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Meaning of Sociology


Submitted By maci
Words 1156
Pages 5
Discuss the meaning of sociology

Sociology is understanding the way people act and what they do it’s the focus on human institutions and our behaviours ,It’s about social issues , legal ,health & educational systems ETC ,and structures , and society itself and the people who make up society ,it can helps us make sense of the world and how its evolves and how people are changing constantly and how people fit into the world around us , It’s about discussing problems , equality , human rights, discrimination , According to ( ,3/3/12 ) “Sociology enables us to understand the structure and dynamics of society, and their intricate connections to patterns of human behaviour and individual life changes. It examines the ways in which the forms of social structure -- groups, organizations, communities, social categories (such as class, sex, age, or race), and various social institutions (such as kinship, economic, political, or religious) affect human attitudes, actions, and opportunities.” For example feminists, they have strong opinions and have changed gender issues in relation to power a major change accorded , and according to ( 3/3/12) “Feminists argue that society is dominated by men. In this patriarchal society men discriminate against women in order to prevent males and females gaining equal rights. There are various strands of belief within feminism; such as radical feminism, liberal feminism and Marxist feminism. Feminist theorists include Germaine Greer and Ann Oakley.” This enables me to understand that Feminists have a perspective or view which looks at gender in the relation to power, .they believe strongly in equality, women were forced to take a seat back and allow the man to take control and dominate, whilst now we can see a drastic change for the better as women such as Martha Layne

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