...Syllabus 1 MTH/209 Version 6 Course Syllabus College of Natural Sciences MTH/209 Version 6 College Mathematics II Copyright © 2012, 2011, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course continues the demonstration and examination of various algebra concepts that was begun in MTH/208: College Mathematics I. It assists in building skills for performing more complex mathematical operations and problem solving than in earlier courses. These concepts and skills should serve as a foundation for subsequent quantitative business coursework. Applications to real-world problems are emphasized throughout the course. Policies Faculty and students will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Rockswold, G. K., & Krieger, T. A. (2013). Beginning and intermediate algebra with applications and visualization. (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley. All electronic materials are available on the...
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...was taken with the general objective of identifying the major factors that affect the mastery skills of the fourth year, Bachelor of Science in Accountancy students in Jose Rizal University for the School Year, 2011-2012. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1. How does cheating affect the mastery skills of the senior students? 2. Why do personal problems affect the mastery skills of the senior students? 3. What are the implications of the absence of comprehensive examination in the training of the students for the different accounting subjects? 4. Why does the University’s BSA Program System affect the learning habits of their students? 5. Why does the natural complexity of the accounting course, combined with poor study habits, pose a problem towards the mastery of the students? Summary of Findings: 1. Effect of Cheating on the mastery skills of the College students: 2.1. Nine out of ten college students admit to copying someone else's homework; two-thirds say they have cheated on exams 2.2. 75%-98% percent of college students surveyed each year admit to cheating at some time in their academic careers 2.3. The college students who are most likely to cheat are business majors 2. Effect of Personal problems to the mastery skills of the College students: It has been studied that personal problems play a major impact on a student’s academic life. Those...
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...RESEARCH RESULTS AND IMPLICATIONS Few programs have been implemented as broadly or evaluated as thoroughly over the last four decades in education as those associated with mastery learning. Programs based on mastery learning principles operate today in nations throughout the world and at every level of education. When compared to traditionally taught classes, students in mastery learning classes consistently have been shown to learn better, reach higher levels of achievement, and develop greater confidence in their ability to learn and in themselves as learners (Guskey, 1997, 2001). THE DEVELOPMENT OF MASTERY LEARNING Although the basic tenets of mastery learning can be traced to such early educators as Comenius, Pestalozzi, and Herbart (Bloom, 1974), most modern applications stem from the writings of Benjamin S. Bloom of the University of Chicago. In the mid-1960s Bloom began a series of investigations on the variation that existed in student learning outcomes. He recognized that while Figure 1ILLUSTRATION BY GGS INFORMATION SERVICES. CENGAGE LEARNING, GALE. students vary widely in their learning rates, virtually all learn well when provided with the necessary time and appropriate learning conditions. If teachers could provide the time and more appropriate conditions, Bloom reasoned that nearly all students could reach a high level of learning. To determine how this might be practically achieved, Bloom first considered how teaching and learning take place in typical group-based...
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...strategies for success in the online learning environment. The course engages students in discussion, exploration and application of leadership skills, principles and practices. Students will learn about the relationships and connections among leaders, individuals, and organizations. Topics include strategy, communication, motivation, power, organizational change, and workplace conflict. Additionally this course relates leadership skill to those skills needed to be a successful lifelong and online learner. Course Learning Outcomes 1. Describe social problems, the various perspectives on problems, and possible solutions. 2. Apply knowledge of a particular major or discipline to pressing contemporary problems. 3. Create empowering environments by inspiring others, building coalitions, and developing a shared vision. 4. Integrate leadership and critical thinking skills through completion of a final project. 5. Analyze and solve problems using strategic thinking, planning, communication, and writing skills in a practical, applied setting. 6....
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...first introduced by the teacher, and then it is up to the students to learn the topic with their partner. The tutoring is supervised by the teacher, but the teacher only intervenes if a group is not making any progress. Otherwise, the students must teach themselves. The teacher chooses the student pairs for class-wide peer tutoring to ensure that students stay focused and complete their work during the tutoring sessions. The students are paired up based on level of knowledge on the subject, learning styles, and/or behavioral and social patterns. (Allsopp 1-3) The benefits of class-wide peer tutoring are that groups of students can operate at different levels of curriculum in the same classroom. This allows advanced students to work on advanced problems while non-advanced students work on simpler problems. Students also simultaneously receive one-on-one mentoring and tutoring with corrective feedback. This increases the mastery and fluency of algebraic topics. This type of class tutoring also allows students with disabilities to participate in the classroom setting. (Kamps 120-121) A study on class-wide...
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...Training Needs Assessment Martian Ranch & Vineyard Martian Ranch and Vineyard is a startup biodynamic and sustainable vineyard and winery. Due to the time it takes grapevines to mature, Martian Ranch and Vineyard has not hired any employees at the moment. It is recommended that grapevines do not produce fruit for 3-5 years in order to establish a root system. Martian Ranch is expected to become a fully functional and up and running by spring of 2011. Martian Ranch will be hiring employees starting in spring 2011. An immediate area of focus is on the biodynamic aspect of the winery and vineyard. The winery and vineyard is located in the Santa Ynez Valley. At this current time, there are only a few competitors in biodynamic field in this region. There is a competitive advantage with this and should be capitalized. Knowledge training for new employees will be imperative. The organization will be certified in biodynamics so adherence to rules and applications is crucial. The owner and CEO of Martian Ranch has asked for a training program to be created so that it can be implemented spring of 2011. Identifying the needs of the organization will consist of organizational, person and task analysis. Methods used to collect data will be questionnaires, benchmarking and focus groups. Since Martian Ranch and Vineyard is in the beginning-to-middle stages of development, training needs should focus on Internal Growth Strategy with concentration on: new markets, product development, innovation...
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...Week 3 Knowledge Check Study Guide Concepts Mastery Score: 21 / 21 Questions Six key elements in determining organizational 100% 1 2 3 100% 4 5 6 100% 7 8 9 100% 10 11 12 100% 13 14 15 structure Mechanistic and Organic Structures Types of Contemporary Organizational Designs Types of Internal and External Collaboration Stages of Group Development Five Conflict Management 100% Techniques 16 100% Structure 18 19 Six Aspects of Group 17 20 21 Concept: Six key elements in determining organizational structure Mastery 100% Questions 1 2 3 1. The process of dividing work activities into separate job tasks is known as ________. A. work specialization B. differentiation C. chain of command D. span of control Correct: The Correct Answer is: A. Work specialization is the division of work activities into separate tasks. Individual employees are assigned to specific job tasks within a work activity rather than completing an entire work activity on their own. 2. The process of grouping jobs together is known as ________. A. departmentalization B. centralization C. formalization D. decentralization Correct: The Correct Answer is: A. Departmentalization is the process of grouping jobs together in one of five common forms such as functional, geographical, product, process, and customer. This ...
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...Types of Grading Systems By Ashley Leary, eHow Contributor * * * * Print this article Schools use grading systems to communicate with students and parents about student performance. Grades also help teachers communicate with one another, providing easy-to-understand data about student performance. Grades are meant to be a concrete evaluation of student knowledge. Perhaps the best-known type of grading system uses letters---A, B, C, D or F---to represent student achievement. The 4.0-scale and mastery grading are two other types of grading systems. Other People Are Reading * What Is Mastery Level Grading? * What Is a Standard Grading System? 1. Letter Grades * With the letter grade system, students can receive A, B, C, D or F grades. Letter grades are usually calculated with a nine or 10-point range assigned to each letter. A is the highest grade, associated with 90 percent accuracy or higher. A score of 80 percent to 90 percent correct is represented with the letter B. C grades mean 70 percent to 79 percent correct and a D is 60 percent to 69 percent correct. An F grade is given for a performance with 59 percent accuracy or less. Often in this grading system, a plus sign (+) is used if a student is on the cusp of a higher grade; for example 79 percent would be a C+. A minus (-) is used if the score is at the lower end of the grade scale; for example, a B- is 81 percent. 4.0 Grading Scale * The 4.0 grading scale is another...
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...Integrating Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences In integrating these major theories of knowledge, we moved through three steps. First, we attempted to describe, for each of Gardner's intelligences, a set of four learning processes or abilities, one for each of the four learning styles. For linguistic intelligence, for example, the Mastery style represents the ability to use language to describe events and sequence activities; the Interpersonal style, the ability to use language to build trust and rapport; the Understanding style, the ability to develop logical arguments and use rhetoric; and the Self-expressive style, the ability to use metaphoric and expressive language. Figure 1. Sample "Kinesthetic" Vocations by Style MasteryThe ability to use the body and tools to take effective action or to construct or repair.Mechanic, Trainer, Contractor, Craftsperson, Tool and Dye Maker | InterpersonalThe ability to use the body to build rapport, to console or persuade, and to support others.Coach, Counselor, Salesperson, Trainer | Kinesthetic | UnderstandingThe ability to plan strategically or to critique the actions of the body.Physical Educator, Sports Analyst, Professional Athlete, Dance Critic | Self-ExpressiveThe ability to appreciate the aesthetics of the body and to use those values to create new forms of expression.Sculptor, Choreographer, Actor, Dancer, Mime, Puppeteer | Next, we listed samples of vocations that people are likely to choose, given particular...
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...Week 3 Knowledge Check Study Guide Concepts Mastery Score: 21 / 21 Questions Six key elements in determining organizational 100% 1 2 3 100% 4 5 6 100% 7 8 9 100% 10 11 12 100% 13 14 15 100% 16 17 18 structure Mechanistic and Organic Structures Types of Contemporary Organizational Designs Types of Internal and External Collaboration Stages of Group Development Five Conflict Management Techniques Six Aspects of Group 19 100% 20 21 Structure Concept: Six key elements in determining organizational structure Mastery 100% Questions 1 2 3 1. The process of dividing work activities into separate job tasks is known as ________. A. work specialization B. differentiation C. chain of command D. span of control Correct: The Correct Answer is: A. Work specialization is the division of work activities into separate tasks. Individual employees are assigned to specific job tasks within a work activity rather than completing an entire work activity on their own. 2. The process of grouping jobs together is known as ________. A. departmentalization B. centralization C. formalization D. decentralization Correct: The Correct Answer is: A. Departmentalization is the process of grouping jobs together in one of five common forms such as functional, geographical, product, process, and customer. This process...
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...GRADING AND STUDENT LEARNING At a teacher inservice, a teacher described a problem that probably all of us have encountered. She had developed a curriculum based on the standards, using teaching strategies that promoted intrinsic motivation, creativity, willingness to take risks, a focus on mastery, etc. But all this disappeared when the concern for grades began to dominate shortly before the first grading period. How, she wondered, could she reconcile such a student-centered learning situation with the threat inherent in the traditional practice of grading? This column will describe some teachers’ solutions to the dilemma of maintaining positive classroom climate and productive teaching/learning/assessment strategies along with grading. The Problem with Traditional Grading Ironically, despite grading’s basic problems, teachers and students can become addicted to grades. The teacher mentioned above confided that she felt a real need for the “leverage” afforded by grades. And students quickly learn to ascertain what will count for grades and concentrate on this rather than on mastery itself. Many teachers routinely use grades as external motivators, often based on proxies for learning – points for attendance or worksheets, activities, etc. This is doubly problematic – they don’t deal directly with the Standards’ artistic processes of creating or responding, and the points (and the grade) become the focus of students’ efforts instead of those processes and understandings...
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...work experience will be twenty-four months and all experience must be pre-approved by the Provincial/Territorial Society, as must any changes. Provincial and territorial offices may continue to monitor work experience throughout the duration of the candidate’s accreditation process. The candidate shall provide a written report on the nature, duration and time of the practical experience completed, which shall be verified by the candidate’s employer. Steps to be followed: 1. Candidates are to complete a self-evaluation, using the tables provided. Candidates will look at each competency sub-category and asses where their competency should be ranked (i.e. CS 1 (Acquisition), CS 2 (Basic Proficiency), CS 3 (Advanced Proficiency) or CS 4 (Mastery)). 2. For every competency within each function and enabling competency category, candidates are to provide a recent example of how this competency has been demonstrated in the workplace. This will support your overall ranking in each area (i.e. CS 1 through to CS 4). 3. All reports must be verified by your manager, or a CMA who is knowledgeable of your work experience, before submitting this report to the CMA office. The employer is verifying the examples provided, not confirming the competency level at which the candidate is working based on the self-evaluation. Please note: Although candidates must demonstrate they have acquired knowledge and skills from the CMA Competency Map at an overall CS-2 level, it is not necessary...
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...Knowledge Check Week 4 Study Guide Concepts Mastery Score: 10 / 10 Questions Stages in the Business 100% 1 Level of Economic Growth 100% 4 Level of Unemployment 100% Inflation 100% Cycle 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 8 Concept: Stages in the Business Cycle Mastery 100% 1. Business cycles occur when output Questions 1 2 3 A. falls below its potential B. rises above its potential C. is fixed at its potential D. fluctuates around its growth trend Correct: The Correct Answer is: D. The business cycle includes the tendency for output to rise and fall in the short term. When output fluctuates around an economy’s secular trend, business cycles occur. 2. Which of these statements best describes a complete individual business cycle? A. Movement from peak to trough to peak B. Movement from recession to expansion C. Movement from peak to recession to trough D. Movement from trough to expansion then to peak Correct: The Correct Answer is: A. A business cycle is measured peak to peak or trough to trough. 3. During the business cycle, the period between the point at which output reaches a high and the point at which it reaches a low is called A. a peak B. a trough C. an expansion D. a recession Correct: The Correct Answer is: D. A downturn describes the phenomenon of economic activity starting to fall from a peak. If output...
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...Overview Rewards and punishments are failing us as motivators, declares Pink. Encouraging autonomy, mastery and purpose in personal and professional settings will lead to more productive, creative, and ultimately fulfilling lives. Part One: A New Operating System Chapter 1 questions the traditional view of human motivation that rewards pushing people to perform better and work harder. Pink explains that people have operating systems--the first, Motivation 1.0, is the biological drive to survive, and the second, Motivation 2.0 (M2), is driven by extrinsic motivators. Pink then describes organizations’ limited attempts to improve M2 by fostering environments for employees to grow and gain more autonomy. Pink describes how M2 is increasingly incompatible with how we organize what we do, how we think about what we do, and how we do what we do. He describes how organizations are morphing into entities that allow for a mix of goals rather than segregated by for-profit and not-for-profit. He describes how humans think irrationally, contrary to what economists may believe. Finally, Pink describes how people need to be intrinsically motivated in order for our motivational operating system to function. In Chapter 2, Pink discusses the negative consequences of utilizing carrots and sticks, à la M2, to encourage certain actions or results. Firstly, carrots and sticks have the potential to diminish intrinsic motivation, which is driven by passion, pleasure, and interest in a certain...
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...home, work, school and in relationships. PURPOSE OF THIS COURSE This course is designed to assist the student in acquiring a specialized knowledge base, about behaviour, learning new ways of thinking about behaviour and in developing positive attitudes. The knowledge learnt in this course would enable the student to explore the major subfields of psychology through critical, creative and reflective thinking. ------------------------------------------------- AIM The aim of this Psychology course is designed to impart within the student an understanding of the fundamental concepts, and the principles of psychology. ------------------------------------------------- OBJECTIVES Through this course the student should: 1. Comprehend the basic...
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