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Me Myself and the World of New Media


Submitted By jenny885
Words 882
Pages 4
When I think of myself I think about a specific type of media that would describe me best as a person, new media is what comes to my mind. New media is mostly internet and television based. When I think of new media, I automatically think digital. Now media is much more convenient and certainly more accessible to the public than it used to be, due to the fact we have the world at our disposal super computers in our pockets, our smart phones. It puts the whole word at our finger tips opposed to listening to radio to get our main source of news. I learn by watching and listening and reading news of varying types, styles and forms. I have different sites and channels I to go to for different types of information. When it comes to what is happening in the world today, such as bombings etc., war wise I watch the O'Rielly Factor with my dad or at the least the first 20 minutes almost every night to get a better understanding on the world we are living in. I feel confident in the show I watch for world news is current and up to date. I don't feel that I get shorted by the information that I am receiving from my television due to the factor that I believe, more conservative views and feel that his opinions on government have helped me shape and develop my own based on what he has said. I feel and think he does a good job presenting a fact based show with information from "Both sides of the isle". Still I like to keep an open mind, look at facts, study more than just a single source of facts and make conclusions based on my information. My other news facts comes from the Internet. I don't consider television as an old school media system due to the advancements in technology and internet. I would consider television as a newer system due to the fact that most shows you can log on their websites and watch television on them through your I-phone or smart phone or tablet. If you have access to a smart phone or access to a computer with internet you can log on to your favorite websites like lifetime or ABC family. com to log on and see your favorite shows and watch them with out actually having to have a television. I do like to watch television for entertainment. One of my favorite shows I watch once a week is Project Runway. It makes me feel creative and give me new idea for clothing designs and makes me want to use my creativeness to make and sew my own clothes. I feel this show keeps me current in the up and coming fashion trends. I enjoy watching the ideas from the contestants come to life or sometimes the idea can take a wrong turn and end up just a blob of material on the design room floor. Someday I would enjoy designing my own clothing. With both, the Big Bang Theory and Friends, I find as comedic relief that when I am bored and have a lot on my mind it helps to slightly zone out and escape into the world of someone else's life. They entertain you but at the same time you can still relate to getting fired from your job, or working in a crappy restaurant, Or falling love with one of your best friends. Something I've enjoyed about watching sitcoms is the fact that they seem so real. I fell i can relate to there lives and I can sympathize. Pinterest is another interest of mine, I love Pinterest. I love to see what is new. It is like looking through your favorite magazine with the most current and ever changing pages. Pinterest gives me decorating ideas, fashion ideas, baking and cooking ideas, Holiday decorating ideas, health and exercise tips and inspiration to be able to paint the town red! It gives me new beauty and hair ideas and recipes I feel it will be in my personal cookbook for a lifetime. I may truly be addicted to looking at Pinterest. I am mostly on the internet these days whether its being on Facebook or Pinterest, keeping in touch with my friends or learning whats new about my favorite band or just catching up with friends. Facebook is one of my connections to the outside world around me and to keep tabs on what my mutual friends or acquaintances are doing away from my immediate family. Today as a society we have become so computer and internet based that we don't take enough time to pick up a book instead we buy it amazon and read it on our I-Pads or kindles. I wish that I was a less media involved only to the point to have a little bit in my life and not become so involved with what the hottest thing happening right now or which celebrity just got rumored sexiest of the year. Maybe its not the worst thing in the world to not know everything the second it happens but with the world in our pockets or the palms of our hands why wouldn't you want to.

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