...GCSE and coursework and the challenging of stereotypes in the curriculum, and external factors such as the impact of feminism and the changes in women’s employment. Some sociologists argue that changes in the way pupils are assessed have favoured girls and deprived boys. For example the sociologist Gorard found that the gender gap in achievement was fairly constant from 1975 to 1988-9, when it was increased sharply. He concludes that the gender gap in achievement is a “product of the changed system of assessment rather than any more general failing of boys”. Moreover, Mitsos and Browne support this view. They conclude that girls are more successful than boys in coursework because they are more conscientious and better organised. They found that girls spend more time on their work, take more care with the way it is presented, bring the equipment and resources to lessons and are better at meeting deadlines. They also argue that these factors have helped girls to benefit from the introduction of coursework in GCSE, AS and A level and that girls gain from maturing earlier than boys. Alternatively, some sociologists believe that these traits and skills are the result of early gender role socialisation in the family. For example, girls are more likely than boys to be encouraged to be neat, patient and tidy. These abilities are an advantage in today’s education system, helping girls achieves greater success than boys. However, there are other views on GCSE and coursework that contrasts...
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...KOLEJ UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing Academic Year 2015/2016 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ABDT2043 FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKETING ------------------------------------------------- COURSEWORK SPECIFICATION Coursework Assessment (40%) No. | Contributions to coursework | % of contribution | 1. | Mid-Term Test: Multiple Choice Questions | 25% | 2. | Individual Tutorial Presentation | 15% | 3. | Group Written Assignment | 60% | Total contribution | 100% | 1. Mid-Term Test: Multiple Choice Questions (25%) A mid-term test will be given during Week 3 tutorial. It consists of 25 multi-choice questions and will cover lecture topics from Weeks 1 to 2. Students are expected to complete all the questions within one hour. 2. Individual Tutorial Presentation (15%) * Each student will be assigned a tutorial question. * Each student will be given 10 minutes to present the tutorial answers. * The tutor will inform the scheduled dates for each group to present. * Students will be assessed individually according to the criteria listed. * Use the cover page provided by the lecturer/tutor. (Refer Appendix 3) * Presenters are required to use visual aids for their presentations, PowerPoint slides must be printed and attached with format of 6-slide in a page. The presentation slides should...
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...To Buy This material Click below link http://www.uoptutors.com/edu-695-ash/edu-695-week-1-assignment-21st-century-framework-revision-new This assignment re-introduces you to the framework of 21st Century Skills that you will consider each week as you work to redesign prior coursework for your ePortfolio. Note that a similar format is followed for each of the assignments in this course. You will upload this assignment to the course for evaluation and to your ePortfolio (Pathbrite). Specifically, after reviewing the Framework for 21st century learning, you will redesign or modify a prior assignment from one of your courses in the MAED program that represents your mastery of the MAED program learning outcomes 1, 2, and 3. An assignment you may want to redesign could be in the form of a lesson plan or teaching unit you previously created for a course. Your redesign of the assignment must show a representation of 21st-century learning through incorporation of student outcomes and support systems, which are defined as follows: • Student Outcomes: Learning and Innovations Skills (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity), Core Subjects 3Rs and 21st Century Themes, Information, Media, and Technology Skills, Life and Career Skills. • Support Systems: Standards and assessments, curriculum and instruction, professional development, learning environments. When selecting an assignment to redesign, think about how the assignment should consider the diverse...
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...HOW TO WRITE ESSAYS Visit our How To website at www.howto.co.uk At www.howto.co.uk you can engage in conversation with some of our authors – all of whom have ‘been there and done that’ in their specialist fields. You can get access to special offers and additional content but, most importantly, you will be able to engage with, and become a part of, a wide and growing community of people just like yourself. At www.howto.co.uk you’ll be able to talk to, and share tips with, people who have similar interests and are facing similar challenges in their lives. People who, just like you, have the desire to change their lives for the better – be it through moving to a new country, starting a new business, growing their own vegetables, or writing a novel. At www.howto.co.uk you’ll find the support and encouragement you need to help make your aspirations a reality. How To Books strives to present authentic, inspiring, practical information in their books. Now, when you buy a title from How To Books, you get even more than words on a page. HOW TO WRITE ESSAYS A step-by-step guide for all levels, with sample essays Don Shiach howtobooks ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author and publishers are grateful to Nicholas Murray and the Rack Press, Kinnerton, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2PF for permission to reproduce History from Nicholas Murray’s collection ‘The Narrators’. Published by How To Content, A division of How To Books Ltd, Spring Hill House, Spring...
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...Senior School Prospectus 2014 Yr 10/VCE/VCAL/VET 2013 College Captains [pic] Madeline Hallett, Jake Thomas, Arnela Dug, Elias Joseph Contents |Contact Details |Page 3 | |Glossary of Terms |Page 4 | |Key Dates |Page 5 | |Year 10 overview |Pages 6 -10 | |Core Unit Descriptions |11 -30 | |Vocational Pathway Course Overview |31 - 32 | |Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Overview |33 - 37 | |Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Subjects |38 - 66 | |Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) Overview ...
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...about 21st century support systems, the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), and International Society for Technology in Education Student (ISTE-S) standards and their relationship with quality instructional planning, delivery, and learner achievement. Using the Framework for 21st century learning as a resource, you will redesign or modify a prior activity, such as a lesson plan or curriculum project, that you created in a prior course. The redesigned coursework need to be a representation of your mastery of the MAED program learning outcomes 5 and 7. This assignment will be uploaded to the course for evaluation and to your ePortfolio (Pathbrite). If you do not have previous projects to use in this assignment, please contact your instructor for guidelines on how to proceed. As needed, refer to the MAED program learning outcomes (PLOs) list. Create your assignment to meet the content and written communication expectations below. Content Expectations The Redesign expectations explain what you are required to do with the prior coursework you choose to redesign. The Summary expectations are for the separate written portion of this assignment. • Redesign – ISTE-S Standard (1 Point): Redesign a lesson plan or curriculum project that reflects a minimum of one ISTE-S standard labeled with number, title, and objective(s). For example: Creativity and Innovation o Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products and processes. • Redesign – Grade Level / CCSS Alignment...
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... | Rules and regulations: |Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes: copying information directly from the Web or books without | |referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework from| |another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt | |with according to the procedures set down by the College. Please see your student handbook for further details of what is / isn’t plagiarism.| Coursework Regulations 1. Submission of coursework must be undertaken according to the relevant procedure – whether online or paper-based. Lecturers will give information as to which procedure must be followed, and details of submission procedures and penalty fees can be obtained from Academic Administration or the general student handbook. 2. All coursework must be submitted to the Academic Admin Office and a receipt must be obtained. Under no circumstances can other College staff accept them. Please check the Academic Admin Office opening hours. 3. Late coursework will be accepted by Academic Admin Office and marked according to the guidelines given in your...
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...KOLEJ UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing Academic Year 2014/2015 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ABDT2043 FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKETING ------------------------------------------------- COURSEWORK SPECIFICATION Coursework Assessment (40%) No. | Contributions to coursework | % of contribution | 1. | Mid-Term Test: Multiple Choice Questions | 25% | 2. | Individual Tutorial Presentation | 15% | 3. | Group Written Assignment | 60% | Total contribution | 100% | 1. Mid-Term Test: Multiple Choice Questions (25%) A mid-term test will be given during Week 3 tutorial. It consists of 25 multi-choice questions and will cover lecture topics from Weeks 1 to 2. Students are expected to complete all the questions within one hour. 2. Individual Tutorial Presentation (15%) * Each student will be assigned a tutorial question. * Each student will be given 10 minutes to present the tutorial answers. * The tutor will inform the scheduled dates for each group to present. * Students will be assessed individually according to the criteria listed. * Use the cover page provided by the lecturer/tutor. (refer Appendix 3) * Presenters are required to use visual aids for their presentations, PowerPoint slides must be printed and attached with format of 6-slide in a page...
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... FACULTY OF BUSINESS, ACCOUNTANCY AND MANAGEMENT COURSEWORK COVER SHEET COURSE: _________BBM___________ INTAKE: _September_2012__ |STUDENT PARTICULARS | Name: ________________Guo Yilun___________________ IC / Passport No: _________________G43528799______________________ Student No: _________________SCM-021053_____________________ Subject Name: _______________ Understand Markets_________________ Mode of Study: □ Full time □ Part time Name of Lecturer: _______________Ms Song_________________ Due Date: ___________________8/11/2012_______________ Declaration by student: 1, ______Guo Yilun___ hereby declare that the attached assignment is my own work and understand that if I am suspected of plagiarism or another form of cheating; my work will be referred to the Dean of Faculty who may as a result recommend to the SEGi University Examination Board that my enrolment in the programme be discontinued. I am submitting the following items: □ Coursework Cover (1 page) □ Hardcopy document (No of pages __) □ CD NOTE: 1. Students are reminded to keep a copy of all assignments / coursework submitted. 2. All LATE SUBMISSION will be DEDUCTED 10% a day up to a maximum of FIVE (5) days, where after that, the coursework will be marked ZERO (0). __Guo Yilun __ ___8/11/2012___ Student...
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...[pic] Submission Front Sheet Assignment Code: AB165B18… Programme: BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business (Marketing) Unit Title and Number: Advertising and Promotion in Business (Unit 18) QFC Level: 4 Unit Code: J/601/1000 Credit value: 15 credits Module Tutor: Mehedi Khan Email: m.khan@mrcollege.ac.uk Date Set: 23rd September 2014 Name: …………………………………………. Registration Number: …………………………………………… Date: …………………………………………… Is this a First Submission or Second Submission ? Word Count (max.5000) Turnitin Score Complete and copy this page and add it as the front sheet to your online submission [pic] Part 2 Assignment Brief Programme: BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business Marketing Unit Title and Number: Advertising and Promotion in Business (Unit 18) QFC Level: 4 Unit Code: J/601/1000 Credit value: 15 credits Module Tutor: Mehedi Khan Email: m.khan@mrcollege.ac.uk Date Set: Starts: 23 September 2014, Ends: 5 December 2014 Distribution Date : 30.09.2014. LO1 Submission Date : 21.10.2014 (for formative feedback) LO2 & LO3 Submission Date : 10.11.2014 (for formative feedback) LO4 Submission Date : 18.11.2014 (for formative feedback) Final Submission Date (Full Assignment): 5th December 2014 The effective use of advertising and promotion is a fundamental requirement for any business...
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...The Classical Chinese Art Fund The Classical Chinese Art Fund FR3208 Arts and Antiques Market: Coursework 2 The Classical Chinese Art Fund Content Page 1. The Classical Chinese Art Fund 1.1. What is the Classical Chinese Art Fund? 1.2. Investment Profile of the Fund 1.3. Rationale: The China Factor 1.4. Investment Approach and Strategies 1.4.1. Growth Strategies 1.4.2. Risk Management Strategies 2. Market Analysis 2.1. Art Segmentation 2.1.1. Chinese Calligraphy 2.1.2. Chinese Paintings 2.2. Major Players 2.3. Demand and Supply Analysis 3. Role of Public Institutions and Regulatory Policies 4. The External Competitive Environment 4.1. Correlation between Chosen Sector and other forms of Investment 4.1.1. General Outlook of the Art Fund 4.1.2. Comparative Analysis of the Fund and Other Art Investment Funds 5. Prospective Investment Portfolio of Art Works 6. Conclusion • Appendix The Classical Chinese Art Fund FR3208 Arts and Antiques Market: Coursework 3 The Classical Chinese Art Fund 1. The Classical Chinese Art Fund 1.1. What is the Classical Chinese Art Fund? The Classical Chinese Art Fund is an investment fund approach that capitalizes on the valuable asset class of Classical Chinese Art, specifically Chinese paintings and calligraphy art pieces. Chinese paintings and calligraphy art works are considered ...
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...P1: Explain key influence on the personal learning process of individuals For an individual there are positive and negative influences that can effect there learning. On a professional approach, many psychologists believe that learning takes place via different processes in which recall has to take place in order to remember. Recall can be affected by different influences; these can weaken memory or strength the memory trace of information. There are different theories that can show the different types of learners; David kolb and Honey and Mumford. David kolb’s theory (1984) is an explanation in how adults learn. The many ways in which people learn are called the cognitive ability. During adolescence and adulthood we develop a performance for instinctive preferences. This is the way in which we make sense of our experiences. He proposed that learning takes place in four stages: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation and active experimentation. The first stage is concrete experience, this is the doing stage. The individual has to physically carry out actions in order to remember. The second stage is reflective stage this is where they concentrate and review the information. This involves mental thought about what they have completed and the actions that took place in the concrete stage. The third stage is the concluding stage, in which you begin to make sense of the actions in your head. The last stage is the active experimentation, is the planning...
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... 26.12.2013 | | Individual assignment | | | Group assignment | | | COURSEWORK SUBMISSION COVER PAGE Submission instructions Please note that all work must be submitted electronically unless instructed otherwise. For online submission instructions refer to: http://intranet.wiut.uz/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx - Coursework online submission instructions.doc For hardcopy submission instructions refer to: http://intranet.wiut.uz/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx - Coursework hard copy submission instructions.doc Feedback To be completed by markers on the next page | | 80%+ | 70-79% | 60-69% | 50-59% | 40-49% | 30-39% | 0-29% | Integrated Writing Task 70 % Weighting | Content and Structure | The written piece includes all the parts: introduction, two summaries, and conclusion. The written piece presents the main topic and key information provided in both sources. Transition and reporting verbs are masterly used. No personal view is included. | The written piece includes all the parts: introduction, two summaries, and conclusion. The written piece presents the main topic and key information provided in both sources Transition and reporting verbs are skillfully used. Personal view is rarely included. | The written piece includes all the parts: introduction, two summaries, and conclusion. However, introduction or conclusion is not well developed. The written piece presents the main topic and key information provided...
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...Competency differences in nurses prepared at the ADN level versus BSN Deborah Rhoton Grand Canyon University Professional Dynamics NRS-430V Lisa Zamudio June 6, 2015 Competency differences in nurses prepared at the ADN level versus BSN Introduction to Nursing The American Nurses Association’s (ANA) definition of nursing is “Nursing is the protection, promotion and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities and populations.” This definition encompasses all aspects of the health of individuals from wellness to illness. Nurses perform in a variety of settings across the health spectrum. Several educational programs prepared students to sit for the NCLEX-RN licensing exam, and if passed these students become licensed Registered Nurses (RN). These educational programs differ in length and course study. The two most common degrees obtained are the Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN) and the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). The less common graduate nursing degree programs are the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) and Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). Comparing the differences of ADN and BSN The ADN program runs 24 to 36 months to complete, whereas the BSN program is four years in length. The longer BSN program incorporates studies in family centered health, community and public health, research, and...
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...Dr Stephen Kirkup | Assessment Split: | Coursework 100% | Recommended precursors: | SS11112 Research Methods | Typical Delivery mode: | In class delivery | Total contact hours: | Typically 45 | Module Description: | This module will provide students with the opportunity to carry out a small scale research project on an appropriate topic. It will build on and extend the knowledge and skills acquired at Level One in the Research Methods module. | Module TLA Strategy: | Learning and teaching is predominantly targeted on an individual basis through on-going supervision. However, to facilitate reinforcement of research methodologies and principles, there will be some formal sessions based on lectures and seminars. This is augmented with the use of peer group based reflections on the ongoing progress and reflection of the research.Assessment1 updated and modified project proposal (20%) and a 2,000 word report on the task/project (80%) | Programme Outcomes to which the module contributes: | A6 A8 C3 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 | Syllabus: | The students will undertake a programme of self managed study with guidance from their project supervisor.Students will:- * Modify their research proposal (previously generated) * Consider the ethics involved * Apply appropriate methodologies and data collection as required * Select and employ appropriate analytical tools * Draw appropriate conclusions * Make appropriate recommendations (depending...
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