Premium Essay

Me in Politics


Submitted By huntygates2012
Words 1180
Pages 5
1.2. Individual and G roup Mechanisms of Radicalization (C lar k Mc C auley, Sophia Moskalenko)1

Authors: Clark McCauley and Sophia Moskalenko Organization: Bryn Mawr College Contact Information:;

We define political radicalization as changes in beliefs, feelings and behavior in the direction of increased support for a political conflict. Radicalization can involve the movement of individuals and groups to legal and nonviolent political action (activism) or to illegal and violent political action (radicalism). An extreme of radicalization is terrorism, in which a nonstate group targets not only government forces but civilian citizens supporting the government. !"#$%&'&()*'+"(,+&-./0+(1/2#,/&'(.#,/-#$/3#'/)"(#&(+/'2+.(4')5-,)6"7().(40)'')8-957(:;#B&((#'"!#'*-*11%$&(>#*N!*'0#%-$"11#!+*#B+"(*#&'14$;*'!#'*!B"$6.8

5. What is the Role of Emotion in Radicalization? The literature on radicalization tends to emphasize cost/benefit calculations, but many have noted the salience of emotions such as anger or outrage, shame, and humiliation in political conflict. Research on emotional aspects of radicalization is needed. For instance, it is not clear whether hate is an emotion or a powerful form of negative identification that can be the occasion of many emotions - both positive and negative - depending on what is happening to the target of hatred (Royzman, McCauley, & Rozin, 2005). Similarly, it is not clear whether humiliation is a distinct emotion or a synergism of more fundamental emotions such as anger and shame (Lindner, 2006). 6. How Does Martyrdom Contribute to Political Radicalization? Many have noted the power of martyrdom for political mobilization, and there is a significant literature that asks how individuals are encouraged or recruited to give their lives in suicide terrorism (Merari, 2004; Speckhard &

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