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Master Personal Statement


Submitted By DawnUponYharnam
Words 1511
Pages 7
I have always strived to observe and better interpret the things around me and my curiosity has nurtured and manifested itself into the desire to pursue engineering.
I was first introduced to Computer Aided Engineering watching a series of aircraft crash investigation documentaries in which official bodies would through a long unanimous process determine the causes of the crash. Due to the sheer amount of fact-gathering nowadays from reconstruction of wreckage to aircraft performance, and structures and fire-pattern investigations trajectory analysis (initial path drag and weight of subject) a lot of the former lends itself to knowledge-based virtual prototyping from the likes of computational fluid dynamics to incorporating the material behavior and properties through finite element analysis in order the virtually reconstruct the adverse event, all of which is necessary in order to run numerical simulations they managed to virtually reconstruct the adverse event and
It is CAE’s multi-faceted structure that fascinates me the most, the wealth of tools makes modeling and simulation (an area of considerable expansion) more productive thus an exciting time to be a part of the industry.

The vehicle is divided into smaller elements in order to be able to simulate their behavior they interconnect at different parts and add material properties all virtually. The finished calculation model corresponds in all its details to the future product and is tested virtually all without causing real destruction as was with traditional testing. One model allow for numerous tests to be conducted in order to improve the product further it’s even possible to peer inside every component and find details that would’ve stayed hidden without CAE. Due to the sheer amount of requirements nowadays it would’ve been impossible without virtual tests to collect sufficient information on the future product during its development in order to make it suitable for everyday use. It makes vehicles cars safer lighter and more comfortable it also saves money and time while going easy on the resources
In the past both of these sources had their limitations and dictated significant expenditures of time and money. Contemporary product development would be unimaginable without CAE. In the past companies often used to design products based on experience (trial and error) but knowledge-based virtual development has been common practice in various industries for many years now.
The present-generation aerospace industry being strongly driven by the fluctuation of oil prices, increasing market requirements and the rigorous airworthiness standards is forced to seek innovative means to remain economically competitive in the face of a bleaker future for natural reserves. Such contemporary product development would be unimaginable without CAE.

During my studies in Aerospace Engineering at Kingston University, I was introduced to a wide array of subjects. Modules related to power, energy, materials and systems always intrigued me. During my first academic year, I was introduced to the principles of thermodynamic systems in which I further developed my understanding of the relationship between heat, energy and work. My real interest in energy systems commenced when I undertook the fluid mechanics module. It gave me an insight into the techniques through which we could harness the motion of fluids in producing green energy. My later hydraulics modules in year two and three fueled me with motivation. They allowed me to practically apply my fluid mechanics knowledge in numerous lab based experiments, focusing on hydropower through dams and pumped-storage reservoirs while demonstrating the latest renewable methods of obtaining energy through both the natural and artificial flow of water. Ultimately, the Hydraulics module was my highest achieving module in third year.

During my last year, in my Computational Techniques area of study I was tasked to find an effective noise dampening solution for low speed commercial flight. This was achieved by creating a viscous CFD ready geometry for a serrated trailing edge on a modified high lift device. The aim was to augment the aerodynamic characteristics and dampen the aero-acoustics of a wing by defining the desirable volume and boundary conditions for the case and using CFX as a solver through ANSYS. At first the serrations introduced problems with tetrahedral and triangular mesh generators with the simulation, but after opting out for Delaunay Tetrehedralization with ICEM (another meshing software) the simulation demonstrated favorable results and I managed to achieve an A- for the paper and an overall B+ for the module.

In the analysis of aircraft and aerospace structures, several key factors come into play. Safety is paramount, revisions must comply with regulatory requirements, and airplane manufacturers want changes done in a cost-effective way.
After graduation I took it upon myself to build on my skillset by learning C# on Udemy an online learning platform and apply my newly learned skill on open-source software such as MatterCad and OPENSCAD which unlike traditional CAD software allows for rendering 3D objects through code. I was able to follow through by designing and producing a 3D print of propellers and a chasse for a mini quadcopter after which I had fitted with an ARM7 microcontroller. A C# program was written for the microcontroller which enabled it to interface with a computer via WIFI but control was achieved using a motion sensor with an onboard accelerometer and gyro which interfaces with the computer via Bluetooth and when the input values are processed a few calculations are carried out and sent to the quadcopter PIDs and outputted to the motors.
Testing is essential to ensure the solution meets requirements and ensure quality of solution. For real world solutions and systems a tangible design is needed. A reiterative process promotes an increase in life cycle and products of known quality.
I have believe that my key interests and skills are perfectly tailored to a career in Computer Aided Engineering. It blends engineering, design development, information technology, and economics together to form a profession that requires a high standard of strategizing in an environment that is constantly fluctuating. Despite having a solid grasp of the fundamentals of computer engineering software, I’m fully aware that in order to become an expert in my field, a postgraduate course in Computer Aided Engineering in Queen Mary would go a long way in allowing me to reach my potential. Modules like Computational Engineering Systems and Advanced will significantly aid me in building upon my current understanding of the shape of future transport systems.

I believe this course sheds light to the latest advances in engineering software development and thus will compliment my existing skillset allowing me to pursue a successful career both locally and oversees. I hope to be granted the privilege of continuing my studies at Queen Mary University. I believe I can bring a mixture of both a passion for the field coupled with excellent technical and analytical skills gained from my undergraduate studies and work. I look to participate in the intellectually challenging environment of Queen Mary University, joined with its strong links with the industry, which would provide me the ideal starting blocks to transform my skills and interests into a successful career in the field. I also look to learn and benefit from the world-class teachers on the course, and at the same time to build strong relations with other students in order to create a mutually supportive study environment.

Everybody knows traditional crash tests used dummies in the past that would been the only way to make vehicles safer during crashes. Prototypes were built and tested and crashed against the wall again again. Overtime the vehicle was improved steadily as was the safety for all road users. Also in other areas more requirements have been expected from vehicles this is expensive and adds to the complexity of product development we’re lucky that were living in the digital age most tests today are conducted on the computer aided engineering (calculation and simulation). Nowadays each far is first constructed on the computer using cad the data is then used to form the basis for CAE analysis. The vehicle is divided into smaller elements in order to be able to simulate their behavior they interconnect at different parts and add material properties all virtually. The finished calculation model corresponds in all its details to the future product and is tested virtually all without causing real destruction as was with traditional testing. One model allow for numerous tests to be conducted in order to improve the product further it’s even possible to peer inside every component and find details that would’ve stayed hidden without CAE. Due to the sheer amount of requirements nowadays it would’ve been impossible without virtual tests to collect sufficient information on the future product during its development in order to make it suitable for everyday use. It makes vehicles cars safer lighter and more comfortable it also saves money and time while going easy on the resources
Testing is essential to ensure the solution meets requirements and ensure quality of solution. For real world solutions and systems a tangible design is needed. A reiterative process promotes an increase in life cycle and products of known quality.

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