...1.0 Introductions 2.0 Literature review 3.0 Background and history of Development CG The term of corporate governance not just been introduced but it also drew attention of the public about the weaknesses of Malaysian corporate governance practice due to the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997. After 1998, the government of Malaysia decided to adopt the corporate reforms to enhance the quality of good corporate governance practice in the country. The main sources of the Corporate Governance reforms agenda in Malaysia other than Malaysian Code on Corporate governance are the Capital Market Master Plan (CMP) and also Financial Sector Master Plan (FSMP). This sources provides guidelines on the principles and best practices in corporate governance and the direction for the implementation as well as charts for the future prospects of corporate governance in Malaysia. Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance is an initiative that established by the Financial Committee on Corporate in 1998. This committee is consists of both government and also industry. MCCG was introduced on March 2000. This code brought a systematical change in structure of public and also private corporation. The principles underlying the report focus on four areas which are board of directors, directors’s remuneration, shareholders and accountability and audit. Compliance with the code is not mandatory. However, the listed companies in Bursa Malaysia are required to prepare their annual report on how they have...
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...FACULTY OF ACCOUNTACY, FINANCE AND BUSINESS BACHELOR OF ORPORATE ADMINISTRATION (HONOURS) BBBD 3014 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COURSEWORK ONE ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/2016 KUA YUN XIN 13WBR09901 3RCA10 (SEMESTER 3) WORD COUNT: 4200 WORDS TITLE: GENDER DIVERSITY OF BOARD COMPOSITION IN MALAYSIAN BANKING INDUSTRY PLAGIARISM STATEMENT & MARK SHEET Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Corporate Administration YEAR 3 ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/2016 BBBD3014 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Coursework I PLAGIARISM STATEMENT I, Name: Kua Yun Xin Registration Number : 13WBR09901 Signature: confirm that the submitted work is my own and is in my own words. 3RCA Tutorial Group10 Semester 3 Date: 15 July 2015 MARKING SCHEME | % | | | | Maximum | | Evaluation of frameworks, values and governance practices of listed company or companies in the Malaysian context | 30 | 30 | | Application of knowledge and analytical skills relating to legal compliance, best practices and guidelines for achieving business and governance goals | 10 | 10 | | Synthesis, implementation and development of strategies in achieving world-class governance | 20 | 20 | | Total | 60% | 60 | | Tutor’s Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Words: 5025 - Pages: 21