality 20 Commercial Taxes 21 Gram Panchayats 21 Employment Exchange 21 Integrated MMP 22 CSC 22 e-Courts 22 e-Trade 22 India Portal 23 National Service Delivery Gateway 23 e-Biz 23 e-Procurement 23 Prioritizing with respect to parameters 24 Conclusion 25 References 26 Abstract e-Governance is the form of interaction between government and citizens ,businesses and other arms of government using information technology .These technology can help government is fulfilling various needs like improved interaction between business and industries ,better delivery of services to citizens ,improved interactions with business and industry ,better...
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...Understanding Islam Christy A. Goff Dr. Thornton REL 212 September 8, 2012 In this paper, I will be reporting on my religious field research of Islam. The research that I have conducted has afforded me the opportunity to speak with, listen, and develop a stronger understanding of the Islamic faith. My research has also helped to dissolve some of the misconceptions that surround Islam. I will cover four major points throughout this paper. First, I will discuss preexisting misconceptions held against Islam. Second, I will analyze how my prior understanding of Islam was altered, or not, upon completion of my field research. Third, I will discuss whether or not I believe misconceptions of other people’s religions are common and explain in detail why or why not. Fourth, I will recommend at least one step that could be taken to help minimize misconceptions that people have in regards to other religions. I hope, through the reading of my field research report, to provide a stronger sense of understanding and receptiveness that I now have for other religions to the reader. Misconceptions of Islam In order to discuss the misconceptions that surround Islam, we must first delve into understanding what the word “Islam” actually means. “The word "Islam" means peace and submission. Peace means to be at peace with yourself and your surroundings. Submission means to submit to the Will of God. A broader meaning of the word "Islam," is to achieve peace by submitting to the...
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...Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Name Professor BUS 499 Business Administration- Capstone Strayer University- Maitland Campus April 13, 2014 Abstract The purpose of the paper is to research and understand how the changes of globalization and technology have impacted the Airline industry. This paper will also apply the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how the Airline industry earn above-average returns. This paper will explain how the Airline industry’s success is through its mission and vision statements with Southwest Airlines as an example. Finally, this paper will evaluate how the importance each category of the stakeholder impacts are to the overall success of the Airline industry. Globalization and Technology In today’s business industry, the globalization process has become an important aspect and fundamental force. The elements that contribute to globalization is the environment, culture, regulation and technology and production. While the advancements globalization has increased greatly, so has the advancements in airline industry with their aircraft (Shevell, 1999). Globalization also provides a great amount of potential profits to nations and their corporations (Button, 2008). Air transportation has evolved into a major industry (Kroo, 1999). The airline industry’s continuously grows and is facilitated through its international investment...
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...gospel is with love. Like a family member that needs something you give help with your love and let the course to knowledge flow from there. Using the information found on the Joshua Project there is 41.9 percent of people unreached by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Joshua Project shows that there are 41.3 percent of people in the world that do not know the Gospel. This paper will focus on Neho people found in the Cote d’Ivoire which is also called the Ivory Coast. The Neho people are not Christians and as of date even though there are many Christians are in the south of Cote d’Ivoire. While bringing medical, agriculture, and other supplies are needed, nothing connects people better than family. This paper will give a brief background of the Neho people which will include their history, language, culture, economy, religion, and family structure. This paper will also go into the history and current status of mission work among them. At the end this paper will propose a strategy using the belief in strong family ties that will bring Christ to these lost people. This strategy will use some of the work from past missions which include some basic physical needs such as medical and schooling, and spiritual needs such as prayer and biblical studies. All of these will have at their core will...
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...Revision: June 2005 Responsible Executive: Vice-President, Academic and Provost Vice-President, Learning & Research (UBC Okanagan) Vice-President, Administration and Finance Title: Travel and Related Expenses Background & Purposes: Travel is a necessary component in the gathering and dissemination of information and knowledge. The purpose of this policy is to facilitate travel in support of the University’s mission while maintaining controls for accountability. 1. General 1.1. This policy applies to travel expenses paid from all University administered funds, including those from grants and contracts. The University will reimburse the cost of authorized travel expenses incurred by members of faculty and staff and, in special cases, students or other persons, provided that: 1.2.1. the traveller was travelling on University business, or in support of the University’s mission; and 1.2.2. the traveller had advance authority to incur travel expenses (for example, through recognition of travel in a grant budget); and 1.2.3. the expenses are reasonable, appropriately documented, and comply with University policies and procedures, or the policies and procedures of a granting agency or funding contract; and 1.2.4. the expenses are approved for reimbursement by at least one administrative level higher than the person claiming reimbursement. 1.3. Travel supported by research grants or contracts must comply with University policies and procedures unless specifically indicated otherwise...
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