...Science and math integration unit I chose a culminating activity to use after the students had completed learning about fractions, ratios and percentages in math and in life science learning about the ecosystems and inquiry and observations to solve problems. The activity I chose has students looking at trees within a forest near the school. My rationale for selecting this project is that students in this area do a lot of hunting this time of year and are outside in the wilderness a lot during the month of October. I thought that this lesson would make them more aware of their environment and provide them a different way to look at their surroundings before they went off to the mountains for hunting elk and deer. I believe the students will be very interested in this unit of study and also it will help them to be more observant as they are hunting this next month. I tried to write a unit of study that students in this area would enjoy doing, one that would fit with their lifestyle and have a meaningful positive outcome upon completion. This is a summary of a culminating unit for science and math. Students will measure off a section of the forest and count quaking aspen trees and lodge pole pine trees within the measured off area. Students will then use the 12 processes of science and math skills to answer questions and complete investigations to solve the science question. The students need to collect data, chart it and analyze it to answer questions using math skills...
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...EJERCICIO: Cuadro de flujos de tesorerÃa La empresa industrial FLOR DE LOTO presenta los siguientes datos: Balance de situación ACTIVO 211.Construcciones 213.Maquinaria 214.Utillaje 216.Mobiliario 217.Equipos para proceso información 218.Elementos de transporte 251.Valores de renta fija 281.(Amortización acumulada inmovilizado material) 291.(Deterioro de valor de inmovilizado material) 310.Materias Primas 330.Productos en curso 350.Productos terminados 43.Clientes 474.Activos por impuestos diferidos 57.TesorerÃa 01-01-XX 22.460.000 8.364.000 284.000 3.756.000 3.721.000 14.765.000 6.000.000 31-12-XX 28.634.000 11.243.000 375.000 4.481.000 PASIVO 100.Capital 112.Reserva Legal 113.Reserva Voluntaria 129.Pérdidas y Ganancias 135.Diferencias de 3.562.000 conversión 01-01-XX 17.000.000 3.165.000 8.692.000 7.540.000 ------6.327.000 16.217.000 31-12-XX 19.000.000 3.919.000 12.978.000 14.082.000 -138.000 5.427.000 17.188.000 12.792.000 170.Deudas a largo plazo 7.500.000 40.Proveedores 475.Hacienda Pública -14.085.000 acreedora 476.Organismos de la -513.000 Seguridad Social 479.Pasivos por diferencias 981.000 temporarias imponibles 107.000 4.418.000 13.724.000 328.000 4.512.000 - 12.742.000 -365.000 843.000 158.000 4.167.000 12.127.000 0 475.000 3.129.000 1.943.000 0 3.592.000 1.764.000 247.000 TOTAL ACTIVO 64.013.000 78.059.000 TOTAL PASIVO 64.013.000 78.059.000 Cuenta de Pérdidas y Ganancias. Importe neto de la cifra de negocios Ventas de productos terminados Variación...
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...পিএসসি-২০১৪ বিষয়ঃগনিত (লিখিত + ৪০টি MCQ) যোগ্যতাভিত্তক বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্নের উত্তর ১. আদমশুমারি কত বছর পর পর হয়? ২. ৩/৪ এর বিপরীত ভগ্নাংশ কত? ৩. ৬০ এর ১৫ % কত? ৪. ১২, ০, ১৮ এর গড় কত? ৫. ল. স. গু কি? ৬. একজন শ্রমিক সাপ্তাহে ৪৯০ টাকা আয় করেন। ক) ৩ সাপ্তাহে তিনি কত টাকা আয় করবেন? খ) তার দৈনিক আয় কত? গ) ৫দিনে কত টাকা আয় করবেন? ঘ) ১০৫০ টাকা আয় করতে তার কত দিন লাগবে? ঙ) ১ বছরে তিনি কত টাকা আয় করবেন? ৭. কোন ক্ষুদ্রতম সংখ্যাকে ১৬, ২৪, ৩২, ৪০ দ্বারা ভাগ করলে প্রতি ক্ষেত্রে ৬ অবশিষ্ট থাকবে? ৮. একটি বাশের ১/৫ অংশ কাদায়, ২/৫অংশ পানিতে এবং বাকি অংশ পানির উপরে আছে। পানির উপরে কত অংশ আছে? ৯. দুইটি সংখ্যার গুণফল ১২.৭৭৫। একটি সংখ্যা. ৭ । অপরটি কত? ১০. ৬০০ টাকার ৩ বছরের মুনাফা ১৪৪ টাকা। মুনাফার হার নির্ণয় কর। ১১. বিআরটিসি বাস সকাল ৮টা ১০ মিনিটে ঢাকা ছেড়ে ১০ টা ৩০ মিনিটে জয়দেবপুর পৌঁছে। আন্তর্জাতিক রীতিতে উক্ত সময়কে প্রকাশ কর। ১২.ক) ৩ সে; মি; ব্যাসার্ধের একটি বৃত্ত আক এবং এর ব্যাস, ব্যাসার্ধ ও জ্যা চিহ্নিত কর। খ) চিত্র সহ সংঙ্গা লিখ সামান্তরিক, সুষম কোণ ১৩. ২৯ কিলোমিটার ৮৯ সেন্টিমিটার ৭ মিলিমিটার ক) ৮৯ সেন্টিমিটারকে মিলিমিটারে প্রকাশ কর। খ) ২৯ কিলোমিটারকে মিলিমিটারে প্রকাশ কর গ) ২৯ কিলোমিটার ৮৯ সেন্টিমিটার ৭ মিলিমিটারকে মিলিমিটারে প্রকাশ কর। বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্নের উত্তরঃ ১) যে সংখ্যা দ্বারা গুণ করা হয় তাকে কী বলে ? (ক) গুণক (খ) গুণ্য (গ) গুণফল (ঘ) গুণনীয়ক ২) যে সংখ্যা দ্বারা ভাগকরা হয়তাকে কী বলে ? ক) ভাজক (খ)ভাজ্য (গ) ভাগফল (ঘ)ভাগশেষ ৩) ৬টি চেয়ার ৩০০০ টাকায়এবং ৩টি টেবিল ২৪০০ টাকায়ক্রয়করা হলো। তাহলে মোট কতটাকার চেয়ার ও টেবিল ক্রয় করা হলো ? (ক) ৪৪০০ (খ) ৫০০০ (গ) ৫৪০০ (ঘ) ৫৬০০...
Words: 326 - Pages: 2
...Discrete Math for Computer Science Students Ken Bogart Dept. of Mathematics Dartmouth College Scot Drysdale Dept. of Computer Science Dartmouth College Cliff Stein Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Columbia University ii c Kenneth P. Bogart, Scot Drysdale, and Cliff Stein, 2004 Contents 1 Counting 1.1 Basic Counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Sum Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abstraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summing Consecutive Integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Product Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Two element subsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Important Concepts, Formulas, and Theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Counting Lists, Permutations, and Subsets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using the Sum and Product Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lists and functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Bijection Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k-element permutations of a set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Counting subsets...
Words: 71201 - Pages: 285
...Task Description: - Find out basic information about the Triad Math and Science Academy (TMSA) Professional Development (PD) performance goals and policies in order to create a Professional Development plan using Canvas. Talk to the School Director to clarify goals and policy. - Conduct a needs assessment to determine the current technology infrastructure of TSMA and a profile of students and teachers (demographics and other contextual variables). Instructional Technology skills, knowledge, tools, resources used to fulfill tasks: Instructional Technology knowledge Design Lessons; Used ADDIE model to design PD plan Integrate Technology; CANVAS (Learning Management system) Model Strategies; ADDIE model Train to Use Software; CANVAS (Learning Management system) Maintain Web Site; School website and teacher website Discuss Technology; Identified technology and needs in the classroom. Instructional Technology Knowledge Analytics; Analyzed the needs...
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...Blaise Pascal Report Blaise Pascal made many contributions to math, Christian philosophy, and science. Blaise Pascal was born on June 19, 1623 in Clermont-Ferrand, France. During his lifetime he worked on conic sections and geometry. Around the 1600’s, Pascal created a early version of the calculator. He is well known for his series of letters defending his faith, and his notes in Pensees. Blaise Pascal was born on June 19, 1623. He was the third child and only son to Etienne and Antoinette Pascal. His father Etienne, was a mathematician and tax collector. After his mother passed away when he was three years old, he grew closer to his two older sisters. Blaise and his family relocated to Paris, France in 1831. His father wanted to give his children an unorthodox curriculum so he taught them at home. Some sources have said that Blaise might have been homeschooled because of a illness. Etienne did not allow his son to learn math until he was 15 so he could focus on the classical subjects. Blaise’s early education focused on learning Latin and Greek. Etienne’s plan to eliminate math from Blaise’s life failed. The idea of math not being allowed made him more interested in the subject. When he was 12 he started working with geometry by himself. He used his own terms and eventually worked...
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...in “real life” involving money falling from their pocket, and a friend’s pocket, onto the ground. Students will have to use mathematical skills and reasoning to figure out which of the 16 coins they find on the ground belong to them and to their friend and the dollar amount to which each persons coins add up to. In part two of the performance task, students will again use empathy as they “visit” the school store. Students will have figured out how much money they have to spend in the school store in part one of the performance task. Students will be allowed to buy as many items as they can in the school store with one caveat – they must have one coin left over after their shopping spree. Established Goals: MST Learning Standard #3: Math 2. Students use number sense and numeration to develop an understanding of the multiple uses of numbers in the real world, the use of numbers to communicate mathematically, and the use of numbers in the development of mathematical ideas. 3.M.7 Count and represent combined coins and dollars and use currency symbols. (core curriculum) 4. Students use mathematical...
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...Perception of College of Arts and Sciences Freshmen Students Towards Math 2 Subject Introduction Mathematics is an essential subject that is part of the curriculum. Through this, we learn how to count, to solve and to analyze problems involving numbers. The application of Mathematics is in our daily life. Learning Math should not be neglected because it will be our foundation in our future career. Understanding Math in a deeper way is quite difficult, that is why it is not new to us to hear different comments about this subject. It will always depend on how we are going to handle ourselves towards this course. Students are of different traits and personalities while learning. Some students would just go to school to have the feeling of belongingness not even minding the education that they could get. There are also students that are doing great in school and giving the best of them for their parents. As we have notice, almost of the students don’t really have the interest in studying Mathematics. They find it hard, tedious, and boring because it involves lots of equations and functions to solve. It is true, you can never learn Math unless you will have the application on this. It is not just merely counting, solving and analyzing. Math is a broad subject and we cannot learn all this in just 4 years of studying in college. The students should know the significance in learning the basis in Mathematics. To make this interesting we should know the purpose of why we should love...
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...Research Paper Number of Third Year Students Having a Grade of 79 and Below (focusing on 2nd Grading; pertaining all subjects) Ritchie Alquisola Perny Austria Mirasol Abrenica Niña Mae Acabal Badian National High School Badian, Cebu S.Y. 2012-2013 Rowena Espinosa Statistics Teacher INTRODUCTION This research about the “Number of third Year Students Having a Grade of 79 and Below” aims to come up a summary of a list of third year students who received a grade of 79 and below during their second grading period, pertaining all subjects. The researchers interviewed each student from six (6) different sections out of nine (9) sections in third year. This represents 67% out of 100%. The six (6) sections were Archimedes, Aristotle, Einstein, Euclid, Kepler, and Newton. The three (3) sections which were not interviewed were Plato, Pythagoras, and Socrates. Results of the study showed that out of 479 third year students, 179 or 37% of these received a grade of 79 and below during their second grading period. To make this research valid, researchers also included the “Slovine’s Formula”, construction of “Frequency Distribution Table”, “Graphical Display of Data”, and the name of the students which were interviewed. SLOVINE’S FORMULA n=N1+Ne2 n=1791+179(0.05)2 n=123.45 ~ 123 RespondentsArchimedesAristotleEinsteinEuclidKeplerNewton | Population391738252436 | Percentage39179=0.22100=22%17179=0.09100=9%38179=0.22100=22%25179=0.14100=14%24179=0.13100=13%36179=0...
Words: 2267 - Pages: 10
...communication with a diverse culture of your peers. There are many jobs out there in math and science that will interest you. But most kids study very hard but still struggle with math and science and sometimes feel like giving up. So to give students the encouragements there are many different ways to help them. Mathematics and science is one of the most challenging this student or an adult can say is so confusing and sometimes can be frustrating. When you think about math all you really see is numbers and symbols and more and more numbers. But on the other hand when you think about science you see formulas and symbols and also more number they both favor some of the same things. That’s what makes them both very challenges and wiser. The reason that we need mathematics is to solve problems and to educate others. Probability and statistics for an actuary to analysis research. Insurance representative measure performances of field sales with internally and extremely to predict models on current and proposed scenarios. Teaching at all levels from k-1 until college levels. Architects use math to draw up a plans for and a building. He has to learn to stay within budget for the client. Biologist study life too many living things with structure, development and the function of plants. Of all these jobs structures there are no way we cannot escape the frequent use of different maths. Math and science surrounds us and you might need it for. Community college, trade schools, and universities...
Words: 921 - Pages: 4
...Self-efficacy of Science High School Students 1 Academic performance and Self-efficacy of Filipino Science High School Students on Mathematics and English subjects Angelo R. Dullas Central Luzon State University Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2152791 Academic Performance and Self-efficacy of Science High School Students Abstract 2 Primarily, the study was conducted to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and academic performances on Math and English subject of science high school students. The objectives are (a) to find what level of self-efficacy do High school students have and (b) to explore if there is gender difference among high school students in terms of their self-efficacy and academic performance. The data are gathered using survey type questionnaire which is composed of two domains, English efficacy and Math efficacy to find if there is significant relationship between academic performance and their self-efficacy. Data was analyzed using mean and test of difference (t-test). Result showed that students‟s performance on Math subject posed a high significant relationship with their self-efficacy beliefs with statistical interpretation as positive substantial relationship (p=.615**, a=.000). On the other hand, students registered a significant relationship and a moderate relationship (p=.401*; a=.015) on their self-efficacy and academic performance on English subject. The researcher also found out that Filipino science high school...
Words: 6803 - Pages: 28
...or even understand the weather and animals. Communication was the most important and valuable thing that ancient civilization created and modified to make society and life better for everyone. The study of religion also created a much more sophisticated human brain and opened up the world of science and math. Science and math are the two most commonly used areas of study in today's society, mostly for creating jobs and careers. These two career fields have opened up areas of study that have furthered technology and allowed humans to live in a much easier and friendly world (PBS). Science...
Words: 499 - Pages: 2
...powerful tool. Governments and organizational leaders charged with the distribution of these positions and resources often use stereotyping and discrimination as a process of elimination. Therefore, negative stereotyping exists in almost every sphere of participation. It exists in schools, in financial institutions, in nearly every industrial and societal sector. Sometimes, negative stereotyping is less obvious than others are. As demonstrated by the University of Toronto 2010 article, “Stereotyping has a lasting negative impact,” innuendo can yield detriment. In fact, the University of Toronto (2010) explains how one group of women taking a math test were subjected to negative stereotyping. According to the University of Toronto (2010) article, the test monitor told these women this test would prove whether they were smart in math....
Words: 938 - Pages: 4
..."FACTORS TO CONSIDER ON WHY FILIPINO STUDENTS ARE HAVING DIFFICULTIES IN THE THREE MAJOR SUBJECTS: ENGLISH, SCIENCE AND MATH.” In the Partial Fulfillment of the requirements In English III presented to the faculty of St. Agnes Academy of Caloocan Inc. Group I Añonuevo, Cris Jomel L. Benilan, Princess Niña G. Bulaclac, John Oliver N. Cariño, Patrick C. Fernandez, Lorenz P. Lucero,Karle Sedreke M. Pesalbon, Jhonmarc E. Salamero, Michaela Janzen Tacbas, Janrey Noah M. S.Y – 2013 – 2014 APPROVAL SHEET This thesis entitled “FACTORS TO CONSIDER ON WHY FILIPINO STUDENTS ARE HAVING DIFFICULTIES IN THE THREE MAJOR SUBJECTS: ENGLISH, SCIENCE AND MATH.” has been prepared by Group IV in partial fulfillment of the requirement in English III. This has been examined and recommended for acceptance and approval for oral examination. Mrs. Karen M. Corpuz English Teacher Approve by the committee on Oral defense with a grade of ________ on _________. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The researchers would like to express their heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the following person for the encouragement, suggestions, generosity of time, ideas and editing skills; and unending support for them to make this thesis a full and well done. Mrs. Luzviminda B. Flores, school directress, for this task for our future work. Mrs. Karen M. Corpuz, English teacher, for unstinted effort, support, patience, suggestions, time for editing thesis and the word of encouragement to her advice. Students...
Words: 1844 - Pages: 8
...taken at least one course in math and science. It may not seem like this is important, but the problem behind it is the fact that there are fewer people every year that want to teach these courses. With that being said, the lack of these teachers cause a lack in the quality of education that one is receiving. The only way to prevent this is for the teacher shortage in the fields of math and science to be solved immediately, no matter what the cost. Even though some people believe giving benefits to only math and science teachers would be unfair, the idea of these benefits seem to be the only solution...
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