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Medical Errors In The Hot Zone

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Everyone makes mistakes, but sometimes it’s the slightest one that can make everything change. In the narrative nonfiction text, the author uses the use of different characters to portray the harmful effects of viruses that can contribute to the cause of death. However, going deeper in the novel, the author indirectly tells the audience that even the slenderest mistake will cause an outbreak and may eventually lead to an epidemic. It’s crucial that medical mistakes don’t occur no matter the scenario, especially in a Level 4 ‘hot zone,’ a highly dangerous area. In The Hot Zone: A Terrifying True Story, by Richard Preston, the author diversifies the different medical errors that contributes to the spread of deadly viruses through demonstrating the usage of unsanitary needles and improper handling of equipment. Without a doubt, the author assuredly discloses that the usage of unsanitary needles is certainly one of the many forms of errors that induces the spread of diseases. To start it off, Richard Preston states, “The nuns and staff occasionally rinsed the needles in a pan of warm water after an injection, but more often they proceeded from shot to shot without rinsing the needle...mixing blood with blood” (Preston, 63). In this peculiar scene, in Yambuku Hospital, located in the Congo, Belgian nuns are giving out medical injections to people who have the fear that they could be infected or those whom already have Ebola. Through using improperly sterilized needles, Ebola and other diseases have a …show more content…
In Richard Preston’s narrative nonfiction text, The Hot Zone: A Terrifying True Story, the author uses a diverse selection of errors made by humans to indirectly show that it could potentially be a contribution to the spread of malignant diseases. Like dominos, an accidental negligible movement ends in a

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