Premium Essay



Submitted By shimbomi
Words 3522
Pages 15
Mastercard Incorporated
July 11, 2012


About Mastercard Incorporated
MasterCard Incorporated (MasterCard) is a global payments and technology company that connects consumers, financial institutions, merchants, Governments and businesses worldwide, enabling them to use electronic forms of payment instead of cash and checks. The Company offers a range of payment solutions that enable its customers and partners to develop and implement credit, debit, prepaid and related payment programs for their customers. Its customers and partners include financial institutions and other entities that act as issuers and acquirers, merchants, Government entities, telecommunications companies and other businesses. MasterCard manages a family of payment brands, including MasterCard, Maestro and Cirrus, which the Company license to its customers for use in their payment programs and solutions. On April 15, 2011, MasterCard acquired the prepaid card program management operations of Travelex Holdings Ltd., since renamed Access Prepaid Worldwide.


Key Data



Last Trade



Business Services

Price Range (52 week)

291.67 - 466.98



Avg Volume (13 Week)


IPO Year


Shares Outstanding


Mkt Cap


Enterprise Value


Book Value per Share


Dividend Yield





Technical Data


Key Ratios


Earnings & Analyst


Financial Statements


Company Insiders



Highlights & Recent Developments
UBS analyst John Williams earlier this week downgraded Visa and MasterCard to “Sell” from “Neutral”. With both companies are trading near all-time highs
Williams believes that a decline is inevitable due to the

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...JR Medical Books 728 Plenty Road, Reservoir Vic 3073. ABN 60 876 453 677 T: 03 9478 3288 F: 03 9478 6200 E: W: Australian Catholic University - Bachelor of Nursing Year 3 2016 Booklist Order Online at Or Fill in form (fax/email), or Pick up from Shop Textbook Requirements Retail Prices 15% Discount Semester 1 NRSG 353 Acute Care Nursing 2     Smeltzer & Bares Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing 3rd Ed 2013(Web Code 9781920994648) Bullock: Pack Principles of Pathophysiology + Access Card 2012 (Web Code 9781486094011) Bryant: Pharmacology for Health Professionals 4th Ed 2014 (Web Code 9780729541701) Tollefson: Clinical Psychomotor Skills (5 Point) 6th Ed 2016 (Web Code 9780170382786) $179.00 $163.95 $135.00 $79.95 $152.15 $139.36 $114.75 $67.96 $59.95 $179.00 $92.50 $163.95 $135.00 $74.95 $50.96 $152.15 $78.63 $139.36 $114.75 $63.71 NRSG354 Clinical Integration: Complex Care       Brotto: Clinical Dosage Calculations 2nd Ed 2016 (Web Code 9780170352659) Smeltzer & Bares Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing 3rd Ed 2013(Web Code 9781920994648) Forrester: Essentials of Law for Health Professionals 4th Ed 2014 (Web Code 9780729541664) Bullock: Pack Principles of Pathophysiology + Access Card 2012 (Web Code 9781486094011) Bryant: Pharmacology for Health Professionals 4th Ed 2014 (Web Code 9780729541701) Tiziani: Harvard’s Nursing...

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