...KRISANTA CAMILLE LAZARO LACDO-O RN Tabuc, Pontevedra Capiz Mobile No. 09462426679 E-mail Address: krisantacamillelacdoo@hotmail.com CAREER OBJECTIVE To develop nursing career in an environment that offers tremendous potential for professional growth and achievement; exploring opportunities offered with impactful challenges utilizing my experience, skills and passion. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATION * July 2011 PNLE Passer with rating of 80.6% * Excellent communication skills (English and Filipino) both verbally and written with great interpersonal skills. * Adept nursing knowledge base and fundamental clinical skills * Computer Proficient (Microsoft Office Suite) * Profound ability to development, implementation, maintenance and organization of work. * Possess critical and analytical thinking skills with the ability to prioritize needs rapidly and make decisions accordingly. * Work well with a team, multi tasking , and willing to enhance professional and technical knowledge/experience through trainings and such * Emotionally stable and have a sympathetic disposition and scheduling flexibility to accommodate changing needs. ------------------------------------------------- EDUCATION College Bachelor of Science in Nursing Filamer Christian University Roxas Avenue, Roxas City, Capiz 2007-2011 Academic Awardee Secondary Pontevedra Christian School Ibarra St. Ilaya Pontevedra Capiz 2003-2007 ------------------------------------------------- ...
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... AGPCNP-BC October 18th, 2024. Abstract: The shortage of qualified nursing faculty limits the capacity of nursing programs to address the growing demand for nurses, placing additional strain on the healthcare workforce. This Quality Improvement (QI) project addresses the faculty shortage by implementing a structured mentorship program within the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing (AASN) program at Arkansas State University. Targeting novice faculty members with fewer than three years of teaching experience,...
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...Nurse Education in Practice (2007) 7, 26–35 Nurse Education in Practice www.elsevierhealth.com/journals/nepr Exploring bullying: Implications for nurse educators Sharon L. Edwards a a,* , Claire Frances O’Connell b Department of Pre-registration, Nursing Faculty of Health Studies, Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College, Chalfont Campus, Newland Park, Gorelands Lane, Chalfont St. Giles, Buckinghamshire HP8 4AD, United Kingdom b Green Lawns, Kilmona Grenagh Co., Cork, Republic of Ireland Accepted 27 March 2006 KEYWORDS Bullying; Violence; NHS; Higher education; Nurse education Summary This article examines briefly the issue of workplace violence and bullying in the hospital environment, but more importantly how the same and different styles of bullying and intra-staff bullying are emerging in nurse education. The content describes the aetiology of violence and bullying and their place in the National Health Service (NHS) including nursing. It explores bullying as the principle form of intimidation in nurse education, the different types and subtle forms of bullying, why individuals become bullies, dealing with and the consequences of bullying. The legislation, guidelines, policies are part of the recommendations for practice. c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction In modern day society, it could be argued that violence and aggression is a common aspect of daily life. Violence and abuse within the hospital setting occurs...
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...Operating Room Etiquette: Preparing for Perfection Operating Room Etiquette: Preparing for Perfection Patient safety plays an intricate role in the nursing profession. It is through the foundation of a germ free environment in which protocols are set in an effort to decrease patient morbidity and mortality. The operating room (OR) is a major sector of hospitals in which its core is maintaining an environment of sterility in an effort to reduce hospital acquired infections or surgical wound infections (Duncan & Mayo, 2004). The OR is a fast paced nursing specialty requiring expert training and mentorship for perspective candidates. According to Burnette (2007), nursing students felt like they were not adequately trained for the complexity of the OR during nursing school. As an effort to combat this, The Methodist Hospital began the Methodist Advancement into Professional Practice Program (MAPP). MAPP students are senior professional nursing school students with an interest of pursuing a career as an OR nurse. The internship is an aggressive two month program focusing on the skills required to function as a highly trained OR nurse. In an effort to uphold recommended standards and practices, the core curriculum is based on the fundamental elements of the Association of PeriOperative Nurses (AORN). During the first two weeks students began their training in a classroom setting where were introduced to the basic concepts of the OR. The next six weeks students will be engage in...
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...Mentorship Competency The success of any nursing student in any program in any clinical setting is multi-faceted enhancing the complicated nature of education and the perception of competencies whether student or educator. This is an important concept to be sensitive to as the process of moving forward with the knowledge and skill-sets needs to be supported and nurtured in order to facilitate the standard of care that is safe, accountable, and competent. The expectations of students within academia and within the staff mix on units can vary giving students a sense of role ambiguity diminishing the sense of belonging and taking away from the clinical learning experience. According to Higgins, Lathlean, Levett-Jones, & McMillan (2009),“Nursing students’ motivation and capacity to learn, self-concept, confidence, the extent to which they are willing to question or conform to poor practice and their future career decisions are influenced by the extent to which they experience belongingness (p.316).”Acceptance by senior and experienced nurses plays a pivotal role in the development of self-concept and application of theoretical perspectives into practice. Negative experiences with staff are detrimental to the learning process by creating environments of stress, anxiety, and an overall feeling of un-acceptance by staff, and at times, instructors. This can be attributed to the many factors that are influencing the profession of nursing including increased workloads, decreased staffing...
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...replication study. Nursing Ethics, 18(1), 54-63. doi: 10.1177/0969733010386162 The authors of this article were one Shelia Catlett of Western Kentucky University and Fairview Community Clinic, USA and one Sherry R Lovan also from Western Kentucky University, USA. Both authors conducted a qualitative research study, which was also a replication of a study published in 2002, investigating the qualities of a good nurse and the role ethics plays in decision making. Ethics refers to the moral code for nursing and is based on obligation to service and respect for human life. Ethical Knowledge occurs as moral dilemmas arise in situations of ambiguity and uncertainty, and when consequences are difficult to predict (McEwen Wills, 2011). Ethics in nursing is used to guide and direct nurses conduct and practices. It requires experiential of social values and ethical reasoning. Its main focus is on matters of obligation, what ought to be done, what is right, wrong and responsible. The study implemented modification related to the research questions, sample selection, data collection and Atlas.ti software for qualitative data for the purpose of providing ease of coding, viewing, mapping and storing the data for retrieval analysis. The main focus of this replication study was to understand what it means to be a good nurse and do the right thing. This research provided current and allied literature to the relationship between ethics and good nursing practice. They study was carried...
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...2009 Nursing Turnover: Costs, Causes, & Solutions Steven T. Hunt, Ph.D., SPHR Director of Business Transformation SuccessFactors Inc. (www.successfactors.com) E-mail: shunt@successfactors.com Copyright © 2009 SuccessFactors, Inc. Invest in People …. Drive Business Results SuccessFactors Healthcare Executive Summary Nursing turnover is a major issue impacting the performance and profitability of healthcare organizations. Healthcare organizations require a stable, highly trained and fully engaged nursing staff to provide effective levels of patient care. The financial cost of losing a single nurse has been calculated to equal about twice the nurse’s annual salaryi. The average hospital is estimated to lose about $300,000 per year for each percentage increase in annual nurse turnoverii. Losing these critical employees negatively impacts the bottom line of healthcare organizations in a variety of ways including: Decreased quality of patient care Increased contingent staff costs Increased staffing costs Loss of patients Increased nurse and medical staff turnover Increased accident and absenteeism rates The primary causes of nurse turnover can be analyzed by I) understanding why nurses choose to work for an organization and ensuring this ‘employee value proposition’ is met; and II) identifying things that occur after nurses are hired that lead them to quit even though their initial job expectations were met. I. Primary factors that influence...
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...Family Running head: Family Assessment My Sister’s Keeper Assessment of the Fitzgerald Family SBSN 360P Professor D. Hoitt, MSN, RN 21 March 2013 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to provide a selective assessment of the functional status of the Fitzgerald family. This premise of this assessment is to define areas of strength and or weakness is the family system. Due to the limited amount of contact with its members, this evaluation is not to be viewed as a comprehensive and exhaustive list of findings for this social unit. This is merely a limited overview of the family’s ability to cope and grow in spite of the chronic condition of promyelocytic leukemia in the eldest daughter. Identifying Data “My Sister’s Keeper” film adaptation revolves around the Fitzgerald family. Sickness causes the Fitzgerald family to stray from the traditional nuclear family model and become and extended family. The extended family includes at least one parent, at least one child, and at least one other non- parent/sibling member. (Hockenberry & Wilson, 2009)The story chronicles the events surrounding the life of Kate Fitzgerald, who is suffering from promyelocytic lymphoma. The story is told mainly from the perspective of Kate’s eleven year old sister, Anna Fitzgerald, who was genetically engineered for spare parts. We also get brief glimpses at the perspectives of her parents, Brian and Sara Fitzgerald. Very little time is spent portraying her brother, Jesse...
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...ARE AND NURSES 1 Literature Review Nursing shortage is acknowledged nationwide as a problem in the health care sector that has generated a body of research by various scholars. A review of the existing literature was done using EBSCO Host and Cochrane data bases with the goal of exploring the nature of nursing shortages in hospitals and other health care facilities. The search keywords include nursing shortage, stress, work environment, job satisfaction, economic crisis and hospitals, and quality of patient care. The body of literature reviewed indicated that nursing shortage impacts on the quality of patients’ care, as well as the nurses who feel the direct impact of these shortages. A major research gap in the body of literature was found to be the failure to examine the role of the poor economic conditions that all sectors are being faced with, including the health care sector, in exacerbating the nursing shortages since 2008, which is worsening by the day. Framework This review of literature on nursing shortage was done within the frame work of the general theory of nursing, which explains the purpose of nursing as that of assisting patients to achieve their highest possible level of physical, mental/emotional and spiritual well being. Simply put, the nursing theory is about facilitating healing. But the reality is that some nurses, in no small percentage, are working in conditions that do not lend credence to this nursing theory. The current working conditions in hospitals...
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...Developing an Effective Health Care Workforce Planning Model Contents Executive Summary...................................................................................................................1 Getting Started with a Workforce Planning Model .................................................................2 Data – Collecting, Understanding, and Using ........................................................................3 Strategy – Understanding and Addressing the Business Need .............................................9 Planning – How to be Prepared for the Future .....................................................................12 Evaluation – Understanding Success ..................................................................................21 Conclusion ...............................................................................................................................23 Literature Review ....................................................................................................................24 Acknowledgements.................................................................................................................26 Executive Summary is aging at a rapid rate; health care reform is expected to bring millions more patients into the system; and there are anticipated shortages in numbers of trained health care professionals to care for these patients. Therefore, the need to start now to develop more effective and efficient...
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...Nursing 101 The Art and Science of Nursing Spring 2013 PRE-REQUISITES AND CO-REQUISITES: None COURSE CREDITS AND COURSE HOURS: 3 credits (3, 1, 2) GRADING SCALE: Refer to 2011/2012 CNC Calendar, p. 110 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces the beginning student to the dimensions of professional nursing practice. Through group and individual learning activities, students are introduced to concepts, professional nursing practice, issues & trends in nursing, and the Canadian health care system. This course establishes the foundation for your future nursing career. COURSE STRUCTURE: Classes are delivered using lecture, discussion, group work, and lab and clinical experiences. There is also an online component to the course. Please visit the Nursing 101 Moodle shell regularly for readings and submission of assignments. There are required readings assigned for each week and material from these readings will be applied during class activities. It is expected that students will have completed the required readings, as this will help facilitate each students’ active participation in the course and the achievement of learning outcomes. All required and supplemental readings are testable material. STUDENT REQUIREMENTS: PARTICIPATION IN ALL LAB AND CLINICAL SESSIONS IS MANDATORY. FAILURE TO ATTEND YOUR SCHEDULED SESSION WILL RESULT IN FAILURE OF NURSING 101. (See policy regarding illness in student handbook & CRNBC Fitness to Practice Requirements). You must...
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...Personal Development Plan By Nidhi Shukla | Carlow University EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Combining business school education, professional/personal development training, and self-education along with life experiences has directed me toward beginning a career as a business analyst and later on being an entrepreneur. I have been taking classes and exploring various business opportunities as well. I am an MBA student at Carlow University. I have masters in Physics and English from India and during the course of my graduation, and have also studied various art mediums to explore creative talents. I have decided to combine those strengths and interests into my career path. Now that graduation is closer it is time to formulate and begin executing a plan for the next 5 to 10 years of my life. INTRODUCTION During my education and my career as a high school teacher, I have learnt that leadership is a critical management skill and an ability to motivate a group of people toward a common goal. These items help to develop a person’s skills as a leader. Personal Development Planning is useful in this regard as it is a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance and/or achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development. The benefits of PDP are numerous. PDP processes are designed to improve the capacity of individuals to understand what and how they are learning, and to review, plan and take responsibility...
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...Copyright © eContent Management Pty Ltd. Contemporary Nurse (2011) 39(2): 256–272. Registered nurses returning to school for a bachelors degree in nursing: Issues emerging from a meta-analysis of the research TANYA K ALTMANN Division of Nursing, Sacramento State University, Sacramento, CA, USA ABSTRACT This literature review was conducted to determine what is known about nurses’ attitudes and perceptions about returning to school. There are four societal influences making nursing continuing education important: (1) Many nurses are still practicing with an Associate’s degree or diploma and few continue their formal education; (2) Recent studies have indicated that there are improved patient outcomes in hospitals which employ higher educated nurses; (3) A poor economy during a nursing shortage means high demand and less incentive for nurses to return to school for higher education; and (4) The worsening faculty shortage means an increased need for nurses to advance their education. Understanding nurses’ attitudes and perceptions may help identify gaps in our knowledge, determine ways to foster positive attitudes toward education learning among nurses, and allow us to entice nurses to return to school. It may also identify crucial steps to ensure the provision of quality healthcare. Keywords: nursing; attitudes; continuing education; RN-BSN; post-registration education; literature review THE PROBLEM H ealthcare is a fast paced, dynamic environment where providers...
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...PROBLEM There are various controls within the organization that betterment the behavior of the employees for best results. Controls on personal career, development etc is not being given prime importance in many organizations. This may lead to damages to the working of the organization thereby affecting image, reputation and goodwill of the organization. The problem lies in organization not making a sincere attempt to concentrate on such problems. The aim of this study is to analyze and find solutions to these burning issues REVIEW OF LITERATURE A literature is...
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...Unit 1: Developing Effective Communication in Health and Social Care Unit code: R/600/8939 QCF Level 3: BTEC Nationals Credit value: 10 Guided learning hours: 60 Aim and purpose This unit aims to enable learners to understand effective communication, the barriers that may exist and ways to overcome these. The unit will give learners the opportunity to gain the interpersonal skills needed to embark on a career within the health or social care sectors. Unit introduction This is a core unit within the programme, recognising the fact that effective communication is central to all work in the health and social care sectors. Professionals within the sectors require good communication and interpersonal skills to perform their roles effectively, work cooperatively with colleagues and build supportive relationships with people using services. It is, therefore, important for all those embarking on a career in the health or social care sectors to gain knowledge, understanding and the skills associated with communication, so that they are able to develop effective interpersonal skills. Initially, learners will investigate what is meant by effective communication and interpersonal skills and how these may affect the outcomes for people who use services. Learners will consider the factors that influence communication and interactions, analysing theories which may help to explain why there may be difficulties, possible breakdowns in communication and...
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