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Political Cartoon Controversy

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My overall experience in this course has been very helpful, I have been able to learn a lot throughout the course, especially all the essays that I have been asked to write about, they have made me a strong writer, and I have also developed some writing skills that I was not aware of I had. Throughout the course I was asked to write four essays, every one of them with different purposes, topics, critical thinking, and some of them required some research. First, I had to write an essay concerning an iconic image, stating the factors that made the image iconic across the world. Next, I wrote an essay about a political cartoon while reflecting upon the main message that the cartoonist was attempting to convey to the audience, I analyzed the cartoon, described what was going on, pointed out what the cartoon was referring to, and recognized some persuasive techniques within the cartoon. Then, I wrote an essay regarding the Sam Sheppard murder case, where I was able to use my critical thinking and state with valid evidence who fit the profile to be the murderer of Marilyn Sheppard. Lastly, I was asked to state my position regarding the Little Gallery Controversy, stating whether or not the piece of work should have been removed from the art …show more content…
The reason why I chose the political cartoon assignment is because I feel as though I was not aware of the sources I was using, I would use credible sources, I would read through the articles to make sure I do not misinterpret the information provided, I would also be more organized, and make my body paragraphs clear and easy to follow along rather than making them very long and easy to misinterpret or confusing to my audience. Lastly, I would work a lot more on my research to make sure that I am using the right articles for the issues that I discussed in my political cartoon

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