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Medical Assistant Law Research Paper

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Medical Assistant Law and Rules

§ 43-34-44. Role of medical assistants clarified
Nothing in this article shall be construed to prohibit the performance by medical assistants of medical tasks, including subcutaneous and intramuscular injections; obtaining vital signs; administering nebulizer treatments; or other tasks approved by the board pursuant to rule, if under the supervision by a physician in his or her office; provided, however, that this shall not require on-site supervision at all times, or the performance by medical assistants of medical tasks ordered by a physician assistant or advanced practice registered nurse delegated the authority to issue such an order in accordance with law and pursuant to rules of the board.

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Engaging in unlicensed practice includes delegation by a physician of professional responsibilities to a person who is not authorized to provide such services. A physician may delegate the performance of certain medical tasks to an unlicensed person with appropriate supervision as provided herein.

(a) Medical Assistants

1. For purposes of this rule, a medical assistant is an unlicensed person employed by the physician to whom he or she delegates certain medical tasks.

(i) A physician may delegate to a medical assistant the following medical tasks: subcutaneous and intramuscular injections; obtaining vital signs; administering nebulizer treatments; or removing sutures and changing dressings.

(ii) Physicians or physician assistants under basic job description and/or advanced practice nurses under protocol must be on-site for a medical assistant to administer subcutaneous and intramuscular injections, to administer nebulizer treatments, and to remove sutures and change dressings. It is not required for a physician to be on-site for a medical assistant to obtain vital signs.

(iii) Physician shall only allow medical assistants to provide services for which they

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