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Are Women Better Doctors Than Men


Submitted By goldpants
Words 255
Pages 2
Are women better doctors than men? A lot of stereotypes still remain in todays society, one being in the medical field.
If you google up the images for „doctor“ or „surgeon“, mainly pictures of men show up.
A lot of television shows and movies show the men as doctors and the women as nurses. I wanted to know why that steroetype existed. After some research, I found out, that dating back to the 1800’s, it was actually men who were the earliest nurses. There were not a lot of men in the field before the 1950’s when men begun to enter the field. After some time the stereotype started appearing. A study from the University of Montreal found out that there may be a real difference between care provided between female and male doctors. Female doctors are more likely to follow guidelines and they score higher on care and quality. Other research found out that female doctors show greater empathy towards their patients and tend to be better listeners. However, the researchers also found that among male doctors the productivity was greater that among female doctors, with up to 1000 more procedures being done by male doctors than female doctors each year. But this can lead to procedures that are unfinished and done too carelessly. Which, in turn, can lead to patients leaving unsatisfied and retuning for antoher procedure. In conclusion the stereotype is incorrect and women make better doctors than men because they care more about individual patients rather than cycling through

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