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Maui Research Paper

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Maui is called the “Valley Isle of Hawaii” because it derives from the fact that Maui sits between two mountains. To the east is Haleakala and to the west is the Maui mountains. The Maui population is about one hundred forty-thousand people. Maui has many beautiful waterfalls and beaches, but the waterfalls can carry a bacteria called leptospirosis which comes from animal waste seeping into the waterfalls. Maui has Green Sea Turtles which are known as “honu” to the Hawaiians. These majestic sea turtles like to play in the waves of popular beaches, eat algae from reefs, and relax in the warm sun. Mongoose came to Hawaii due to the overly populated rats. The mongoose was meant to get rid of some of the rat population, but things didn’t go as intended because of the different sleeping patterns of mongoose and rats. …show more content…
With their excellent ability to blend and thrive in a variety of different forests, they soon became one of Hawaii’s invasive species. Not long after, they started destroying too many native species, like, spiders, snails, and other insects. Sharks, also known as “mano”, have a long relationship with the Hawaiian culture. Shark teeth were once used for various ancient weapons, and sharks were commonly reguarded as “aumakua”, or family guardians. Today, there are currently about forty species of sharks found in the depth of the Hawaiian waters. For those who are very fond of these creatures, at Maui Ocean Center’s “Shark Dive Maui”, you have the oppurtunity to dive in with over twenty sharks in a giagantic seven hundred fifty-thousand gallon tank. These exciting creatures peek my curiosity and interests and they make me want to explore the beauty of

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