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Mat 222 Week 4 Assignment

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Week 4 Text Assignment
Kimberlee Pettit
MAT/222 – Intermediate Algebra
Instructor: Dr. Bridget Guenthner
September 15, 2013

Problem #56 on page 666-667
The week four assignment was based on gaining knowledge in the area of real world quadratic functions. Quadratic equations in the real world can be used as a foreshadowing tool for understanding circumstances based off results that were previously obtained.
Maximum profit. A chain store manager has been told by the main office that daily profit, P, is related to the number of clerks working that day, x, according to the function: P= -25x^2+300x
What number of clerks will maximize the profit, and what is the maximum possible profit?
My solution is as follows:
Given is the profit function: P=-25x^2+300x where x is the number of clerks …show more content…
Maximum value will occur at x=-b/2a
Here b = 300, a = -25
What number of clerks will maximize the profit? x=-b/2a=-300/(2*(-25) )=6
The profit will be the maximum with 6 clerks.
What is the maximum possible profit?
Put x=6
$900 is the maximum profit possible when 6 clerks are

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