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Maturity In Sue Monk Kidd's The Secret Life Of Bees

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Maturity isn’t about age; it is about experience Your experience defines your maturity. It doesn’t matter how old you are, at the end, you can be an old guy and haven’t experience a lot. Maturity is the growth of the inside you. You can’t buy maturity; you can achieve it whenever you want. It is just something that comes in the right moment. A great example of maturity without thinking of age is Lily Owens, the protagonist of Sue Monk Kidd’s book, The Secret Life of Bees. This book is a perfect example because it reflects the high level of maturity a fourteen years old girl has. Maturity comes from different forms, it can be from good experiences or from bad expereinces but at the end maturity is maturity and it is something that someone is blessed with, it is a gift. …show more content…
It can come from harsh ways. In The Secret Life of Bees, Lily Owens is the protagonist. It is a book about partially the coming of age of her. She has a hight level of maturity enevtough she is fourteen. This is because of a series of events that she has been through that change all of her perspective about life. The most life-changing event has got to be the death of his mother as she stated, “She was all I wanted. And I took her away”(1.48). Imagine taking the life of your own mother. It is something that she will never forget and something that made her become like her own mother. Something more mature because who would take care of her? Her drunk, abusive father that she can’t even tells him “Daddy”? It mad her becaome her own adult responsible version of her. Her maturity was a needed change, not an optional

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