...Martina Korpue Introduction to Ethics Professor Fumerton November 30, 2012 “Ethical judgments are social instruments” In his essay “The Emotive Meaning of Ethical Terms”, Charles Leslie Stevenson (C.L. Stevenson), a professor of philosophy who taught at the University of Michigan, theorizes that the function of ethical statements is not to describe, but is rather to prescribe. He claims that language carries a type of meaning which he calls ‘emotive meaning’, rather than descriptive meaning and uses many examples of the term ‘good’ to establish his belief. He aims at showing that the notion of ‘good’ is equivalent to taking favor of something (“X is good”= “I like X”). Stevenson’s in-depth analysis of the concept of ‘good’ ultimately shows his readers the reality that the disagreement over whether something is good or not is just simply a disagreement in attitude. The first method used in determining the emotive meaning of ethical statements is to first address ethical questions in answering the question ‘Is X good?’ by what Stevenson calls ‘substitution’. He explains that in order to help understand this concept, the question must be substituted by a question that is free from ambiguity and confusion (Stevenson 370). It would not make sense to substitute this question with one that is irrelevant or with one that is the same as the question being assessed. He uses an example of substitution with the statement ‘Is X pink with yellow trimmings?’ This statement clearly has...
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...Persuasive Message Paper Glenn C. Chan University of Phoenix COMM 470 July 5, 2011 E-commerce or Electronic Commerce known from some has become a part of our everyday lives. As the growth of World Wide Web grew, more and more businesses have gone live on the web. This growth has provided consumers with many retail choices to make the lives easier for the online community. Although it makes things easier for online consumers, companies that have chosen to be an online retailer realize that it has been and will continue to grow competitively which makes it a hostile environment. Along with trying to obtain new customers or members, attempting to retain existing one’s have been the challenge. To do so, these retailers need to understand their customers or their target of choice and their process towards a purchase, to ensure they are structured to serve their customers to the highest level. The paper being presented is to identify three behaviors inherent in e tailing. In the paper I will discuss the communications medium where the discussed behavior occurs. In the discussion I will also explain how each medium enables e-commerce. This paper will show analysis of each behavior using the communication process, which will break it down with the purpose, sender, receiver, message, environment, noise, technology, and feedback. Finally a sample persuasive message aimed at a virtual audience will be developed and included in this paper. When a consumer begins...
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...Points, and Plan Select a topic on which your persuasive writing paper will be focused. Write a one to two (1-2) page research proposal in which you: • Identify the genre you selected and explain two (2) reasons for using it. • Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first paragraph. • Describe three (3) major characteristics of your audience (official position, decision-making power, current view on topic, other important characteristic). • Describe the paper’s scope and outline the major sections. • Identify and explain the questions to be answered. • Explain your research plan, including the methods of researching and organizing research. • Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion. • Document at least three (3) primary sources and three (3) secondary sources. Use credible, academic sources available through Strayer University’s Resource Center. Your assignment must follow these formatting guidelines: ENG 215 Assignment 2 Research Proposal – Thesis, Major Points, and Plan To Buy this Class Copy & paste below link in your Brower http://www.homeworkregency.com/downloads/eng-215-assignment-2-research-proposal-thesis-major-points-plan/ Or Visit Our Website Visit : http://www.homeworkregency.com Email Us : homeworkregency@gmail.com ENG 215 Assignment 2 Research Proposal – Thesis, Major Points, and Plan Select a topic on which your persuasive writing paper will be focused. Write a one to two...
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...Diet Soda, Good or Bad? Edward Muna COMM/215 August 22, 2011 Mary Ann Troy Diet Soda, Good or Bad? Would you like some water? No thanks, what do you have that is diet? One of the easiest ways to lose weight and control calories is by switching to something diet. On average, a normal soda pop runs roughly around 150 to 200 calories per can, and that depends on the size. Remember the movie, “Supersize Me”. So you decided a long time ago to go with artificial sweeteners and after a while you didn’t even notice the difference between the two. You get zero calories and sometimes zero carbs and both taste buds and body are happy. It is a win-win situation. Not so fast. Drinking excessive amounts of diet soda may increase the risk of disease; therefore we should drink healthy drinks instead of artificially sweetened beverages. Disease and Health Risks Diet soda is harmful and produces dangerous side effects. Heavy diet drinkers may increase their risk of serious diseases. A new study by US researchers links diet soda to increased risk of vascular events (including ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, which is caused by rupture of a weakened blood vessel), though reasons are still unclear. The scientists said people who drank diet soda every day had a 61 per cent higher risk of vascular events than those who did not. Does this mean that there's something in diet sodas that hurts our blood vessels? Nobody knows the answer to that question yet. Investigators...
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...Persuasive/Argument Assignment: For this assignment you will need to choose from one of the prompts below and then complete one of the activities described below… PROMPTS: 1. Select a “secondary” character (Banquo, Macduff, Malcolm) and analyze the way in which he or she serves as a foil to a central character and thus help to expand your understanding by contrast. (A foil is a character who enhances another through contrast). You could also theoretically use Lady Macbeth as a secondary character to Macbeth. 2. Does power corrupt automatically? Apply this famous expression to the events and characters in Macbeth. You can focus on a single character or several. You may take the position that it always corrupts, never corrupts, or sometimes corrupts, but be sure to provide textual support. 3. Is Macbeth a tragedy of fate or of character? In determining your position on this, consider whether the witches play a central or collateral role in shifting the ambitions and actions of the play’s characters. Assignment Choices: 1. Select one of the prompts to serve as the basis for a persuasive essay. Take a firm stance on the prompt and write a 5-paragraph, double-spaced essay supporting your position. Make sure that you have a strong thesis statement at the end of your introduction and clear topic sentences in each body paragraph that provide arguments in support of your thesis. Be sure to provide textual support to buttress each of your claims. 2. Select one of the prompts...
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...Closing of National Beef Plant in Imperial Valley Jamie Leon Comm/215 September 8, 2014 John Cantlon In the late 1980’s, access to efficient beef processing plants began to wane in the Southwest as packers moved toward the nation’s interior. Meanwhile, the region’s cattlemen were fine-tuning large-scale feeding programs using the region’s ready supply of Holstein steer calves. So, in 1999, Gary Oden of Wellton, AZ and Bill Brandt of Brawley, CA, set the wheels in motion, and a group of area cattle producers organized to take Brawley Beef, LLC, from idea to reality. Through their efforts, the first cattle were harvested and processed in December 2001 at the new packing plant in Brawley, CA. Even with the combined efforts of the group of cattlemen, making Brawley Beef work has not been easy. The nation was still in a daze from the September 11, 2001 disasters when the first cattle were harvested. At the same time, the firm found itself in the middle of a battle over the anti-dumping tariffs placed on the U.S. beef exports to Mexico. Since April 2000, Mexico had imposed a complex set of specific duties on most beef carcasses and cuts on a company-by-company basis. Small and medium-sized exporters were disproportionately affected. Eventually, a North American Free Trade Agreement panel agreed the tariffs were inappropriately applied and those tariffs were lifted in October. Meanwhile, the producer-owned meatpacker was able to keep its head above water due to the...
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...Persuasive Paper For your second major assignment, you will be writing a persuasive paper. In a persuasive paper, you convince your reader to take your side on an issue by using several influential techniques, including appealing to your reader’s emotions and establishing credibility and authority. A good persuasive essay will sway your reader to agree with your views. For this particular persuasive paper, you will write about an ethical issue of your choice. Some example issues include: * Euthanasia * The use of social media by employers to screen prospective employees * Vaccination * Abortion * Animal rights * Capital punishment You do not have to choose one of these example issues, but for whatever issue you choose, you must take a stance regarding it and convince your reader that your point of view on the issue is correct. Use persuasive techniques like pathos, ethos and logos to sway your reader to your side. Remember that you can use the same topic in this paper for your future argumentative and research papers, but those papers will be discipline-specific – they’ll ask you to write about an argument and topic within your discipline. If you want to write about the same issue for all three of these papers, you’ll want to take a stance on an issue within your discipline for this paper, too. The grade breakdown for this paper is as follows: Assignment | Point Worth | Rough draft | 40 | Peer review | 10 | Final draft | 100 | Total | 150 | ...
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...If I said the word France, what would appear in your mind? A place you would like to visit someday? Let’s make it a reality and go there on vacation next year. There is so much to see and do there that I believe what you will learn in France is worth the cost associated with it. One reason to go to France is because of all of the history. Paris is home to many famous historical monuments such as Notre Dame, The Louvre Museum, the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triompe, and Versailles. Notre Dame is a famous cathedral. You will love seeing all of the intricate designs and craftsmanship built into it. It is amazing to think that the builder was able to make this building before there were machines. We can go to the Louvre Museum and see the Mona Lisa. To be able to look at the same smile that millions of other people have seen would be awesome. We have seen photos of the painting but nothing can compare to seeing it in person. Everybody knows about the amazing view from the Eiffel Tower. Wouldn’t you like to say that you have seen it? We can also go to Arc de Triomphe. The arc honors those who fought in the French Revolution. It also has the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from World War I. We can compare it to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier that we saw in Washington D.C. Outside of Paris, we can visit Nice. I know you have expressed an interest in visiting there someday. We can travel from Paris to Nice by high speed train and be there in less than 6 hours. The...
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...INTRODUCTION Traditional Family Destruction I. “The family endures because it offers the truth of mortality and immortality within the same group. The family endures because, better than the commune, or classroom, it seems to individualize and socialize its children, to make us feel at the same time unique and yet joined to all humanity, accepted as is and yet challenged to grow, loved unconditionally and yet propelled by greater expectations.” Letty Pogrebin knew what she was stating when it came to understanding how important family is to an individual; however a new generation is in danger as the traditional family disappears. Today I will illustrate how internet, television, and lack of adult presence are destroying the traditional family, and how a chain-reaction may cause selfish and irresponsible adults, and possibly the downfall of the United States. BODY II. If families today are so busy with work and using entertainment media, when does a family have time to be a family? A. In 1998, the Los Angeles Times reported 51% of mothers and fathers in an American family worked a full time job. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that number has risen to 64% as of last year. 1) With the majority of parents working, what do the children do? B. Today, 8-18 year-olds devote an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes to using entertainment media in a typical day. This includes internet, television, video games, and cell-phones. That’s more than 53 hours...
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...The state of Louisiana ran by Bobby Jindal administration decided to change the insurance of Louisiana state employees and retirees to help build the reserve back up that dwindled due to miss management. Louisiana’s Office of Group Benefits, which provides health care coverage to 230,000 state employees, retirees and teachers, had $500 million in reserves in 2011. By lowering health premiums for employees and retirees, state agencies also paid less for benefits—and used the money on other budget needs instead, according to analysis by the public Affairs Research Council. But with reserves dwindling rapidly, premiums were increased in July, prescription drug benefits were cut in August and the Jindal administration announced dramatic changes for 2015. All of Louisiana state employees now have to suffer because of mismanagement by state officials. Is it the fault of all 230,000 people covered that the reserves are dwindling? Why do the people have to pay for some narcissist individual that cannot manage money? As a state employee for the past 10 years I have seen my health care coverage decrease. In 2008 the state employees were insured by Humana, which was a great insurance company. Humana had low premiums, great prescription coverage, and good out of pocket cost. Then around 2011 we had to switch to Blue Cross Blue Shield and some huge changes were made in the prescription coverage. Deductibles went up and prescription medicines are no longer covered if there is a generic brand...
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...Why the Keystone XL Pipeline Should Be Approved Christopher Passey COMM/215 September 22, 2014 Chris Goodrich University of Phoenix Why the Keystone XL Pipeline Should Be Approved The United States Congress is currently debating a controversial topic, the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline’s construction, between Hardisty, Alberta Canada to Houston Texas. Both sides of the debate are deeply rooted and are split across political party lines which are making it difficult for the legislative branch to come to an agreement on the issue. Supporters reference the positive economic benefits the pipeline will create, whereas its objectors are concerned about the environmental impact the pipeline could cause. Even though there is a perceived environmental risk in importing Alberta (oil sands) crude oil to the United States, it should be approved because it will provide our country with a secure supply of oil and well-paying jobs that will help our economy. To begin with, let’s discuss some of the environmental concerns that those whom are against the approval are referencing. According to Janna Palliser (2012), “Oil sands crude is more corrosive to pipelines than normal crude oil and difficult to clean up if spilled.” (Palliser, 2012). Janna’s statement is a typical concern, however, many of the world’s top leading and respected research organizations have tested this claim and have all come to the same conclusion. “Diluted Bitumen (also known as oil sands) do not...
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...WHAT’S THE OPPORTUNITY (CLARITY, FOCUSED OPPORTUNITY; clear statement and communication of opportunity; clear articulation; persuasive idea)? 2. What MARKET OR MARKETS does the business address? -> student? undergraduate? all students? WHAT KIND OF RECIPES, EASY? CHEAP? 3. WHY DO YOU BELIEVE THIS PRODUCT/SERVICE HAS AN ADVANTAGE in the marketplace relative to the market/consumer needs? --> convenient, easy to use, simple, accessible,cheap, .... Anything! 4. Evidence and reference to testimonials or CUSTOMER FEEDBACK? --> Use the results of your survey and show that people are very interested! 5. What’s the COMPETITION in the marketplace (brief appraisal of current market, product, and service offerings with a view to justify market possibilities)? 66> THE COOK BOOK paper one and online one, but you can say that most young people think that paper cook book seems old-fashion and rather prefer to check on the internet or phone, but it is more suitable to have your phone with you in the kitchen or if you suddenly decide to prepare something at someone else place rather than take your laptop with you n the kitchen 6. Who’s the TEAM that's going to make the business succeed? (drawing upon strengths of team; good distribution of work load, presentation time) --> what are the strenghts in your team? are you good in marketing, It, finance?? what distribution network/ channels are you gonna use to promote your product? 7. How would you realise the business...
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...Dreaming Up My Persuasive Essay Her I sit trying to dream up my persuasive essay, nothing coming to my mind so I choose what I am doing at this exact moment and what I have learned. Sitting in my office chair and not allowing enough time to get my persuasive essay done. Three hours till my deadline and I am just getting started. I will have a persuasive essay by the deadline because I will sit here in my office chair every second till my task is complete. I ran through the writing process steps and I seem to be off to a good start. Using the writing process for previous essays has made the process familiar. I am starting the prewriting process by brainstorming and it had better be a hurricane. The planning has happened and helped keep me...
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...Once I revised my paper I tried to make it paper in a way that made sense and gave more information on how to respond to ISIS in a logical way. The way I made my paper more logical than from the first draft was by adding more quotes from reliable news sources. Theses sources really helped my get more ideas. While I was writing my media essay I tried to give as much information on how Hilary Clinton is subjected to sexism. I had pulled in many different scenarios where she is faced with sexism. The problem I see after carefully rereading my media essay is that the paper turned more into my biography of Hillary rather than discussing the topic at hand. For the final draft of my media essay I took out a large amount of the background on Hillary so it focused more on how she is subjected to...
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...course, especially all the essays that I have been asked to write about, they have made me a strong writer, and I have also developed some writing skills that I was not aware of I had. Throughout the course I was asked to write four essays, every one of them with different purposes, topics, critical thinking, and some of them required some research. First, I had to write an essay concerning an iconic image, stating the factors that made the image iconic across the world. Next, I wrote an essay about a political cartoon while reflecting upon the main message that the cartoonist was attempting to convey to the audience, I analyzed the cartoon, described what was going on, pointed out what the cartoon was referring to, and recognized some persuasive techniques within the cartoon. Then, I wrote an essay regarding the Sam Sheppard murder case, where I was able to use my critical thinking and state with valid evidence who fit the profile to be the murderer of Marilyn Sheppard. Lastly, I was asked to state my position regarding the Little Gallery Controversy, stating whether or not the piece of work should have been removed from the art...
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